Scientific exercise and health

“There is no absolutely static thing in the world, and everything is in motion” is an irrefutable fact. Therefore, countless scientists, philosophers and educators have used their own disciplinary theories to empathise and prove the famous saying that “life needs movement”. The purpose is to tell people the importance of sports. Many people are or preparing to practice, but a considerable number of people’s physical exercise is blind and unscientific. Here I call it “unhealthy exercise”, so how to do it as a healthy and scientific exercise? Since I have been engaged in physical education teaching for many years, I have a few understandings of scientific sports, and I will study them with you.

I. Exercise must follow the principle of appropriate load

In popular terms, “appropriate” means just right, that is to say, exercise must be completed with the right amount of exercise in order to achieve “suitable, coordinated and competent” physical exercise.

At present, many experts around the world have a consensus that suitable exercise load refers to 60% to 65% of my maximum exercise heart rate. The calculation method is: first to get the maximum exercise heart rate – male 220 (female 225) – age, and then get the target heart rate suitable for exercise load according to the maximum exercise heart rate × 65% (upper limit) to 60% (lower limit). For example, a male student is 18 years old. According to the above formula, his suitable exercise load should be controlled by a heart rate of 120 to 130 times. If the heart rate is too low, it will definitely not have an exercise effect. If the heart rate is too high, it may cause damage to the body or life disorders.

Sports are recognised as the best means to maintain physical and mental health. At the beginning of its establishment, the World Health Organisation launched the “Health for the Public” campaign in Fan countries around the world, aiming to mobilise people to participate in sports for health. Especially in the face of the current worldwide health crisis, the organisation believes that although the last society provides perfect medical security for the realisation of “health for all”, 60% of everyone’s health and life expectancy depends on themselves. As for whether you can seize such an opportunity in your own hands, the key is to pay attention to the warning signals sent by the body at any time. The simplest and most effective preventive measures still start with exercising your own body. During this period, following the principle of appropriate load for exercise is the key.

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II. The time of exercise varies from person to person

The ancients paid attention to “smelling the chicken and dancing”, and generally chose to exercise in the morning. However, there has been a debate in the scientific community today. Opponents say that there is more carbon dioxide in the air in the morning and the pollution is serious. But I think the air is at least fresher than in a closed bedroom for a night. Besides, the pollution of car exhaust during the day is also very serious, and it can also release lead, heavy metals and some chemical waste. All the environment is not a problem. The problem lies in the age and physique of the athletes. I don’t agree with the weak elderly, children and patients in the recovery process of morning exercise. Especially in winter morning, this group’s morning exercise will affect their health, and the probability of flu and other diseases is very high, so I don’t agree. For ordinary people, from 8 o’clock to 12 o’clock every day, 14 o’clock to 17 o’clock is the time when muscle speed, strength and endurance are in the best state. If you do fitness exercise and exercise training during this time, you will receive better results. From 3 o’clock to 5 o’clock, from 12 o’clock to 14 o’clock is in a relatively low state. If you engage in sports at this time, you are prone to fatigue, and when the “load” is too large, the probability of sports injury is high.

“Night is the best time to exercise” is a popular saying recently. Of course, this saying comes from abroad. According to the data, researchers at the University of Chicago, American scientists, said: “At night or at night, corticosteroids related to fat metabolism and thyroid-stimulating hormones related to muscle repair (in the blood) rise sharply.” But I don’t agree. Due to different national conditions, lifestyles, habits and other differences are very different. I am more in favour of “living at sunset”.

So when is exercise the most scientific for you? In recent years, scientists have been constantly exploring the relationship between the biological clock and the question of movement in order to find a time that can consume the most fat every day. It is found that the change of body temperature will affect the quality and effect of exercise to the greatest extent. That is to say, when you exercise, the higher your body temperature, the better your exercise effect will be.

Of course, the current social competition is fierce. Everyone is busy with work and career, and it is difficult to exercise in the most scientific time. Then take time to exercise. As long as you follow the first point of the appropriate load, you can also achieve a good exercise effect.

III. Sports events must vary from person to person.

For young people, they are energetic and can choose high-intensity aerobic exercises, such as running, boxing, and various confrontational ball games. These high-intensity sports can quickly and effectively relieve mental stress, make the muscles of the whole body more developed, and can enhance the coordination between endurance and the body, and maintain a good physical condition. The 30- to 40-year-old middle-aged people are suitable for climbing, pedaling, boxing, tennis, swimming and other exercises to strengthen the muscles of the whole body, which can help maintain normal weight and delay ageing. People around the age of 50 have different degrees of mental and physical decline, which is suitable for slow walking, playing table tennis and some chess, fitness equipment, etc., to strengthen the muscle and bone density of the whole body and improve the satisfaction of self-image. People in their sixties have begun to move towards ageing, so they can walk, dance ballroom dance, do yoga and other sports without strenuous exercise in this Q document. Walking can strengthen the legs and help prevent osteoporosis and joint tension; ballroom dancing can enhance the sense of rhythm, coordination and elegance of the whole body, which is very suitable for people who do not exercise often to choose to try; yoga can make the whole body more elastic and balanced, and can prevent physical injuries. These items are not fierce sports, but in addition to fitness, the maximum function of exercise can also make people energetic and strengthen social interest. It is a good way for the elderly to maintain a young mentality.


IV. The exercise process must be gradual, and it is important to adhere to it.

Before entering the exercise state, you should prepare for activities. There should be a gradual process of bearing the exercise load, and you should increase the number of exercises before increasing the intensity of exercise. Don’t be too hasty. It should be according to the laws of human cognition. Everything that recognises things has a process of “from shallow to deep”.

“Flowing water does not rot” is the most common natural phenomenon, and it is also applicable to the state of exercise. Persistence in sports is not just for longevity. This is the best way to maintain a harmonious balance between life and the universe of eternal movement and the nature that nurtures human beings. In this way, you will not be sick, hospitalised for a long time, or be lazy and bored, so that you will lay a solid foundation for health when you are young, and you will be young and young, so that you can deeply feel the value of life and the endless fun of life.

“Life lies in exercise”, so people wisely regard physical exercise as the best choice for a healthy lifestyle, and only scientific exercise can improve this choice.


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