Pay attention to liver health

There is a very special internal organ in the human body. It has the largest volume and the most work, but it is a “stupid big man”. Because of its strong compensatory ability and no peripheral nerves inside, it will not easily cry for pain. Even if it has been damaged, it can complete the basic work. Yes, and this internal organ is: liver!

It seems that the liver is strong and has no peripheral nerves, but for people with liver disease, these two characteristics will become “murderers” that seriously threaten the health of the liver and the body. In fact, from a clinical point of view, liver disease is not completely traceable. After all, the manifestations of liver disease are diversified. If you can grasp these subtle changes, you may be able to find out liver lesions as soon as possible. There are liver problems, and the “lower body” will have 3 symptoms. If not, it means that the liver is not bad.

Three symptoms of poor liver

Symptom 1: The urine is dark yellow…

Bile generation and excretion are vital functions of the liver. If there is a problem with the liver, there will also be some abnormal reactions in the production and excretion of bile, like bilirubin in bile. The excretion is blocked and enters the blood, and then excreted through the urine, so the urine colour becomes darker. Therefore, when you go to the toilet, you might as well take a look at the colour of your urine to estimate whether your liver is healthy.

Symptom 2: The skin on the soles of the feet is yellow…

Because people’s feet have been tightly wrapped in socks and shoes for a long time, if they are infected with bacteria and in an airtight environment, they may cause bacterial infection. After being infected with bacteria, the colour of the soles of their feet may become waxy yellow. Excluding this situation, if the skin colour of the soles of the feet is found to be yellow, it may also indicate that the normal function of the liver has been affected, because the liver can secrete bile pigments and other substances, which need to be excreted in the body in the form of faeces or urine. If there is a problem with the liver, it will It causes the skin to turn yellow in the body.

Symptoms 3: Dry soles of feet…

Dry soles of feet do not mean that the cocoon on the feet are relatively dry, but that the feet will peel for no reason and peel for a long time, and sometimes the hands and feet will peel. This is also caused by poor liver function. The liver is mainly excreted and also contains blood. If the liver is damaged and cannot be excreted, the blood volume will also be reduced. The end of the body will be often ischaemic. If you can’t get enough nutrients, the feet will be dry and peeled.

Two major behaviours that hurt the liver. The liver is of great significance to everyone. So what people often say is that nourishing the liver is nourishing the life, but we have always been doing behaviours that hurt the liver. After a long time, the liver begins to retaliate. How many of the two recognised behaviours that hurt the liver the most?

No breakfast… Breakfast is especially important for human health. But many people would rather sleep a little longer than get up for breakfast. However, skipping breakfast will make the liver lose glycogen and make the liver weak. Moreover, it will increase the occurrence of cholecystitis and gallstones, which will also pose a threat to liver health.

Frequent alcoholism… The problem of alcohol harming the liver can be said to be a cliché, but many people just don’t pay attention to it and continue to drink. You know, the ethanol and acetaldehyde contained in alcohol can destroy the liver tissue and directly damage the liver. Moreover, the liver’s decomposition and metabolism of alcohol are things outside the scope of “normal” work, which will overload the liver. If you drink alcohol for a long time, it will also induce various liver diseases. This kind of liver disease caused by drinking is called alcoholic liver. It can be seen that we must be careful in our daily life to avoid accidentally injuring the liver. At ordinary times, we should also eat more liver-nourishing food. In the end, it is best to prevent more than cure.

Three things to easily nourish the liver. The liver is not good. Do these things more to make it easy for you to maintain your liver health. Eat more green leafy vegetables… Traditional Chinese medicine believes that “five colours nourish the five viscera, green into the liver”. Therefore, for people with poor liver, if you can eat more green leafy vegetables in your daily diet, it may help to maintain the health of your liver, such as Chinese cabbage, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, etc. are very good choices. It can not only help remove liver poison, but also help maintain liver health.

Drink more water… Drinking more water can help the effective detoxification of the liver. If possible, you can brew this tea. The effect is very good. In “Qianjin Recipe”, there are 3 grams of ganoderma lucidum, 10 grains of goji berries and 5 grams of astragalus. Put these ingredients together for drinking, which is also a Later, this prescription was known as “the first soup to nourish the liver”. It is recorded that “Qimu Ganoderma lucidum, its sweet taste, liver, kidney meridian” contains a large amount of Dendrobium, saponin and selenium, among which selenium can improve the regeneration function of liver cells, promote bile secretion, and restore normal liver function. Soaking together with astragalus and goji berries can help detoxify the liver, induce liver virus to lose its activity, reduce transaminase, inhibit liver virus replication, protect the liver, and promote liver cell regeneration.

Exercise more… When exercising, the blood circulation in the human body is accelerated and the detoxification ability is improved, which is conducive to relieving liver pressure and playing a role in protecting the liver. General aerobic exercise, such as swimming, jogging, rope skipping, etc., is good for the liver. However, pay attention to moderation when exercising. Excessive exercise will lead to the production of a large number of acidic metabolites in the body, which will increase the burden on the liver and is not conducive to liver health.


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