Cold dew is coming, how to keep healthy?

The empty court has a long autumn, and the cold dew enters the twilight and sad clothes list. The noise has become a city, and the day has not reached the mulberry room. –Wang Anshi

The day after tomorrow is the cold dew solar term. The temperature in the cold dew season is lower than that of “white dew”, and the dew on the ground is colder. During the cold dew season, the vast areas in the south and the north have entered autumn, the northeast has entered late autumn, and the northwest has entered or is about to enter winter. So, how to maintain health in this season?

Cold dew is coming. Don’t eat a melon, drink more water, prevent three diseases, and lay a good foundation for wintering.

Cold dew is coming. Don’t eat a melon.

As the saying goes, autumn melon has a bad belly; during the cold dew season, try to eat less “melon”. For example, watermelon, also known as “cold melon”, is cold and heat-relieving. Eating too much is very harmful to the spleen and stomach. Therefore, during the cold dew season, the weather is getting colder and colder. If you eat a lot of cold watermelons at this time, it will increase the burden on the spleen and stomach, and even cause dizziness, drowsiness and other phenomena.

Cold dew is coming. Drink more water.

I. Drink tea to warm the stomach and nourish the body

The tea of the year is in autumn. In the cold dew season, hold a cup of hot tea to warm the body and warm the heart. It can keep the cold and warm the body, and can nourish the stomach to help digestion, prevent colds, etc. Therefore, it is a good choice to drink some tea during the cold dew season.

1. Fermented milk grass

Fermented milk grass can not only dispel cold and promote the yang qi in the body, but also promote blood circulation, gastric juice and digestive juice secretion, and increase gastrointestinal peristalsis. The sterols it contains can increase the content of liver glycogen and reduce the activity of liver lipase, thus playing a role in protecting the liver to a certain extent. Drink a cup every day at this time to warm the stomach and protect the liver, which is very good for health.

2. Changbai Mountain Perilla Leaf

During the cold dew season, it is very important to nourish the lungs. In daily life, you can use Changbai Mountain perilla leaves, soak water instead of tea, which can moisten the lungs and detoxify, and also relieve cough, promote the lungs, and reduce inflammation. It is recorded in China’s ancient book Compendium: Changbai Mountain perilla leaves are broad in qi, eliminate phlegm and benefit the lungs, blood, warm, relieve pain, calm asthma, and calm the foetus. Modern exploration has found that it enters the pulmonary meridians, which has the effect of promoting the lungs and preventing respiratory diseases. It has a good moisturising and physical therapeutic effect on the throat, which is conducive to the cure of local inflammation, and can relieve local itching, thus blocking the cough reflex, which is conducive to relieving cough and removing phlegm. Drinking water every day between meals can not only prevent lung diseases, but also enhance immunity. It can also relieve other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular and tertiary symptoms. It is a good tea drink.

2. Drink soup to moisturise dryness and nourish

During the cold dew season, the rain is getting less and less, the weather is dry, and the days are hot and the nights are cold. At this time, drinking some soup to moisturise the dryness and nourishment is a good choice.

1. Beef and radish soup

Ingredients: beef balls, white radish, salt, pepper, small celery, ginger

Cut the white radish into pieces, mince the celery, and shred the ginger;

Put the radish in a casserole, add 750ml of water, and cook until the radish becomes transparent;

Add the beef balls, boil them, then roll them for another 5 minutes, and add the shredded ginger;

Sprinkle with pepper, salt, and add small celery for seasoning and embellishment.

2. Chuanbei Sydney Tremella Soup

Materials: Sydney, Chuanbei, Tremella, Rock Sugar, Goji berries

Tremella, foaming hair, removing pedicles, tearing;

Wash Sichuan shellfish and goji berries and put them into the soup pot;

Sydney, with skin, cut into small pieces, and also put in the soup pot;

Add 2-3 litres of water to the soup pot, heat it over high heat, bring to a boil over high heat, and remove the foam;

Add rock sugar and simmer over low heat for 20-30 minutes.

Cold dew is coming, prevent three diseases, and lay a good foundation for wintering!

I. Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases

As the saying goes: there is no disease in one summer.

During the cold dew season, the weather suddenly turns cold, and people’s appetite will gradually improve, and the spleen and stomach will be in a “weak” state for a long time. At this time, if you eat and drink, it is easy to increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, leading to diarrhoea, vomiting, etc.

Preventive measures:

1. Eat more coarse grains

Nowadays, in our lives, we use too much fine grains and rarely eat coarse grains, which is very unfavourable to intestinal health. Coarse grains contain a nutrient called dietary fibre, which can increase gastrointestinal peristalsis, prevent intestinal diseases, and prevent constipation, weight loss and slimming. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the amount of oats, sweet potatoes and other coarse grains in daily life.

2. Press and knead the acupuncture point

Massage the stomach Yu acupoint can strengthen the stomach and the spleen, reduce the stomach, adjust the stomach function, prevent the rise and decline of the stomach function, and maintain the normal acceptance and reduction of the stomach, so as to ensure the smooth digestion.

Location: The stomach is on the back, when the twelfth thoracic spine is under the spine, 1.5 inches open.

II. Prevention of cold diseases

As the saying says, the white dew does not reveal the body, and the cold dew does not reveal the feet. After entering the cold dew, you can no longer “frozen in autumn”. Pay special attention to keep warm and don’t be shirtless to prevent cold air from invading the body and causing a cold.

Preventive measures:

1. Fingering

Many friends are afraid of the cold in winter, and their hands and feet are easy to be cold. If they start practising “finger skills” after the cold dew, these conditions can be improved. Every day at noon, clasped the middle finger with your thumb and pushed it out a hundred times. The fingertips of the middle finger are the starting point of the pericpulsic meridian, and the peripulstric meridian is the protective wall of the heart. After the cold dew, the qi and blood of the human body begin to flow into the pericardial meridian, so often bouncing the middle finger can promote the circulation of qi and blood and improve the body’s ability to resist the cold, so it is not easy for hands and feet to be cold and afraid of cold.

2. Pay attention to foot bath

As the saying goes, cold is born from the foot, the feet are the farthest from the heart, the blood supply is less, and the fat layer of the feet is thin, which is particularly vulnerable to cold stimulation. Therefore, during the cold dew season, we should pay more attention to the importance of foot bath! Foot soaking in hot water can not only prevent respiratory infectious diseases, but also make blood vessels dilate, accelerate blood flow, improve the skin and tissue nutrition of the feet, reduce the occurrence of soreness in the lower limbs, and make people energetic.

III. Prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Coldness will increase the secretion of adrenaline in the human body, while adrenaline will cause vasoconstriction and blood pressure to rise, which is easy to increase blood viscosity, increase heart burden, coronary spasm, etc. Some middle-aged and elderly friends, if they don’t pay attention to it at this time, will aggravate the original disease and cause various acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Preventive measures:

1. More jitter

Method: Keep the body standing, clench the fist, gently apply the back of the fist to the kidney Yu point on the back, and use the knee joint to shake up and down to drive the fists to repeatedly rub the acupuncture point.

Frequency: once a day, 5-8 minutes each time.

Function: Insist on shaking the whole body every day, which can enhance the circulation of qi and blood throughout the body, and the blood flow smoothly, which is beneficial to the health of blood vessels.

2. Take less salt

Normally, the daily salt intake per person should be kept within 6 grams. If you ingest too much, it will lead to an increase in sodium in the body, which will raise blood pressure and increase the pressure of blood pressure. In the long run, it will not only damage the health of the heart and kidneys, but also further damage the health of blood vessels.


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