The harm of alcohol to the body

Alcohol causes great harm to the human body, which may cause damage to the brain, liver, pancreas, heart and stomach organs of the human body, and can also cause malnutrition and alcoholism. The most important way to obtain alcohol is to drink alcohol, so it is recommended to drink as little as possible and less exposure to alcohol products in case of non-necessary cases to ensure good health.

I. Injury to organs:

1. Brain: Alcohol can cause stimulation to the nerves of the brain. In the short term, it is easy to cause excitement, excitement, irritability and other mental states, which can affect normal life and others. Long-term intake of alcohol is also easy to cause alcoholic encephalopathy. Hand tremors caused by chronic ethanol poisoning will also lead to a decline Life safety;

2. Liver: The liver is the largest metabolic organ of the human body and undertakes alcohol metabolism. If you drink alcohol for a long time, it is easy to increase the burden of liver metabolism and form fatty liver. Under the stimulation of alcohol, it is also easy to cause alcoholic hepatitis. If it cannot be treated and controlled in time, it is easy to cause cirrhosis

3. Pancreas: The pancreas is also one of the metabolic organs of alcohol. Alcohol can cause damage to pancreatic cells. Drinking a lot of alcohol at one time may induce acute pancreatitis. Long-term drinking is prone to pancreatic fibrosis, which can lead to pancreatitis and even pancreatic cancer;

4. Heart: Alcohol can accelerate vasoconstriction and dilation, and the brain and heart are particularly important blood supply sites. In the case of heavy drinking, it is easy to induce palpitations, chest tightness, shortness of breath, etc. Long-term drinkers can induce coronary atherosclerotic heart disease, myocardial infarction, cerebral haemorrhage and other diseases;

5. Stomach: Alcohol can stimulate the gastric mucosa. Patients are more likely to have stomach pain, stomach cramps, diarrhoea, vomiting, indigestion and other symptoms. They are also prone to gastritis, gastric ulcers, gastric haemorrhage, gastric mucosal erosion and other diseases.

II. Malnutrition:

Alcohol is high in calories, but lacks nutrition. In the case of heavy drinking, the intake of other foods will be reduced. In the long run, it will lead to insufficient food intake and easy to cause malnutrition;

III. Alcohol allergy:

Some people who are sensitive to alcohol are prone to rashes, itching, flushing, itching in the throat, dyspnoea and other conditions after exposure to alcohol or drinking alcohol. In severe cases, it can cause shock and poisoning.

IV. The harm of alcohol volatilisation and alcohol spraying to the human body

Generally speaking, if too much low-concentration alcohol is sprayed, it usually does not cause obvious harm to the human body. However, if too much high-concentration alcohol is sprayed, it may cause some harm to the human body. Alcohol is a medium-acting disinfectant, which is irritating. There are too many high-concentration alcohol sprays, which can cause certain damage to the skin, mucosa, respiratory tract, etc.

1. Skin and mucous membranes: High-concentration alcohol is sprayed directly on the skin or close-fitting clothes, and short-term contact generally does not cause great impact. If high-concentration alcohol is sprayed too much, and the contact time is long or directly sprayed on the skin and mucous membranes, dry skin, itching, dandruff and other symptoms may occur. If the skin mucosa is damaged, eroded or exuded, severe pain can occur when exposed to high-concentration alcohol, which may also lead to aggravation of skin lesions;

2. Respiratory tract: High-concentration alcohol sprayed in the air is easy to be inhaled by the respiratory tract. If you spray too much alcohol, you may inhale too much alcohol, resulting in dry throat, itching, cough, nasal congestion, runny nose and other symptoms. Long-term inhalation may also induce chronic pharyngitis

3. Others: After spraying high concentrations of alcohol, if the eyes are in direct contact with the volatile gas of alcohol, eyelid oedema, conjunctival congestion and other symptoms may occur. Excessive inhalation of alcohol may also cause dizziness, fatigue, blurred consciousness and other drunkenness symptoms. If you spray too much alcohol in a closed environment, the indoor alcohol concentration will increase, and it is easy to explode in case of an open fire. Whether alcohol volatilisation is harmful to the human body needs to be comprehensively considered according to the alcohol concentration and the time of smelling alcohol.

If an individual only occasionally smells 75% of medical alcohol, after the alcohol is volatilising into the air, the active ingredients of alcohol will be diluted, and it can also be excreted through the respiratory tract. At this time, smelling alcohol for a short time may not cause harmful effects on the human body, nor will it cause serious damage to the skin mucosa Generally, there is no need to worry too much. Medical alcohol is 75% alcohol, which is irritating to a certain extent. It is mainly used for skin disinfection, which can dehydrate the protein of bacteria on the skin to kill bacteria. If you feel the smell is irritating, you can open the door for ventilation, and alcohol will not carry the virus.

However, if the individual is in an environment with a high alcohol content concentration for a long time, in this case, the volatilisation of alcohol may cause certain harm to the human body. If it is in the current environment for a long time, it may cause certain damage to the respiratory mucosa, digestive tract mucosa, etc., and also have a certain impact on In severe cases, it will also cause certain burns to the conjunctiva of the eye, and it is also easy for patients to have uncomfortable symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. At this time, alcohol volatilisation is generally harmful to the human body, and it should be avoided in an environment with high alcohol concentration volatilisation for a long time.

In daily life, individuals should maintain a good living environment and avoid long-term exposure to alcohol, so as to avoid unnecessary damage to the human body.


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