Things about healthy eating

A healthy diet is a comprehensive and balanced diet. Healthy food includes two prerequisites. First, the nutrition required by the human body must be completed mainly through diet. Secondly, adequate nutrition must be ensured on the premise of not exceeding the required calories, that is, the nutrients contained in the diet must be complete, the quantity is sufficient, and the proportion is appropriate. While meeting the needs of human physiological conditions, labour conditions and living environment, it will not lead to too many people with calories. Those who meet the above two conditions are called healthy diet, balanced diet, equal diet or reasonable diet. Food is diverse, mainly cereals, and human food is diverse. The nutrients contained in various foods are not exactly the same. Except for breast milk, no natural food can provide all the nutrients needed by the human body. A balanced diet must be composed of a variety of foods to meet the various nutritional needs of the human body and achieve the purpose of reasonable nutrition and health. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage people to eat a wide variety of foods.

A variety of foods should include the following five categories: the first category is cereals and potatoes: cereals include rice, noodles, miscellaneous grains, potatoes include potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava, etc., which mainly provide carbohydrates, protein, dietary fibre and B vitamins. The second category is animal food: including meat, food, fish, milk, eggs, etc., which mainly provides protein, fat, minerals, vitamin A and B vitamins. The third category is beans and their products: including soybeans and other dried beans, which mainly provide protein, fat, dietary fibre, minerals and B vitamins. The fourth category is vegetables and fruits: including fresh beans, roots, leafy vegetables, eggplants, etc., which mainly provide dietary fibre, minerals, vitamin C and carotene. The fifth category is pure thermal energy food: including animal and vegetable oil starch, edible sugar and alcohol, mainly providing vegetable oil and vitamin E and essential fatty acids. Grains are the main body of traditional Chinese meals. With the economic development and the improvement of life, people tend to eat more raw animal food.

According to the results of the 1992 National Nutrition Survey, the consumption of animal food in some relatively affluent families has exceeded the consumption of cereals. This “Westernised” or “rich” diet provides too much energy and fat, while the dietary fibre is too low, which is not conducive to the prevention of some chronic diseases. The main purpose of cereals is to remind people to maintain the good tradition of Chinese diet and prevent the disadvantages of diet in developed countries. In addition, pay attention to the thickness and fine matching, and often eat coarse grains, miscellaneous grains, etc. Don’t grind rice and wheat too much, otherwise most of the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients and dietary fibre contained in the surface of the grain will be lost to the bran. Eat more vegetables, fruits and potatoes. Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre. There are many kinds of vegetables, including the leaves, stems, flower moss, eggplants, fresh beans, edible algae, etc. The ingredients contained in different varieties are different, and even very different. Dark vegetables such as red, yellow and green contain more vitamins than light-coloured vegetables and general fruits. They are the main or important sources of carotene, vitamin B2, vitamin C and folic acid, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, iron), dietary fibre and natural antioxidants.

Wild fruits developed in China in recent years, such as roe, prickly pear, sea buckthorn, blackcurrant, etc., are also rich sources of vitamin C carotene. Some fruits contain less vitamins and some trace elements than fresh vegetables, but fruits contain more glucose, fructose, citric acid, malic acid, pectin and other substances than vegetables. Red and yellow fruits such as fresh dates, citrus, persimmons and apricots are rich sources of vitamin C and carotene. Potatoes are rich in starch, dietary fibre, and a variety of vitamins and minerals. Chinese residents have eaten less potatoes in the past 10 years, so they should be encouraged to eat more potatoes. Fat food rich in vegetables, fruits and potatoes plays a very important role in maintaining cardiovascular health and enhancing disease resistance, reducing the risk of dry eye disease in children and preventing certain cancers.

In addition to being rich in high-quality protein and vitamins, milk often eaten milk, beans or other products have a high calcium content and a high utilisation rate, which is an excellent source of natural calcium. The calcium provided by the diet of Chinese residents is generally low, with an average of only about half of the recommended supply. There are also many patients with infantile rickets in China, which may be related to dietary calcium deficiency. A lot of research work shows that calcium supplementation for children and adolescents can improve their bone density, thus delaying the rate of bone loss. Therefore, the production and consumption of milk should be vigourously developed. Beans are a traditional food in China, rich in high-quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids, calcium and vitamin BI, vitamin B2, niacin, etc. In order to increase the protein intake of the rural population and prevent the adverse effects of excessive consumption of meat in cities, we should vigourously promote the production and consumption of beans, especially soybeans and their products.

Eating an appropriate amount of fish, poultry, eggs, lean meat, and eating less fatty and fatty fish, poultry, eggs, lean meat and other animal foods are good sources of high-quality protein, fat-soluble vitamins and minerals. The amino acid composition of animal protein is more suitable for human needs and has a high lysine content, which is conducive to supplementing the deficiency of lysine in plant protein. Iron is well used in meat. Unsaturated fatty acids contained in fish, especially seafood, have the effect of reducing blood lipids and preventing thrombosis. Animal liver is extremely rich in vitamin A, and also contains vitamin B12, folic acid, etc. However, some organs, such as the brain and kidney, contain quite high cholesterol, which is not conducive to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The average amount of animal food eaten by a considerable number of cities and the vast majority of rural residents in China is not enough, and the intake should be appropriately increased. However, some residents in big cities eat too much animal food and don’t eat enough grains and vegetables, which is not good for health. Fatty and meat and oil are high-energy and high-fat foods. Excessive intake often causes fatten, and is a risk factor for some chronic diseases, so you should eat less.

At present, pork is still the main meat food of the Chinese people. The fat content of pork is high, and lean pork should be developed.

Animal foods such as chicken, fish, rabbit, and beef contain high protein and low fat, and produce much less energy than pork.

We should vigourously promote eating these foods and appropriately reduce the proportion of pork consumption.

Eating and physical activity should be balanced. Maintaining a suitable weight, eating and physical activity are the two main factors to control weight. Food provides human energy, and physical activity consumes energy. If the amount of food is too large and the amount of activity is insufficient, the excess energy will accumulate in the body in the form of fat prevention and increase the body weight for a long time. On the contrary, if the amount of food is insufficient and the amount of labour or exercise is too large, it can cause wasting due to lack of energy, resulting in a decline in labour ability Therefore, people need to maintain a balance between food intake and energy consumption.

Brain workers and people with less activity should exercise more and carry out appropriate exercises, such as fast walking, jogging, swimming, etc.

Slender children should increase their diet and fat intake to maintain normal growth and suitable weight. Excessive or low weight is an unhealthy sign, which can cause a decline in resistance to suffer from certain diseases, such as chronic diseases of the elderly or infectious diseases in children. Regular exercise will enhance the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory system, maintain a good physiological condition, improve work efficiency, regulate appetite, strengthen bones, and prevent osteopipsin. Generally, the energy of breakfast, lunch and dinner accounts for 30%, 40% and 30% of the total energy respectively.

Eating a light and less salty diet is good for health, that is, not too greasy, not too good, not too much animal food and fried or smoked food. At present, the intake of oil by urban residents is getting higher and higher, which is not good for health. Chinese residents consume too much salt, and the average value is more than twice as recommended by the World Health Organisation. The epidemiological investigation shows that the intake of sodium is very similar to that of hypertension, so it is not appropriate to eat too much salt. The World Health Organisation recommends that the daily amount of salt per person should not exceed 6 grams. In addition to salt, the source of dietary sodium also includes high-sodium foods such as soy sauce, finished vegetables, monosodium glutamate, and processed foods containing sodium. You should develop the habit of eating less salt from an early age.

For example, drinking should be limited to people often drink alcohol on holidays, festive and social occasions. High-level wine contains high energy and does not contain other nutrients. Unrestrained drinking.


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