After the beginning of autumn, it is the “golden period of detoxification”.

There are four situations in the body, indicating that there are more toxins in the body.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, there are many different types of toxins in our body. For example, blood stasis, phlegm, cold, food accumulation, qi depression, dampness and heat, etc., these toxins, which accumulate in our five internal organs, will accelerate the ageing speed of our internal organs; and then make the skin, muscles, bones, muscles, nerves, etc. supported by the five internal organs, also become ageing together.

After the beginning of autumn, it is the “golden period of detoxification”, which can pave the way for autumn and winter supplementation, otherwise the toxins will not be eliminated, and the autumn and winter supplementation will be twice the result with half the effort!

After the beginning of autumn, it is the “golden period of detoxification”. There are four situations in the body, indicating that there are more toxins in the body.

1. Itchy skin

The skin is the largest detoxifying organ in the human body, and it can excrete toxins by sweating. External stimuli, changes in living habits, endocrine disorders, etc. will cause skin metabolism and detoxification to weaken, and skin itching will appear.

2. The face is dark

The lungs in the body are the easiest places to accumulate toxins.

Every day, viruses, bacteria, dust and other substances in the air will enter the lungs through breathing.

If the lungs cannot successfully remove these toxins and accumulate too much in the body, it will easily be deposited on the skin, so the skin will appear dull and dull.

3. Constipation, bad breath

Most of these cases are caused by excessive intestinal toxins.

Too many intestinal toxins affect intestinal function, which is easy to lead to constipation, etc., and a large amount of toxins will be accumulated. These “garbage” are absorbed by the human body, which will be followed by gastrointestinal discomfort, bad breath, colour spots and other symptoms, resulting in the weakening of human organ function and a decline in resistance.

4. Severe acne

The accumulation of toxins in the liver can cause hormone imbalance, endocrine disorders, and skin problems, such as acne. The most terrible thing is that these acne caused by the accumulation of toxins in the liver can’t be removed through simple external cleaning! Therefore, if you find that you have acne, you must consider whether the liver is poisonous!

After the beginning of autumn, it is the “golden period of detoxification”. Remember: 3 eat, 4 more, 3 don’t!

[3 Eat]

1. Brown rice: intestinal detoxification

Brown rice is rich in B vitamins and vitamin E, which can promote blood circulation, continuously deliver energy to the intestines, promote the proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, and prevent constipation and intestinal cancer. Put brown rice and sea rice in the pot, add an appropriate amount of water and cook it into porridge, and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

2. Fruit detoxification

Naturally, there is no need to say more about fruits. Eat more watery fruits and supplement more vitamins. At the same time, acidic fruits are the best, such as strawberries, grapes, and apples, because they contain organic acids, pectin and other minerals, which can clean the stomach and strengthen the liver.

3. Mood detoxification

Maintaining a good mood every day can help relieve liver depression and promote liver health. If you are depressed, depressed, angry, narrow-minded, etc., it will “add a blockage” to the liver, make the liver unable to stretch, and the liver is depressed, which is harmful to the health of the liver. Therefore, it is also very important to keep a happy mood!


1. Sleep

Sleep detoxification is one of the simplest and most effective detoxification methods. On the one hand, the internal organs of the human body, through sleep, come from me to repair, which is conducive to detoxification and good health. On the other hand, when sleeping, the skin blood vessels are more open, which can supplement skin nutrients and oxygen, take away various excreta. Moreover, when sleeping, the human body has higher antioxidant enzyme activity, which can effectively clear the free radicals in the body and help health.

2. Detox tea

Dandelion Rose Tea: Liver and Kidney Detoxification (Dandelion, Yellow Wheat Beard, Jade Bamboo, Changbai Mountain Rose)

Yellow wheat whiskers are also what we often call corn whiskers. It can protect the liver and gallbladder, protect the kidney and detoxify, diuretic and reduce inflammation.

Jade bamboo can nourish the five internal organs, nourish kidney yin, and promote detoxification. Dandelion, which enters the liver meridian, is good at eliminating liver poison and enhancing the ability of liver detoxification.

The thorny rose of Changbai Mountain can soothe the liver and relieve depression, nourish the heart, liver and blood. It is mild in nature, and is matched together to reconcile the tea.

Ginseng root: intestinal detoxification

The ginseng root is a medicinal and food-use plant introduced from Europe, and its medicinal use is the rhizome. Wash it, cut it into sections, dry it, and drink it in water instead of tea, which can eliminate intestinal poison, improve intestinal flora, and protect the intestines. It contains inulin, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid and bitterness, and a large amount of dietary fibre, which can maintain the intestines and regulate intestinal flora. In addition, it also contains oligosaccharides, which has the effect of clearing intestinal detoxification, improving lipid metabolism, and promoting intestinal detoxification.

3. Dry face rubbing

Dry rubbing of the face can speed up facial blood circulation and help the skin detoxify. Moreover, on the front of the face, there is a foot yangming stomach meridian passing through. Frequent dry rubbing helps to maintain smoothness. The smoothness of the stomach menstrual flow has better digestion, better cooperation with the spleen, helps the absorption and transformation of food into nutrition, and helps the body detoxification.

4. Exercise

It is the best way to make your whole body sweat and detoxify. Sweating can speed up metabolism and promote human detoxification. At the same time, it can also promote the gradual conversion of fat into calories, which can make people lose weight. For example, doing some sports, running, playing ball, and yoga are all good choices.

[3 Don’t]

1. Don’t sit still

Especially for office workers who sit for a day, remember to move in their spare time. Because sitting for a long time will make people’s blood supply insufficient, aggravate fatigue and muscle soreness. In addition, practising exercise in autumn has the effect of protecting the lungs and fitness, and also helps the body detoxify.

2. Don’t smoke often

Many people believe that long-term smoking will only lead to dark lungs and damage lung health. But in fact, smoking is harmful to the whole body, including great damage to the liver. Long-term smoking will not only cause liver inflammation, but also accelerate liver fibrosis, seriously damaging liver function. In the long run, it will not only lead to liver poisoning, but also damage the liver and even induce cancer.

3. Don’t fall asleep with wet hair

Many people’s hair is wet. They sleep directly without drying or blowing, causing moisture to invade the body and dampness and poison. Therefore, it is best to blow dry your hair before going to bed. In addition, it is best not to wash your hair after 10 o’clock, because the pores of the scalp are open. If it is not fully blown through, it is easy to catch a cold and cause a headache.


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