If you want a healthy liver, you should keep a few points in mind

Clinically, liver and gallbladder, like spleen and stomach diseases, are very common, and more common than other types of diseases, so what about today? Let’s find out what are the problems in the liver and how to regulate and maintain them. There are five common types in the liver, such as liver qi stagnation, liver fire inflammation, liver cold, liver yin deficiency, liver blood deficiency. Today, let’s analyse the symptoms in different situations one by one, and how to solve them.

First of all, let’s talk about the very common liver qi stagnation, which is familiar to everyone. Liver qi stagnation refers to the pathological changes of qi stagnation, emotional depression, and poor qi and blood smoothm. However, liver qi stagnation is not only what everyone thinks that love sulking belongs to liver qi stagnation, but also many other manifestations. What other manifestations of liver qi stagnation? Let’s talk about it one by one according to the light to the heavy. First, there will be a change in the mood, which will show that you will be depressed, always sighing, or irritable and irritable.

The second will show some swelling pain, such as chest tightness pain, lower abdominal distension pain, breast swelling pain, etc. Third, it will show that the neck and throat lesions, foreign body sensation in the throat, the symptoms that can not be swallowed or coughed, and the fourth will be manifested as frequent belching and hiccoughs. And it’s not that I burp and burp after eating enough, but when I’m on an empty stomach, even when I don’t eat, I also burp and burp, and even spit bitter water. The fifth long mass – whether it is cysts, fibroids, nodules or other lumps, such as female breast hyperplasia, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts and other gynaecological diseases. These are all manifestations of poor liver drainage.

Judging from the tongue image, the typical manifestation is that both sides of the tongue are swollen. For the syndrome type of liver qi stagnation, the typical prescription in our traditional Chinese medicine is Chaihu Shugan San. We can directly use the ready-made Chaihushu liver pills, which has a better effect on the stomach for liver qi. If the menstruation is abnormal due to liver qi stagnation, you can choose Xiaoyao pills. If it is accompanied by accumulation, or the state of qi stagnation and blood stasis, it can also be combined with laughter and scattered to adjust qi and blood at the same time.

Next, let’s talk about the second common phenomenon: liver fire inflammation, which is what we usually call “liver fire is relatively prosperous”. Liver fire refers to the heat shown by the yang qi of the liver. The liver is the liver, which has the physiological characteristics of rigidity and impatience, so clinical liver disease mostly shows symptoms caused by hyper-hyperity, hyperthermal fever, etc. What are the specific symptoms? The first is some manifestations of excessive internal heat, such as dry stool, hot and painful urination, red face and red eyes, hot face, bitter mouth dry mouth, insomnia and dreams. Second, it is also rib pain, but there are some differences between the pain characteristics of rib pain caused by liver fire and liver qi stagnation.

The stress pain of liver fire is mainly burning pain and irritability, and often vomits bitter water. The liver qi stagnation is mainly swelling and pain. Third, dizziness and headache, you will feel that the meridians of your head will jump, and we describe this pain as “painful as knife chopping” – just like the feeling of knife chopping down. Fourth, there will be sudden tinnitus. The tinnitus and deafness of liver inflammation are sudden attacks, unlike the kidney loss of tinnitus, which comes slowly and the sound is like a tide. That is to say, the sound is one after another, like the tide, and the sound is relatively loud. Even if you press the ear, the sound will not diminish.

In the fifth serious case, there will be blood fever, which is hot into the blood, which damages the blood collaterals, and there are symptoms of bleeding, and the amount of bleeding is relatively large, such as vomiting blood, urine blood and bleeding. The above are some manifestations of liver fire. From the tongue image, the tongue is red, or dark red, and red spots or purple spots will appear on both sides of the tongue. For this syndrome, the typical prescription corresponding to the clinic is gentian diarrhoea liver soup. The Chinese patent medicine we can buy in the pharmacy is gentian diarrhoea liver pills.

Well, let’s continue to talk about the third manifestation: cold condensation of the liver vein, which is what we call liver cold. Cold condensation of the liver vein refers to the syndrome of cold evil condensation of the liver vein. Most of them get sick because they feel cold and evil. If the cold air enters the liver vein, what symptoms will appear in the cold condensed liver vein? We say that cold mainly leads to stagnation of qi and blood, while the liver veins around the yin organ, which is less abdominal, so first of all, it will show less abdominal swelling. The pain is mainly swelling and pain, or the “falling pain” of the egg is mainly involved. The pain is relatively severe, and it will be aggravated after Secondly, the scrotal contraction, which is also a typical manifestation of cold stagnation and yin meridian liver veins. Sometimes it will be combined with less abdominal distension and pain, egg swelling and severe pain.

Including women’s uterine cold and irregular menstruation, the most classic prescription in our traditional Chinese medicine is to warm the liver. There is no patent medicine for warm drying and decoction. Let’s go back to choose warm meridian granules. Fortunately, let’s go on to the fourth manifestation: the lack of liver yin. The lack of liver yin refers to the lack of yin fluid in the liver. It is mainly some symptoms of yin deficiency. First of all, there are some Then sleep less and dream more. The second is dizziness and headache, dizziness and headache with insufficient liver yin. There are still some slight differences from the headache of liver fire mentioned above. The dizziness and headache of the lack of liver and yin shows that the leader is dizzy and dizzy. People feel like falling down, but there is no substantial sudden fainting.

The third is tinnitus and deafness, which is different from the tinnitus of liver fire inflammation we just talked about. It suddenly broke out, and the tinnitus and deafness with insufficient liver yin is gradually formed. Its sound is also relatively low. The fourth is the tremor of the limbs. The liver is the main tendon, and the liver yin deficiency will appear. Unconscious tremble, mainly the limbs are cramped. The fifth is the dry eyes, the liver is the main eyes, and the liquid is tears. There will be insufficient liver and yin, and some manifestations of dry and itchy eyes. In this case, there will be red tongue and fewer foetuses. In this case, there are more representative prescriptions, such as Zhang Jingyue’s consistent decoction. There are also Qiju Dihuang pills that we can buy at the pharmacy.

Well, let’s continue to talk about the fifth type of liver blood deficiency. In fact, liver yin deficiency includes liver blood deficiency, but one focusses more on fluid deficiency, and the other focusses more on blood deficiency, liver blood deficiency, which is mainly the symptoms of blood deficiency. First of all, we say that the liver is in the claws, and the liver blood deficiency will , second liver main eye, liver blood deficiency will appear, eyelids white, third, liver main tendon, liver blood deficiency will cause tendon loss, and there will be cramps and numbness of limbs.

The fourth woman is based on blood. If the liver blood is insufficient, the sea of blood will be empty. If she rushes, the amount of menstruation will be less, the colour will be light, and even amenorrhea. In this case, the tongue is light and white. In this case, we can choose Shiquan Da Bu Wan, or Ba Zhen Wan. If there is a symptom of yin deficiency, you can choose Gui Shao Dihuang Wan, which is a double tonic of Yin and blood.


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