Exercise regimen is a completely wrong behaviour.

You should know that for the general population, it is appropriate to exercise for 1-2 hours a day. Then within 1-2 hours of this exercise, no matter what kind of exercise, it will cause chronic exercise injury.

Chronic sports injury refers to the pathological phenomenon of the body that accumulates multiple minor injuries. The injured are often unable to be sure when and where it happened, but they are eventually found to be affected by sports performance.

For example:

1. Under the repeated and excessive use of muscles (tendons), it causes minor injuries to tendon continuity, resulting in chronic inflammation of tendons, which is called chronic tendonitis.

2. On the periphery of the tendons of the hands and feet, there is a tendon sheath containing lubricant, which has the effect of lubricating the tendon. Chronic tendon tenosynovitis is caused by long-term repeated overuse of tendons, resulting in frictional injuries, or acute tendon overuse that has not been completely cured, and continuous exercise and recurrent attacks. Because the lubrication of the tendon is limited, the tendon causes pain and makes a sound when moving.

3. Arthritis; There are many causes of arthritis. Arthritis caused by sports injuries refers to excessive load on the joints or heavy loads without proper training, resulting in degenerative lesions caused by joint injuries. Symptoms include pain and tenderness, but not necessarily swollen. When the joints move, there is often a sound, and sometimes there is swelling and pain or weakness.

4. Synovial cystitis; synovial cysts play an important role in cushioning near the joints. Once the joints are overloaded or injured, they will often cause synovial cyst inflammation. The symptoms are swelling, tenderness and joint movement disorders. Sometimes the symptoms are similar to arthritis and are not easy to diagnose.

The above information is excerpted from Dr. Wang Shunzheng’s book “Sports and Physiology” of Sun Yat-sen University.

Not to mention that for the vast majority of people, sports posture and improper breathing are more likely to cause problems. For example, “Liu Genghong”, which is very popular now, many people follow him to learn to jump and lose weight, but they have caused diseases one after another.

Xiao Chen, a Hangzhou girl, was a senior this year. She chose to exercise at home during the May Day holiday and followed Liu Yuhong’s video for three days of fitness exercises. Many people around me are following Liu Yuhong to jump the butter. I just want to jump and sweat together. Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, Xiao Chen, a 22-year-old college student, has been resting at home during the May Day holiday and practising in his spare time. Unexpectedly, on the last day of the holiday, Xiao Chen suddenly felt yellow in front of his eyes and confused, so he hurried to the hospital to see a doctor. After examination, it was found that Xiao Chen had retinal haemorrhage, and there was a small bleeding point next to the macular of the bottom of his eyes. That is, this bleeding point makes her feel a little red and yellow when she looks at things. Xiao Chen was diagnosed with retinal haemorrhage.

On April 22, a girl jumped with Liu Yuhong and injured her foot. Five minutes later, her foot was swollen like a steamed bun, hot compress, safflower oil… All kinds of methods were ineffective. After magnetic resonance examination, it was determined that the “preparibular ligament strain”. According to media reports, Xiaoqian, a 24-year-old woman living in Wuhan, followed Liu Yuhong for three days and had a ruptured corpusal body, resulting in abdominal bleeding. If she does not operate in time, she may have haemorrhagic shock at any time. After the operation, the doctor learned during the room inspection that Xiaoqian was unmarried. A few days before the onset of the disease, she insisted on jumping on the Internet celebrity sling every day. Combined with her menstrual cycle and other personal circumstances, it was finally determined that her corpus seal rupture was related to jumping.

The 25-year-old Xiao Tang often sits for a long time and suffers from low back pain. After jumping for more than a week, I began to feel pain in my waist and legs and pain in the perineal area. When he went to the hospital for examination, it was found that Xiao Tang originally had a lumbar L4-5 disc herniation. During this period, he continued to jump and pulled to the waist, which once again induced the disease.

The word health care was first seen in China’s Zhuangzi · Health Master. Health care is also known as health care, Taoism, health care, hygiene, health preservation, etc. The so-called “life” means life, survival and growth; the so-called “nurishing” means maintenance, recuperation and nourishment. Health science is a scientific method and theoretical system formed by following the development law of human life and realising the purpose of maintaining life, promoting health and extending life expectancy. Chinese health culture runs through the main veins of the Book of Changes, the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Sutra and the Tao Te Ching, forming the fundamental and foundation of Chinese health culture.

It can be seen that the ancients paid great attention to health preservation. In addition to recuperation, special attention is paid to activities and health care. Chinese people who advocate the way of moderation should pay attention to moderation in everything. In terms of health philosophy, we do not promote too intense sports, but very much.

The ancients’ health preservation techn

All exercise must be harmful, which is called the sequelae of exercise. The ancients were smart. They only talked about activities, not sports. Move the muscles and bones to unblock the qi and blood. The way of health preservation is all in activities. After a meal, you can walk to ninety-nine, and three hundred steps after a meal, you don’t have to go to the pharmacy. I’m sure I’ve heard it.

The best way to maintain health for ordinary people is to take a walk. After eating, walk slowly for a period of time at will, so that the blood is smooth, the muscles and bones are stretched, and the tension and anxiety are relieved. The heart is relaxed and happy, and the body and mind are in good. Due to the stress of work and lack of exercise every day, office workers often feel weak limbs, backache, and poor spirit. Recommending Baduan brocade exercises will definitely greatly improve your work efficiency and boost your spirit! What kind of exercise is enough? After practising, you just need to sweat slightly. After doing this, it will be done in about 15 to 20 minutes. Sweating slightly, which is the best effect.


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