Three habits are the “true culprit” that accelerates women’s ageing!

Woman, when you see this title about “ageing”, please relax and face every change in your body.

Don’t be nervous and afraid. After all, knowing more about yourself can better adjust your life or some habits.

In fact, ageing is not terrible. The terrible thing is that you have been avoiding it and dare not face it, which eventually leads to the acceleration of ageing.

So, if you want to fight against ageing, you need to know what changes your body will have before ageing.

When women begin to age, there will be four changes in the body. If one does not occupy, congratulations, you are still young.

1. Changes in hairline

There is such a description in ancient literature that “the essence of kidney qi lies in hair…” With the increase of age, people’s kidney qi also turns from prosperity to decline. Therefore, hair is the first to perceive and “fadet”. The specific performance is that the hairline is back, the hair volume becomes less, and the hair loss is serious… This makes many women miserable, so once there is such an embarrassing situation, don’t just start with hair care, but better tonify the kidney.

2. Early menopause

Female menopause means a decline in ovarian function. Generally speaking, women’s menopause is about 45-55 years old; if menopause is advanced, that is to say, before the age of 45, menopause begins. Then, it is very likely that it is “premature ovarian failure”, and oestrogen is no longer secreted. Generally speaking, the cause of this situation is not clear, which may be related to the change of female friends’ lifestyle or the increase of mental stress. Once the menopause is advanced, it means that it has entered the ageing period early, and it is also easy to cause women’s insomnia and dreams, irritability, and induce a series of diseases.

3. Increased wrinkles

Wrinkles are definitely an obvious feature of ageing. Whether it is eye corner lines, head-up lines, Sichuan lines, or decree lines. Once there are more and more wrinkles, then you are no longer young.

4. The neck circumference becomes larger

As women grow older, their metabolism slows down, and a large number of middle-aged people are prone to gain weight. At this time, the neck will also become thicker and the neck circumference will increase, which not only looks old, but also is not conducive to health. Research shows that the thicker the neck, the greater the risk of cardiovascular disease. These three habits are the “true culprits” that accelerate women’s ageing! If not, it means that it is well maintained.

1. Insufficient drinking water

As the saying goes, water is the source of life! Drinking good water can not only improve the sub-health of the body, but also beautify the skin, regulate the digestive system and promote immune function. In Frontiers of Human Neuroscience, a study pointed out that drinking enough water can moisturise and clean the skin, and can also improve people’s emotional condition. If you don’t drink enough water, it will cause a lack of moisture in the deep cells of the skin, affect the synthesis of elastin and collagen, and cause the water content of the cuticle of the skin to be affected, and the skin is not shiny and rough.

2. Annoying about everything

All say, smile, ten years less. If you put a “bitter face” every day, it will make women age prematurely. There are troubles every day, and the sad face will make the skin cells lack nutrition, the skin on the face dry up, there will be wrinkles, and at the same time, it will deepen the “worry lines” on the face. Therefore, emotional stability is very important for endocrine balance. A woman with a gentle and tolerant heart is the most beautiful woman.

3. Heavy-mouthed diet

As we all know, the vast majority of female friends like spicy hot pot, French fries burgers, fried chicken, shabu-shabu and other heavy-flavoured foods. Unexpectedly, this kind of food will not only increase the burden on the stomach, but also easily cause more blockages in the body. In the long run, it will lead to women’s endocrine disorders, skin ageing, increased inflammation, and accelerate the ageing process of women.

Stick to 5 things to delay ageing and make you younger!

1. Always press the bamboo hole to save

Location: the facial eyebrows are sunken, and the forehead is cut.

It is commonly used to press the index finger and massage this point, which can promote microcirculation, increase the oxygen content and absorption rate of eye skin, and delay the appearance of crow’s feet in the eyes.

Press and knead for 5 minutes every day.

2. Drink more health tea

Mulberry leaf tea:

Mulberry leaves have the effects of evacuating wind and heat, clearing the lungs and moistening dryness, clearing the liver and eyes and other health care. Modern medical research shows that mulberry leaves contain a variety of amino acids and various vitamins, which can lower blood lipids, cholesterol, anti-thrombotic and anti-atherosclerosis. In addition, mulberry leaves can also play the effect of anti-ageing and anti-fatigue. It has a good skin beauty effect, especially for acne and brown spots on the face.

3. Smile often

As the saying goes, with a smile, ten years less. Women who often smile will become more and more beautiful and younger. And if you are full of sadness every day, the skin on your face will be dry and wrinkled, and at the same time, it will deepen the “sad lines” on the face! A woman who keeps smiling every day can not only train the apple muscle on her face, but also make her face delicate and not sag.

4. Supplement more vitamin C

Oranges, oranges, grapefruit, lemons, passion fruit, guava, etc. Vitamin C is a very strong antioxidant. In addition, it can also reduce the melanin of the skin, thus reducing dark spots and freckles, making the skin white and preventing ageing. Women should eat more fruits and supplement vitamin C for anti-oxidation.

5. Multi-Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is a dietary habit with low calorie but high nutritional value. This special diet structure emphasises eating more vegetables, fruits, fish, seafood, beans, and nuts, followed by cereals, and vegetable oils should be used when cooking. Relevant studies have also found that those elderly people who f

ollow Mediterranean eating habits have a larger brain capacity, which looks 5 years younger than those who follow traditional eating habits!


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