People with a bad stomach have 4 abnormalities in their hands.

The stomach, the sea of the water valley, the great source of the six ins. In fact, it is pointed out that if a person has a bad stomach, it will inevitably affect the health of his internal organs! And as the saying goes: ten people have nine stomachs. It means that among the ten people, there will be nine people with a bad stomach. So, what are the physical manifestations of people with a bad stomach?

People with a bad stomach have four abnormalities in their hands, accounting for one, and they should also nourish their stomach well.

1. The palms are white

The stomach is a organ that mainly digests, absorbs and transports nutrients. Once the gastrointestinal function declines, the body is undernourished, the qi and blood are not running smoothly, and anaemia often occurs. The palm of the hand will be accompanied by regional whiteness, or the whole palm will be white in colour. Medically, it is suspected that there are superficial gastritis and other diseases.

2. Half-moon colour change of index finger

Most people know that there is a close relationship between the index finger and the stomach and large intestine. When the function of the stomach and large intestine is weakened, the half-moon marks of the index finger will change colour, generally from white to pink. That is to say, when the half-moon marks on the index finger appear pink, it means that the blood circulation of the stomach and large intestine is poor, and the appetite will decrease.

3. The nails are uneven

The nails are uneven. In daily life, they are often seen in depressions caused by trauma. It may also be due to the patient’s recent gastrointestinal problems, resulting in slow nail growth, resulting in the phenomenon that the newly grown nails are not flat enough, which is worse than the previous healthy nails.

4. Brown spots appear on the palm of the hand

According to the theory of meridians in traditional Chinese medicine, each of the five fingertips of the human body has meridians and points, which is closely related to the internal organs. Therefore, the shape, colour, texture and veins of human hands are closely related to health. When our intestines and stomach have lesions, a single brown spot will appear in the palm and stomach area. As the disease worsens, patients will have symptoms such as black stool, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting.

People with a bad stomach should do three less things!

1. Be less angry

As the saying goes, anger is the “source of all diseases”! Anger can damage the stomach and intestines, leading to “negative work” in the stomach, reducing blood flow in the stomach and making gastrointestinal peristalsis difficult. In addition, grumpy temper can also cause sympathetic excitement, which can lead to slowing down gastrointestinal peristalsis, loss of appetite, stomach disfunction, etc.

2. Fry less

Among the many foods, fried food is widely loved by adults and children. The food is crispy after deep-frying, and the taste becomes better. However, fried foods contain a large amount of trans fatty acids, leavening agents and pigments. At the same time, polymer dimers and trimers are produced after repeated high-temperature heating, which are more toxic. After frying, many foods contain a high concentration of acrylamide, which is a carcinogen that increases the risk of stomach cancer, bowel cancer and liver cancer.

3. Smoke less

There are 300 million smokers in China. Old smokers are used to smoking in the morning to cheer up. However, smoking on an empty stomach can cause damage to the stomach and increase the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Take care of your gastrointestinal health, remember more than 3, less than 3!

[More than 3]

1. Multiple rules

Eating a regular diet to ensure the punctuality of three meals is one of the necessary ways to take care of gastrointestinal health. The ideal diet mode should be from 7-9 a.m. to have breakfast, and the stomach is ordered at 12-13 o’clock in the morning; from 12 to 13 o’clock, have lunch, and eat it before time to protect the health of the small intestine; from 5-7 p.m., eat dinner, and eat around the time, which will not cause “un

2. Drink more tea

Fermented milk grass, soaking water instead of tea, has the effect of clearing stomach heat and eliminating gastritis. Modern pharmacological research shows that it has a broad-spectrum antibacterial effect. To a certain extent, it can replace clinical antibiotics and has a good effect on chronic gastritis and gastric ulcers. Some studies have shown that it can kill and inhibit Helicobacter pylori, promote ulcer surface healing, and reduce pain. Add the ginseng root to the water and drink 1-2 cups a day. The ginseng root contains crude fibre, oligosaccharide, etc., which is conducive to intestinal detoxification and prevention of constipation. Modern pharmacological research shows that it has multiple health effects such as improving human endocrine disorders, regulating gastrointestinal function, clearing the intestines and defecation, reducing fire and moistening dryness, slimming body skin care, and enhancing human immunity. Daily soaking in water can improve the intestinal environment, prevent constipation, and is beneficial to the prevention and treatment of colon cancer.

3. Press more acupuncture points

Middle acupuncture point: acupuncture point, refers to the stomach and stomach. It is 4 inches in the upper abdomen and navel. Zhongqi is the acupoint of the stomach, which can mobilise the vitality of the stomach meridian. Regular pressing and kneading can play a role in sootheing the liver and nourishing the stomach, and can also relieve some problems of indigestion. It is recommended to knead it before going to bed every night for 3-5 minutes.

[3 less]

1. Less sitting for a long time

Nowadays, many office workers are facing the computer every day, sitting for a long time and lacking exercise. This is very unfavourable for the stomach. Sitting for a long time will slow down gastrointestinal peristalsis. Its metabolites will stay in the intestine, stimulate the mucosa and intestinal wall, and damage gastrointestinal health. In addition, sitting for a long time will reduce the body’s immunity, lead to gastrointestinal regulation disorders, and endanger gastrointestinal health.

2. Be less angry

As the saying goes, anger hurts the body, and anger is the source of all diseases! This is because anger will not only damage the gastrointestinal tract, but also lead to gastrointestinal disfunction and difficulty in gastrointestinal peristalsis; it will also cause sympathetic excitement, loss of appetite, indigestion and other conditions.

3. Less tobacco and alcohol

Smoking and drinking are the pathogenic factors of almost all diseases! Long-term heavy smoking will stimulate the health of the gastrointestinal tract for a long time and even cause lesions; long-term heavy drinking will easily damage the gastrointestinal mucosa and affect its normal operation.


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