Health care and longevity

1. Nourishing qi and blood medicinal diet: suitable for people with ordinary physique deficiency or post-disease qi and blood deficiency, such as Shiquan tonic soup, Bazhen cake, etc.

2. Tonic yin and yang medicinal diet: suitable for people with imbalance of yin and yang in the body, such as mulberry ointment with tonifying yin, cordyceps sinensis with tonifying yang, etc.

3. Medicinal diet for the conditioning of the five internal organs: It is suitable for people with weak and low functions of the five organs of the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney. It is used to nourish the liver, heart, spleen, lung and kidney with acid, bitterness, sweet, bitterness and salty. Such as spleen-strengthening ointment and kidney-nishing ointment.

4. Educational medicinal diet: suitable for people with mental retardation in the elderly and memory loss caused by various reasons, such as jujube kernel porridge, cypress kernel stewed pig heart, etc.

5. Mingmu medicinal diet: suitable for people with low vision and blurred vision, such as Huanglian sheep liver pills, cassia chicken liver soup, etc.

6. Smart Ear Medicinal Diet: It is suitable for people with deafness, tinnitus, and hearing loss caused by various reasons, such as magnet porridge, clear liver, smart ear, etc.

7. Longevity medicinal diet: It is suitable for elderly people who are recuperating, strengthening the body, maintaining health and preventing diseases, such as Qinggong Shoutao pills, Poora cake, etc.

(II) Beauty and hairdressing

1. Whitening and freckle-removing medicinal diet: suitable for people with black spots, dark spots and pigmentation on the skin, such as Baizhi Pore porridge, pearl mixed with mushrooms, etc., to beautify and white.

2. Moisturising and beauty medicinal diet: It is suitable for elderly people with ageing, flabby skin and unbalanced face. It has beauty and anti-ageing effects, such as Shayuan turtle soup, bamboo shoots braised sea cucumber, etc.

3. Weight loss and slimming medicinal diet: suitable for obese people, such as lotus leaf weight loss tea, ginseng chicken shredded winter melon soup, green tea, lemon tea, etc.

4. Black hair medicinal diet: suitable for people with hair loss, white hair and sparse hair, such as black sesame yam rice cake, black hair honey cream in Jishantang Experience, etc.

5. Tooth-fixing medicinal diet: suitable for elderly people with physical deficiency, loose teeth, and loss of teeth, such as kidney-fixing eight-treasure duck, golden marrow decoction, etc.

(3) Get rid of evil spirits and cure diseases

1. Medicinal diet: It has the effect of sweating, relieving muscles and relieving evil spirits, and is suitable for colds and the early stage of exoccultation. Such as green onion soup, fragrant drink, etc.

2. Heat-clearing medicinal diet: It has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, generating fluid and quenching thirst. It is suitable for the internal heat poison of the body, or the evidence that the residual heat has not been cleared. Such as white tiger soup, Qingshu Yiqi soup, etc.

3. Dispelling cold medicinal diet: It has the effect of warming the sun and dispelling the cold, and is suitable for the invasion of cold outside the body or the endogenous syndrome of deficiency cold. Such as Angelica ginger and mutton soup, Wujiapi wine, etc.

4. Digestive medicinal diet: It has the effect of strengthening the spleen and appetising, eliminating food accumulation, and is suitable for indigestion, food accumulation, abdominal distension and other diseases. Such as hawthorn cake, five champagne haw, etc.

5. Pedative medicinal diet: It has the effect of moisturising and smoothing, and is suitable for the disease of dry stool. Such as sesame seed sausage pills, honey sesame oil soup, etc.

6. Medicinal diet: It has the effect of removing dampness and urination. It is suitable for diseases such as less edema and less urination and unfavourable urination. Such as red bean carp soup, Poi steamed buns, etc.

7. Blood-activating medicinal diet: It has the function of activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, reducing swelling and relieving pain. It is suitable for internal blood stasis, fall injury and other diseases. Such as motherwort ointment, Angelica chicken, etc.

8. Qi medicine: It has the effect of regulating qi, regulating qi and relieving pain. It is suitable for liver qi stagnation, swelling and pain, qi stagnation and blood stasis and other certificates. Such as tangerine peel drink, Buddha’s hand wine, etc.

9. Phlegm-removing medicinal diet: It has the function of removing phlegm and relieving cough. It is suitable for coughing and phlegm, phlegm in the throat and other diseases. Such as pear paste candy, melon cake, etc.

10. Cough-relieving medicinal diet: It has the function of disclaiming the lungs and relieving cough, and is suitable for cough and other diseases. Steamed white pears, sugar orange cakes, etc.

11. Antiasthmatic medicinal diet: It has the effect of relieving cough and asthma, and is suitable for asthma and other diseases. Such as loofa nectar drink, persimmon cream sugar, etc.

12. Wind-extinguishing medicinal diet: It has the function of calming the liver and extinguishing the wind and calming shock. It is suitable for liver meridian wind fever, or deficiency wind internal movement. Such as chrysanthemum tea, sesame fish head, etc.

13. Anshen medicinal diet: It has the effect of nourishing the blood and nourishing the heart, calming the mind, and is suitable for insomnia, dreaminess, heart palpitations and other diseases. Such as cypress kernel porridge, sour jujube kernel soup, etc.

Detoxative diet: It has the effect of regulating the condition of the body, improving the function of the body, and expelling toxins from the body. It is suitable for body discomfort, acne and other ordinary fire poisons. Such as astragalus and sesame porridge, fresh bamboo shoots mixed with celery, etc.


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