Keep a healthy mentality and help your health

The mentality is crucial to a person’s spiritual impact. All old people who live a long life and have a high quality of life are inseparable from a good mentality. This is just as we usually say, “Smile, ten years less”. If we can pay attention to a healthy mentality and be in a good psychological state in our daily life, we will have positive energy for work, life and even physical conditions!

A healthy mentality is optimistic! There is research and demonstration that positive emotions are good for good health. And optimism puts us in an open-minded, positive and non-consive pain. Lao Tzu said: Misfortune is the place to be blessed. It is also telling us that no matter what the  hardship is, we can eat well. No matter how tired we are, we can endure it. If we work hard in these places, we will grow up. Only a person who eats bitterness really understands sweetness and makes fun in bitterness. This joy is the real sweetness.

A healthy mentality is natural! People are actually the same as nature. There are times when they bloom, and when they grow roots after the flowers fade. The roots are raised well. Next time, the flowers will bloom more and more fruits will bear more. So how can people find out whether they have let nature take its course? In fact, if a person is sick, uncomfortable or uncomfortable, it is against nature. Once the habit is formed in the long run, it will greatly increase the chance of getting sick. This is the same as the traffic rules. If you violate the traffic rules, you may not have an accident, but the danger is obvious. Therefore, we should follow the nature of nature outside and nature of our own inner destiny, both of which are indispensable.

A healthy mentality is to live in the present! Wang Yangming has a poem: hunger comes to eat, tiredness comes to sleep, and only this is practised more mysterious. He said that he didn’t believe it with the world, but he looked for immortals from outside his body. To put it simply, it is to live in the present moment, focus on the things in front of you, and don’t think nonsense. In this era of information explosion, a person is tempted by countless information every day, which is largely distracting. Therefore, we should strive to maintain an ability to grasp the present and focus on the present in work and life. Only in this way can we have a good physical and mental state.

A healthy mentality is temperate! In the Tao Te Ching, it is said: “If you are contented, you will not be humiliated. If you know, you will not be defeated.” People should not have too many desires. You should know how to stop in moderation. Too much desire is the source of all pain, and human desire is endless. When this desire is satisfied, that desire will emerge. From then on, it will sink into the sea of desire and never extricate itself. Only by restraining your own desires can you reduce the distracting thoughts in your heart, calm your heart down in the true sense, and do something valuable and meaningful.

We need to learn to accept ourselves: we must learn to accept ourselves and love ourselves in life. If you always reject yourself, it will easily lead to guilt, shame and depression; Learn to let go: we should actively face the difficulties encountered in life, and we should also choose a positive and optimistic response to situations that we can’t control; Contact with others: keeping in touch with friends or family is beneficial to mental health. In this process, you can share your troubles or happiness with others, so as to experience the ups and downs in life; Avoid negative emotions: try to avoid negative emotions in life, take some difficult things as a challenge, and at the same time, keep yourself and learn to release pressure;

In a word, mentality is a comprehensive reflection of a person’s thoughts, emotions and attitudes, and a person’s words and deeds framework and reasons. And having a healthy mentality and being a person with mental health is not only beneficial to ourselves, but also cultivating a healthy mentality of our whole society, because each of us is a part of society.



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