How to keep your lungs healthy

When we are in good health, it happens naturally and seems “easy” to take a breath. In fact, every day we

It breathes about 20,000 times, and the human respiratory system, including the lungs, has been working quietly.

The lungs are an extremely important organ that maintains our life activities. Once there is a lung problem, our health and life will

You will face a lot of trouble. Over the past 30 years, the number of deaths and disabled people caused by chronic respiratory diseases has been increasing worldwide.

In addition, chronic respiratory diseases have become a global public health problem. And the continuous impact of the COVID-19 epidemic also makes

The prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases and lung health have become important issues for each of us. According to the data from The Lancet, in 2017, about 540 million people worldwide suffered from chronic respiratory diseases. The prevalence rate of chronic respiratory diseases in the world was about 7.1%. Deaths caused by chronic respiratory diseases accounted for 7.0% of the total number of deaths, which was the third leading cause of death worldwide in 2017. Second only to cardiovascular diseases and tumours. Smoking is the most common risk factor for chronic respiratory diseases in the world. More smokers and passive smokers die from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease than non-smokers, accounting for 27% of the total DALYs (death and disability-adjusted life years) caused by chronic respiratory diseases. In addition to smoking, in recent years, due to air pollution and the ageing of the population, more and more people suffer from mild or severe respiratory diseases and fail to detect them in the early stage. When there are symptoms such as shortness of breath and dyspnea, it is often too late. It can only be in the various ravages of diseases. It is rare to take Think about the incredible life activities of our incredible lungs, and try your best to protect it! Please remember: the disease has been prevented, the disease has been prevented, and the disease has been prevented. The lungs are caps, and prevention comes first. As a relatively important organ of the human body, the main measures to protect lung health are as follows:

1. Quit smoking: Patients need to quit smoking. Nicotine and other harmful ingredients in cigarettes are the number one killer for lung health, and are also more dangerous components for the heart, cerebrovascular and other organs. While quitting smoking, patients should also discourage others from smoking and avoid inhaling second-hand smoke, or even third-hand smoke;

2. Avoid dust: In addition, patients should pay attention to avoid exposure to harmful dust in the workplace, such as asbestos, lime, etc. After these dust is inhaled into the lungs, it will seriously affect the health of the lungs. Therefore, the patient’s living place should be kept ventilated and clean. If you are engaged in these special occupations, you So as not to delay the illness;

3. Dietary habits: Patients should pay attention to avoid eating spicy and stimulating food as much as possible, which will aggravate the harm of the lungs and stimulate lung tissue. In addition, patients should not drink alcohol and drink alcohol properly. Alcohol abuse is harmful to lung health.

4. Increase nutrition: ensure that the body has enough protein, fat and carbohydrate intake, and you can also eat more lung-clearing foods, such as pears, lotus seeds, lilies, honey, etc., which can make the body have enough resistance and play an important role in preventing respiratory tract infections and protecting the health of the lungs;

5. Appropriate exercise: It can effectively protect the lungs, such as frequent walking, jogging, doing radio exercises and other aerobic exercises, which can maintain lung function at a certain level of health and improve the resistance of the lungs to the outside world;

6. Improve the indoor environment: Do a good job in indoor hygiene at ordinary times, regularly open windows for ventilation, and maintain the appropriate temperature and humidity. Try to wear a mask when going out, especially in autumn and winter;

7. Maintain a happy mood: you can laugh more and promote the lungs to relieve qi and protect the health of the lungs;

8. Drink water in moderation: In daily life, you should also drink more water to maintain the lubrication of the respiratory tract and lungs to avoid cough discomfort caused by dryness;

9.Regular physical examination: It is recommended to have a regular physical examination, through which you can understand the health status of the body. At the same time, the lungs should also be examined. If abnormalities are found, they can be dealt with in time.


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