Half of health is mental health, and half of disease is

Half of health is mental health, and half of the disease is mental illness. Mental illness refers to the phenomenon that a person deviates from the track of social life norms in his thinking, emotion and behaviour due to mental tension and interference. In modern society, people’s mental illness is very common, but there is a difference in degree. There are many kinds of mental diseases with different manifestations, and there are also many newly discovered mental diseases with the changes of the times. Now people have begun to realise the importance of mental health, paying more and more attention to the mental health status of themselves and their relatives and friends who are with them day and night.

So, what is a person with mental health?

Know yourself and accept yourself

A person with mental health can experience his own existence value. He can not only understand himself, but also accept himself. He is self-acherous and can make appropriate and objective evaluations of his own abilities, personality, strengths and weaknesses; he will not put forward harsh and indiscreet expectations and requirements for himself; he can also make his life goals and ideals. Be realistic, so you are always satisfied with yourself; strive to develop your own potential, even if you can deal with your irreparable defects.

A mentally unhealthy person lacks self-ascience and is always dissatisfied with himself; because the goals and ideals set are unrealistic, the subjective and objective distance is too far away, and he always blames himself, self-pity, and inferiority; because he always asks himself to be perfect, but he always can’t be perfect, so he always follows If you can’t live by yourself, your psychological state will never be balanced, and you will never be able to get rid of the psychological crisis you feel you are going to face.

Accept others and be kind to others.

People with mental health are willing to socialise with others. They can not only accept themselves, but also accept others and please others. It can recognise the importance and role of the existence of others, and it can also be understood and accepted by others and the collective. It can communicate and communicate with others, and the interpersonal relationship can be coordinated and harmonious. In the collective of life, it can not only share joy when gathering with close friends, but also have no loneliness when meditating alone. When getting along with others, Positive attitudes (such as sympathy, friendliness, trust, respect, etc.) are always more than negative attitudes (such as suspicion, jealousy, fear, hostility, etc.), so they have strong adaptability and a sufficient sense of security in social life. And mentally unhealthy people may often be outside the collective and incompatible with the surrounding personality.

Facing the reality and accepting it

People with mental health can be able to adapt to reality dyly, make objective understanding and evaluation of the surrounding things and environment, and maintain good contact with the real environment; they have ideals that are higher than reality, but they will not indulge in unrealistic fantasies and extravagance; they have full confidence in their own ability, and live, study and work. All kinds of difficulties and challenges can be properly handled. People who are psychologically unhealthy often replace reality with fantasy, do not dare to face reality, and do not have enough courage to accept the challenges of reality; they always complain that they are “born at the right time” or blame the social environment for being unfair to themselves, so they cannot adapt to the real environment.

Love life and be willing to work

People with mental health can enjoy the fun of life in life without thinking that life is a burden; they can give full play to their personality and intelligence as much as possible in their work, and get satisfaction and motivation from the results of their work, and regard work as a pleasure rather than a burden; they can accumulate all kinds of useful information in their work. Knowledge and skills are stored and extracted and used at any time to solve new problems that may be encountered and make your work behaviour more effective.

Be able to coordinate and control emotions, and have a good mood.

People with mental health are always happy, optimistic, cheerful, satisfied and other positive emotions. Although they also have negative emotional experiences such as sadness, sadness, sadness, anger, etc., they can moderately express and control their emotions. They are not ecstatic, not sad, not arrogant in victory, not discouraged, modest but not humble, self-respect, neither arrogant, nor arrogant Retreat and fear; don’t over-pursue what you can’t get, and try to meet your various needs within the scope of society; be satisfied with everything you can get.

Complete and harmonious personality

People with mental health, temperament, ability, personality and ideals, beliefs, motivations, interests, outlook on life and other aspects of balanced development, personality, as the overall spiritual outlook of people, can be expressed in a complete, coordinated and harmonious manner; their way of thinking about problems is moderate and reasonable, and they can take an appropriate and flexible attitude towards people. External stimuli will not have biased emotional and behavioural reactions; they can be in step with society and integrate with the collective.

The intelligence is normal, and the IQ is above 80 points.

Normal intelligence is the basic psychological condition for people to work and study in their normal life, and is an important standard for mental health. Generally, people with an IQ of less than 70 points are intellectually backward, and intellectually backwardness is difficult to be called mental health.

Psychological behaviour conforms to age characteristics

At different ages of human life development, there are corresponding psychological behaviours, thus forming unique psychological behaviour patterns at different ages. People with mental health should have the psychological and behavioural characteristics that most people of the same age meet. If a person’s psychological behaviour often seriously deviates from his age characteristics, it is generally a manifestation of psychological inhealth.


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