When is the best time of the day to exercise? Know-how to lose weight!

Don’t exercise, don’t be crazy! In the park in the early morning, in the gym in the afternoon, on the road at night, you can see people exercising everywhere. So, when is the best time to exercise? Only in order to achieve the best exercise effect? Today, Xiaole will tell you the advantages and disadvantages of exercising at different times.

7.a.m Get up early to exercise, enhance vitality, lose weight quickly

Early morning exercise is conducive to improving nerve excitement, improving the efficiency of metabolism, and greatly helping to maintain a full mental and physical strength, so that you can devote yourself to a day’s work. A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition shows that exercising before breakfast can burn 20% more calories compared with exercising after breakfast. This is because, after a night of consumption, the body is basically unable to rely on food to provide energy on an empty stomach. At this time, exercise, in the absence of glycogen supplementation, the body itself will mobilise more fat decomposition to give the body function, long-term persistence, which is conducive to weight control and maintain body shape. However, when you get up and exercise in the morning, your body is a little stiff after a night’s rest. You must pay attention to warm-up before exercise to avoid injury. Before exercise, drink an appropriate amount of warm water to avoid dehydration during exercise. In order to ensure a day’s work and life, the intensity of exercise in the morning should not be too For safety reasons, it is not recommended for exercisers with hypoglycaemia to choose morning exercise.

3.p.m Exercise in the afternoon to improve sleep and sleep soundly

If you are troubled by insomnia and poor sleep quality, then try to exercise in the afternoon. A report in the Journal of Physiology pointed out that for people with biological clock disorders and low sleep quality, exercise can help adjust the biological clock and improve sleep. Moreover, in terms of exercise time, the effect of afternoon exercise is more obvious than in the morning.

But for most healthy people, sleep quality does not have much to do with the period of exercise. After physical exercise, our limbs and brain need to recover through sleep, and the physical fatigue caused by exercise can help us enter a state of rest faster. For most students and office workers, it is time to work and study at 3 p.m., so it is not realistic to work out during this period for a long time, and it needs to be adjusted according to their own situation.

5.p.m Evening exercise peak physical fitness good results

Modern exercise physiology research shows that the highest and lowest points of human physical strength are controlled by the body’s biological clock, and generally peak in the evening. At this time, the body temperature is higher than in the morning, the muscles and joints are more flexible, the heart beat and blood pressure are the most stable, the hormone and enzyme regulation ability in the body is in the , touch, vision, etc. are also the most sensitive. Therefore, it is generally believed that the effect of evening exercise is better, and the exercise performance will be higher. In addition, due to the peak of various physical functions in the afternoon, the probability of injury during exercise will be much smaller. It can be said that the risk of exercise can be avoided to the greatest extent while getting good results.

So, what kind of exercise is good at this time? According to the research of Albany Medical College in New York, our muscles are the most powerful in the afternoon, and you will definitely perform better when you do strength training in the gym at this time. Compared with noon, our lung function will increase by 17.6% at about 5 p.m., so aerobic cardiopulmonary endurance exercises are also a good choice.

7.p.m Exercise at night, enough time, high quality

I can’t get up in the morning, I don’t have time during the day, and exercising at night has become the first choice for most office workers. After a busy day of work, it is a good choice to talk to yourself through exercise and make yourself really happy. You can go to the gym to sweat like rain, go to the dance studio to release vitality, and you can also choose to wear dazzling equipment to run at night. The night in the city is also fashionable and wonderful.

Exercise at night will improve your body temperature and speed up your heart rate, which will help you improve your sleep quality. Exercise can relieve your stress, relax your body and mind after a tired day, consume the excess calories accumulated by the body during the day, maintain a high metabolic level, and allow you to have high energy consumption while sleeping.

However, when choosing to exercise at night, you must pay attention to the interval between dinner and exercise. Sports nutrition experts suggest that high-intensity exercise can be carried out 2 hours after meals; moderate exercise should be arranged 1 hour after meals; light exercise is most reasonable half an hour after meals. In addition, we should also pay attention to the choice of exercise mode, avoid too intense exercise, and end exercise 2 hours before going to bed, so as to avoid excessive sympathetic excitement affecting sleep. Friends who choose to run at night must choose professional equipment and pay attention to safety. Generally speaking, the time of exercise should be selected according to your actual situation, but the key is to stick to it! On the one hand, only long-term persistence can see results. On the other hand, the body slowly adapts. After forming a habit, the exercise performance will be better, and the weight loss effect will be better and more obvious~


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