Pay attention to the mental health of college students

Health is not only free of disease, but also includes physical health, mental health, good social adaptation and moral health. Mental health is a kind of continuous good state of mind. In this state, individuals are in a positive state of cognitive activities, emotional reactions, and willful actions, and have normal and appropriate regulatory ability, and can give full play to their physical and mental potential.

Criteria for mental health of college students: 1. Psychological behaviour is in line with age characteristics; 2. Normal intelligence, strong interest in learning and thirst for knowledge; 3. Be able to maintain correct self-awareness and accept yourself; 4. Be able to coordinate and control emotions and maintain a good mood; 5. Strong will and self-control; 6. Able to maintain good environmental adaptability; 7 Harmonious interpersonal relations, willing to communicate; 8. Complete and harmonious personality.

The psychological quality of contemporary college students not only affects their own development, but also affects the improvement of the quality of the whole nation, and also the cultivation of talents across the century. A survey on the main qualities of contemporary people shows that the quality of contemporary people cannot meet the needs of social progress and development. The most lacking is psychological quality. The body is manifested as weak will, lack of ability to withstand setbacks, adaptability and self-reliance, lack of sense of competition and crisis, lack of self-confidence, strong dependence, etc. The reason is related to the fact that education does not attach importance to the cultivation and shaping of people’s psychological quality. Among college students, some people almost lose the desire and confidence to engage in all actions because of self-denial and self-rejection; some people have thought of suicide or self-destruction because of exam failure or frustration in love; some people are cynical or disillusioned because of unsatisfactory reality, and some people escape from group self-closure A large number of surveys show that the main reason for the high morbidity rate of college students in China is psychological disorders.Mental illness has become the main disease of college students. The specific manifestations are terror, anxiety, compulsion, depression and emotional crisis, neurasthenia, etc. Our school conducts a survey on the mental health status of freshmen every year. The results show that a large number of college students have poor psychological quality and different degrees of obstacles every year.

How to maintain mental health and solve the psychological problems encountered? That is to improve the comprehensive quality of students. Psychological quality is a relatively stable internal feature of psychology, including psychological elements such as personal mental outlook, temperament, personality and emotions. It is the basis for the formation and development of other qualities. In a complex and changing social environment, maintaining good psychological adaptation is to resist temptation. The key to enduring setbacks and realising self-regulation is that mental health education is the basic driving force for students’ personality development. Mental health education is closely related to the personality development of the educated, and directly affects the development level of the individual personality, so that itto achieve the purpose of psychological optimisation and improve personality.

Health is not innate. It needs to be formed by your own efforts and exercise in the good environment provided by the family school and society. At school, I have been a nucleic acid volunteer. Maybe some people will complain about how to do nucleic acid or it’s too hot, but every time I do nucleic acid is to ensure everyone’s safety. Medical staff may come to put on protective clothing and do nucleic acid all morning just after the night shift. Our volunteers also inform in advance to do nucleic acid and put it. Items are in order again and again. However, there will also be contradictions in work. Some people will think that your hard work is performance, and then talk behind your back. For this reason, I cried a lot, but after crying, I was relieved by my housemate’s suggestion. After all, everyone sees my correct attitude, which shows that healthy psychology is important to us.

Therefore, if college students want to succeed and be happy, they must shape their good psychological quality and face the pressure from all sides. Only by balancing their own psychology and treating everything with a healthy mentality can we do things better.


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