Think about things more simply.

Why are so many people in the world trapped by psychological and mental illness? It’s because I don’t understand what’s going on with me. Of course, I don’t know how to get rid of it, but the biggest pusher is psychology itself. It obviously doesn’t know it, but it has to guide everyone under the banner of science and authority. The blind man showed the blind the way, and the result can be imagined. The biggest problem in psychology is to treat it as a disease and invent it without thousands of strange names. Isn’t it because this disease is incurable? It’s because I think I have to treat this disease. The concept of disease in psychology has mutilated and misled countless people. All these diseases are doomed to be in.

Once immersed in them, there will be no relief. As for why you have become the current state, I have said too much. Originally, it was very simple, but it was extremely complicated by psychological analysis, and it became more and more complicated. The way to get rid of it is really simple: really let nature take its course and do what you should do.

As for the symptoms, it’s just the appearance and result. If you ignore it, it will disappear. Otherwise, it will only be more and more serious. How did the name of the disease come from? That is, when the so-called experts don’t know why they don’t know what to do, the name of the disease comes, and they can be redressed with peace of mind, which can hurt the majority of the people. The blind man showed the blind the way, one was blind arrogant and confident, and the other was blindly superstitious, resulting in the vigourous development of these diseases around the world, and they all suffered unspeakably and did not know what had happened. Now the hospital is working hard on diagnosis and symptoms.

But that’s the result and not the reason. For example, if your face is dirty and you wash your face, it is useless for you to study the mirror in a different way. The most ridiculous thing about psychology is that it creates imaginary enemies for everyone, so that everyone can fight against them all their lives, enjoy it, be fascinated by it, suffer unspeakably, and don’t know it! One phenomenon, one symptom, can’t be explained, just set a name of the disease, it’s ridiculous!! In this world, many people believe that taking medicine can make you happy, and spending money can buy happiness, so it promotes the development and growth of psychology.

Originally, when depression was relieved, I was more motivated to take the initiative to talk about stressful things and then release pressure, instead of taking the initiative to say that it can treat depression. You can only target people with depression tendencies. A truly depressed person is isolated in his heart and unwilling to speak. The more you want to communicate with him, the more you will be rejected. In the end, it is counterproductive.

You know, taking medicine is nothing more than giving your brain a chance to rest, or relieving symptoms and treating the symptoms rather than the root causes. If it doesn’t make sense, you can only eat it for a lifetime. Everyone knows the side effects. No matter how serious the symptoms are, as long as you follow your symptoms, you will start to be wrong, and you will go in the wrong direction, and you will only sink deeper and deeper! It’s not for you to “cheat” yourself: “This disease doesn’t exist! The desperate situation does not exist!” You have to really realise this.


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