The top health care is not sleep, not exercise, but…

The elderly are in traditional Chinese medicine, and young people are in punk. Women need to sleep in beauty, and men need to practice tendons. Health care seems to have become a symptom of the times. Regardless of age and gender, everyone is very concerned about it. But what many people don’t know is that the top health care is not sleep or exercise, but these three points.

Emotional stability: World Health Organisation research shows that 90% of the world’s diseases are related to emotions. Traditional Chinese medicine also said: anger hurts the liver, joy and sadness, thoughts hurt the spleen, sadness the lungs, fear of hurting the kidney. Indeed, no matter how bad the mood is, no matter how good the skin care products are, it can’t save your face; no matter how expensive the health care products are, they can’t save your health. Emotional stability is actually the simplest and most direct way to maintain health. A very popular “foodie grandma” on the social platform is well aware of this. She is 101 years old this year. When her peers can’t hold their chopsticks and even rely on ICU to survive, she still eats delicious food and spicy food. When she is in high interest, she also drinks some wine and goes to do manicure with her granddaughter. Asked about the health care of “foodie grandma”, she said, “Mindset determines everything. For some things that can’t be solved by eating a meal, then eat two meals to solve it. Her granddaughter also said, “Grandma has never been angry overnight, just like a child, simple and pure.” Once, the “foodie grandma” lost her dentures while eating a hamburger. Unexpectedly, she put on her dentures and continued to eat without saying anything. Sometimes, when the granddaughter talks about the shortness of the East and the West, the “foodie grandma” always said with a smile, “You know a shovel.” It seems that any troubles can be resolved one by one when they come to her.

Zhao Puchu once said, “When the sun sets, the East China Sea falls on the West Mountain. It’s a day of sorrow and a day of joy. If you don’t get into trouble, you will feel comfortable and your heart will be comfortable. Indeed, in life, all kinds of people will meet and experience all kinds of things. If you are depressed because of a little thing, people who have no problems will become worried sooner or later; but if you can adjust your emotions in time, maybe you can get a health code that is difficult for ordinary people to get. But many young people seem to forget this when they try their best to maintain their health. If someone else’s words are wrong, they will be depressed. If there is a slight disturbance, they will be depressed. True smart people will always know that they are not happy with things and not sad with themselves. No matter what the situation is, they can deal with it indifferently and calmly.

The circle is clean

In addition to being emotionally stable, it is also important to have a clean and comfortable circle. If you are surrounded by messy people and things, it is difficult to be alone; if you are surrounded by positive little angels, it is difficult for you not to be vigourous. This is the case with my friend Xiaoyang. For a period of time, he tried to participate in various industry gatherings in order to expand his contacts and achieve long-term development. As a result of this, although I know more people, there are all kinds of people, including some wine and meat friends. In addition to working overtime every day, he also attends various dinners and drinks. After a period of time, he found that he had not met any noble people at all. And because of all kinds of socialising, he not only sacrificed a lot of time to improve himself, but also increased his waistline and weight. Once, at the inss of several wine friends, he even drank stomach bleeding. After thinking about the pain, he decided to say goodbye to the circle. For daily gatherings, only make appointments with two or three friends. He has a bad stomach, so everyone will take care of his taste and choose a light diet. Seeing that he has gained weight, everyone suggests teaming up to work out the gym; and everyone will also brainstorm the troubles at work. In less than half a year, he found that his figure had recovered and his mind was clear. Even because of his excellent proposal, he was recognised by the leader and got the opportunity to be promoted at the end of the year. Only then did he find that the circle was not about how big or complicated it was, but that it was clean.

With positive people, you will also become positive; with kind people, you will also become kind; with comfortable people, your body and mind will be happy; with clean people may be the best health. After all, your friends determine the way you open your emotions; your circle determines the real state of your life. If you think you are in the wrong state recently, you might as well try to reduce your social circle.

Learn to let go

If you want to keep healthy, another important thing is to be able to let go of yourself, be able to reconcile with yourself, and learn to let go when something happens. After all, health care is to nourish the heart. If you can see clearly, you can naturally live well. Li Xueqin in the past obviously didn’t understand this. As a bully of Peking University, she used to cut her wrist with a knife to relieve stress. Asked about the reason, she said that because she has been a “child of someone else’s family” since she was a child, she was particularly strict with herself. For example: always take the first place in the exam; make your parents satisfied with everything; whether you are happy or not, be a selfless good person… However, the demand for perfection often makes her unable to kick her. Until she went to New York University to study for a master’s degree, she couldn’t stand it anymore and was diagnosed with depression. At this moment, she seemed to realise that nothing else is important compared with health. Therefore, she chose to suspend school. She began not to ask herself to pursue perfection, began to allow herself to be a waste, and began to accept her mourning. Before long, she became popular on the Internet with her mournful humour and received an invitation to complain about it. She said that in the past, she only wanted to pursue the best, but now she wants to pursue the real happiness in her heart. At this time, she not only felt much better, but also no longer tortured her body. Although she is still anxious, she has also learned to reconcile with this anxiety. Indeed, if you can let go of one thing yourself, it will never be difficult for you anymore.

Born as a human being, there are a lot of troubles. Growing up is to slowly learn to reconcile with yourself and the world, to let go of the inability, and to let go of the imperfection. There is a sentence in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: “When you clench your fists and have nothing in your hand, you let go of your ten fingers, but you can have the whole world.” When we begin to truly accept ourselves and the outside world, we can build a truly fulfilling world and achieve more advanced health care.

Schopenhauer once said, “Nine tenths of happiness is based on health, and health is everything.” Admittedly, the loss of health of the poor is to add insult to injury; the loss of health of the rich is equivalent to being busy all their lives. And the real way of health care is actually very simple. Maintaining a stable mood can reduce the disease by half. Maintaining a clean circle can avoid unnecessary consumption. Learn to let go, look away, and let go of troubles and pains. May you be physically and mentally healthy, and may you be free and frank.


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