The liver is tears, the heart is sweat, and the kidney is the saliva. Teach you whether the heart, liver and kidney are healthy.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the five liquids, that is, the five liquids of human tears, sweat, saliva, saliva and saliva, correspond to the five organs of the person respectively. There is an explanation in Suwen: the five viscera liquid, the heart is sweat, the lungs are snot, the liver is tears, the spleen is saliva, and the kidney is saliva, which is called the five fluids.

Today, I will mainly explain the “three liquids”, that is, the heart, liver and kidneys.

The liver is tears, the heart is sweat, and the kidney is the saliva. Teach you whether the heart, liver and kidney are healthy.

I. Liver: tears

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the liver is enlightened in the eyes, the blood of the liver and the fluid of the liver are full, and overflowing in the eyes is tears.

Tears can moisturise the eyes. If there is a liver disease, it will appear from the abnormality of tears.

With few tears and dry eyes, the lack of liver yin and blood should nourish the liver and nourish the blood;

Tears in the wind, itchy eyes, for the liver to experience wind evil, should use less eyes, keep clean;

The tears are hot and sticky, and the eyes are afraid of light and painful. For the liver, you can dip a cotton swab in water and wipe the tear sac several times a day.

To maintain the liver, remember that the liver has “one fear and two joys”

1. The liver is afraid of mould

“Mold” refers to mouldy food, because mouldy food contains a lot of aflatoxin, which is a strong carcinogen.

Life mainly exists in grains, long-lasting chopping boards, rotten fruits, and mouldy nuts.

Aflatoxin is very destructive to liver tissue and can lead to liver cancer.

2. Liver-happy massage

Pressing and rubbing the liver and Yu acupoint can soothe the liver and relieve qi, reduce fire and heat, and perform qi and relieve pain. The liver and Yu acupoint is located on the back, under the 9th thoracic spine, 1.5 inches on the side, which is a pool formed by the convergence of the vitality of the liver on the back of the body. Liver Yu acupoint can also be matched with Taichong acupoint. In traditional Chinese medicine, it belongs to the “Yuyuan matching acupoint” method, which can nourish the liver yin and nourish the liver and soften the liver.

3. Liver-happy protein

Eggs, tofu, milk and other high-protein, low-calorie foods are liver favourites. The rich protein in these foods, like the “maintenant” of the liver, can play a role in repairing liver cells and promoting liver cell regeneration.

II. Heart: Sweat

There are two main abnormalities of sweat: self-sweating and night sweating. If you can’t “hold” the heart fluid, you can see self-sweating. At this time, you should replenish qi and yang. If you have insufficient heart yin and blood, you are prone to night sweat. Patients with night sweats are hot and dry, so the room temperature should be low and wet.

To maintain the heart, keep in mind that there is “one fear and two joys”

1. Afraid of overwork

Long-term fatigue and staying up late will hurt the heart, easily induce myocardial infarction, and may even lead to heart failure. Therefore, in daily life, we should pay attention to self-reducing the burden. Don’t be too tired. It is necessary to combine work and rest, which is conducive to physical and mental health.

2. Joy and tranquillity

Calm down and concentrate, quietness leads to yin, and the coordination of yin and yang can maintain the heart. Keep spiritual tranquillity and tranquillity, so that people’s spirit will naturally be calm and their blood will be smooth.

3. Xinxiyin

Old berry tea, soaked in water to drink, can effectively prevent changes in the aorta and coronary atherosclerosis, and thus reduce the risk of myocardial infarction. Epidemiological data show that the intake of anthocyanins can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, including severe diseases such as myocardial infarction. Dark berries generally contain anthocyanins, and ageless berry tea is a “large family” of anthocyanins, which are even higher than blueberries. And ageless berries have good antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, which can effectively protect the cardiovascular system and inhibit vascular oxidative stress and inflammation.

III. Kidney: Saliva

The kidney qi is vigourous, and the yin essence of the kidney is filled with saliva in the mouth, which has the effect of moistening the mouth and dissolving food. A person’s abnormal changes in saliva can reflect kidney lesions. The mouth is bitter, the mouth is dry and less fluid, the waist and knees are weak, which is the liver and kidney yin deficiency, need more rest, avoid smoking and alcohol; more saliva or saliva is cold, should be warm and sunny, prevent external feelings, and how light.

To maintain the kidneys, remember that the kidney has “one fear and two joys”

1. The kidney is afraid of longitudinal. Want

The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Sutra once pointed out that when you are drunk in the room, you want to exhaust your essence. Doctors of all dynasties have also repeatedly emphasised the importance of maintaining kidney essence.

Experts say that modern people, if they live a lively and winey life because of their wealth, they don’t know how to give up “desire” and cherish their essence. In the end, they can only be gold and jade. If their kidneys are not good, their bodies will not be healthy.

Therefore, if you want to protect your kidney health, Desire is not feasible.

2. Kidney-loving water

“Dney main water”, drinking more water can promote the discharge of waste in the body with urine and reduce kidney damage. In addition, when drinking water, you can add some kidney-protecting tea, which is conducive to protecting the kidneys.

3. Kidneys like to warm feet

The kidney meridian originates from the soles of the feet, but the soles of the feet is a place that is easily attacked by cold air. Recently, the weather has gradually become colder, and it is necessary to protect the feet. On the one hand, you can wear thicker socks and shoes to avoid cold invasion; on the other hand, you can use hot water to soak your feet. There are many acupuncture points on the soles of the feet, which can play the role of massage and penetration when soaking the feet, thus protecting the kidneys.


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