Men’s daily health knowledge

1. Don’t drink coffee or smoke when you are tired.

Try not to drink coffee or smoke to refresh yourself when your body is particularly tired, otherwise it will cause irreparable damage to the cardiovascular system. Heart palpitations and panic are serious symptoms. In particular, don’t drink coffee and smoke when you are tired, otherwise not only will the damage to the body be doubled, but the unique flavour and ingredients of coffee will also aggravate your desire for cigarettes!

2. Don’t take a hot shower before going to bed.

High body temperature will also inhibit the secretion of melatonin in the brain and affect your sleep quality. Therefore, it is never wise to take a hot bath before going to bed. The smart way is to take a bath 90 minutes before going to bed, so that when you go to bed, your body temperature will drop to the most suitable temperature for sleep. If you have to take a shower before going to bed, apply cold water to your forehead at the end, which will also help your body temperature drop quickly.

3. Be sure to wash your face with warm water

Be sure to wash your face with warm water. Don’t use cold water to save trouble, otherwise the pores will be stimulated and suddenly shrink, and the oil stains in it cannot be removed in time, which will lead to acne. Don’t use too hot water, otherwise the facial skin will expand rapidly, and then it will be easy to wrinkle early. As the backbone of a family, men should not only bear the pressure at work, but also support the whole day at home. Only with a healthy body can they fulfil their mission. Therefore, men should pay more attention to health care. The editor will share the common sense of men’s daily health care. When you are tired, you are used to drinking coffee to refresh yourself. In fact Harmful to health.

4. Don’t hold on when you are tired.

Fatigue is a normal reaction in which the body needs to restore physical strength and energy. At the same time, it is also an automatic control signal and warning that people have. If you don’t take measures immediately according to the warning, the human body will become ill and suffer from all kinds of diseases. Therefore, when middle-aged people feel that they have symptoms such as fatigue, muscle soreness, dizziness, sluggish thinking, mental depression, palpitations, heartbeat, accelerated breathing, etc., they should not “harden”. You should immediately pay attention to the combination of work and rest, should not stay up late, and should not do sudden work; you should relax your mind, be broad-minded, and feel comfortable. Don’t worry about some trivial things. Don’t worry too much about personal gains and losses. You should take health care measures as soon as possible to eliminate physical and mental fatigue.

5. Don’t hold back when going to the toilet

Hard stool can cause habitual constipation, haemorrhoids, anal fissure, and anal loss. In addition, it can also induce rectal colon cancer. Choking urine causes unbearable pain in the lower abdomen, and even causes urinary tract infection and nephritis, which is very harmful to health. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a good habit of regular defaecation and urinate immediately.

6、 Pay attention to personal hygiene: The male endocrine system is relatively developed, and sebum and sweat are secreted more. Pay attention to changing clothes frequently, bathing frequently, and penetrating loose clothes to prevent local bacteria from breeding or affecting blood circulation, which is not conducive to health.

  1.  Standardised sex life: A reasonable and standardised sex life is conducive to relieving male stress, improving endocrine, and ensuring male physical and mental health, but pay attention to moderate sex life. Excessive sex life may lead to kidney deficiency, prostatitis and other diseases, and may even affect fertility in severe cases.
  2. Men’s health knowledge, quit smoking, smoking will directly harm people’s health, increase cardiovascular disease. Lung cancer and respiratory disease risk, if there has been a long period of“Smoking Age”, can not quit for a while, had better eat more fish and carrots. Bell peppers, spinach, garlic and orange fruit, often drink tea, so that to some extent, can reduce the harm of smoking on the body.
  3. Quit oil, men generally taste heavier, especially men who love to drink like to eat greasy and fried food, so easy to put on weight, increase the risk of vascular disease. Should eat some light food, eat more vegetable oil eat less animal oil, eat more garlic and fish, drink some red wine, reduce cholesterol content.


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