Psychological health regimen

Researchers in the United States have found that anger and irritability can increase the content of C-reactive protein (CRP) in people’s blood, even 1 to 2 times higher than calm optimism. CRP can promote or aggravate intraarterial sclerosis through inflammatory reactions, thus becoming a risk factor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

According to a study by the Harvard School of Public Health in the United States, positive and optimistic people are less likely to suffer from heart disease. In the past 10 years, more than 1,300 healthy adults aged 21 to 80 have been tracked and observed, and it is found that every time the level of optimism of the observed increases, the risk of chest pain and heart disease will be reduced by The risk of non-fatal myocardial infarction and death from heart disease is significantly lower than that of other people.

After analysing the causes of 150 stroke patients, foreign envoys found that 22% of them had sudden movements and reactions before the stroke, including sudden movements and other excited reactions caused by sudden and rapid doorbells, phone calls.

Promote physical health with mental health

In order to promote physical exercise, ancient Greek scholars once put forward such a slogan: “A soundmind in a sound body.” Now people realise that mental and physical health are interrelated. Not only can physical health affect mental and mental health, but psychological health in turn will affect physical health.

In the course of decades of medical practice and research on health care, I have gradually formed some academic views on prevention, health care, treatment and rehabilitation: “The prevention and rehabilitation of diseases, injuries and disabilities should be based on prevention, community-based, integrated methods of traditional Chinese and Western medicine as means, and engineering technology and culture. Art is a supplement; special attention is paid to mental health and mental health care, and advocates the use of mental health to promote physical health. In these views, I emphasise the role of mental and mental health, which corresponds to the previous assertions of ancient Greek scholars. I add that “a sound body depends on a sound mind”, expressed in English, which is “A sound mind for a sound body” . Here, the difference between the words “in” and “for” shows the interdependence between mental (psychological) and physical health. There are many health families who hold the same view as me. Some of them also advocate that “the body must be healthy first”, and the heart strives for righteousness, understanding and clear mind.

The harm of seven bad emotions

Maintaining a balanced mentality is equivalent to grasping the golden key to good health. If you have a bad mentality, being anxious, angry, often afraid and nervous, etc. will cause harm to the body.

(1) Anger, excitement, anger: For people who already have potential pathogenic risk prisoners, anger, tantrums and excessive excitement can easily lead to stroke (stroke) and coronary heart disease. In recent years, researchers in the United States have found that anger and anger can increase the content of C-reactive protein (CRP) in people’s blood, even 1 to 2 times higher than calm optimism. CRP can promote or aggravate intraarterial sclerosis through inflammatory reactions, thus becoming a risk factor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

(2) Fear: It may be related to the occurrence and development of acute myocardial infarction

(3) Mental stress and stress: related to the occurrence and development of stroke, coronary heart disease, stomach and duodenal ulcers, tension headache, neck pain, low back pain, atherosclerosis, etc. Even sudden or short-term mental stress and stress can damage the arterial endothelial function and make platelet adhesion and aggravate arterial stiffness. It promotes brainwashing and vascular disease.

(4) Depression and anxiety: It can aggravate the risk of coronary heart disease and diabetes and aggravate the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and irritating colon syndrome, as well as the pain of rheumatoid arthritis and primary fibromyalgia syndrome.

(5) Serious mental trauma and compulsive behaviour: it may be related to the occurrence of some cancers.

(6) Pessimism, sadness, worry, emotional tension: reduce the function of the immune system, are prone to colds, and affect appetite and gastrointestinal function. Depression can reduce cognitive function.

(7) The elderly feel lonely, out of the group, and self-closed: it is easy to accelerate the decline of intelligence, and it is not conducive to social life functions such as interpersonal communication.

Five good mentalitys to protect health

To replace or prevent the bad mentality and emotions mentioned above and promote physical health, middle-aged and elderly people should develop a peaceful, peaceful and positive mentality.

A peaceful and serene mentality is a calm, stable and balanced mentality, which has several signs:

1 Keep the normal, or basically keep the normal, and there will be no extreme emotions such as great sadness, great joy, great anger, great worry, great fear, great shock, great resentment;

2 Moderate response to external stimuli or external events, not excessive or too depressing, and strive to control stress and mental stress;

3 The fluctuation of emotions can be self-adjusted, self-control, or rationally seek support from family, relatives, friends and society, so as to minimise the degree of fluctuation and its impact, and restore normal as soon as possible.

A positive (positive) mentality includes an optimistic mentality, a leisurely mentality, a tolerant mentality, an open-minded mentality and a grateful mentality, which are beneficial to life, health and work.

1. An optimistic attitude

Optimism is a manifestation of personality and temperament, as well as a psychological quality that can be cultivated and trained. Optimistic people always see more light and less dark in everything. They always believe that difficulties and problems can be overcome and solved through hard work, have confidence in the treatment and rehabilitation of their diseases, understand unfortunate events, accept reality and look forward to a turnaround, and summarise their mistakes and setbacks. Lessons learned, cheer up again. It is also noted that an optimistic attitude is always associated with positive actions to change all kinds of negative things with positive actions so that the expected results of optimism can be realised. In this sense, optimism is also an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.

According to a study by the Harvard School of Public Health in the United States, positive and optimists are less likely to suffer from heart disease. In the past 10 years, more than 1,300 healthy adults aged 21-80 were followed and observed, and it was found that the level of optimism of the observed increased by one level, and their chest pain increased.

And the risk of heart disease will be reduced by 25%, and the most optimistic people have a significantly lower risk of non-fatal myocardial infarction and death from heart disease than other people.

2. A leisurely mentality

This is a kind of mentality experienced when the body and mind are relaxed and leisurely. It is a relaxed and comfortable mentality that is free from mental tension, miscellaneous affairs and vulgar interference. There is no concern in the heart. It is definitely a relaxed and comfortable mentality liberated from “the heart of worry and labour in everything”. Although middle-aged people are still in the stage of struggling in life, they should also try to combine leisure and work and rest. There is always a period of time in a day, a few days in a month, and a few weeks in a year, so that they can have a leisurely mentality. As for the elderly, who have retired and retired, “has experienced all the rapids and loves quiet water”. When enjoying their old age, of course, they should often be in a “leisure mentality”.

A leisurely mentality is good for health in many ways. First of all, it avoids the adverse effects of mental tension and stress on health, and makes the functions of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels relatively smooth and stable. Secondly, it can improve the function of the immune system and enhance the resistance to diseases. In addition, scientists also found that a leisurely and relaxed mentality is conducive to the emergence of creativity and the flash of wisdom, For powerful labourers, people compare leisurely vacations to charging the human brain.


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