When defaecation, the stool is “hard in the front and soft in the back”, implying that three diseases come to your door. Pay attention to it.

Some people say that healthy people can eat, sleep and pull. Whether defaecation is normal is also one of the important signs to judge whether a person is healthy.

But sometimes, defaecation does not seem to be a disease, but “the front is dry and hard, and the back is soft and sticky”. What’s going on?

When defaecation, the stool is “hard in the front and soft in the back”, implying that three diseases come to your door. Pay attention to it.

Disease 1: Inflamed problem

If you often get inflamed, your stool will be dry.

This is because the stool stays in the intestine for a long time, and the fire causes the body to lack water and become dry.

And the new faeces, if the water is not too late to evaporate, it will be “dry and hard in the front and soft and sticky in the back”.

Preventive measures:

1. Eat more hardships

The Shennong Herbal Sutra records that “suffering into the heart” and suffering “suffering” can clear the heat and nourish the heart, which is conducive to lowering the heart fire.

Eating “bitter” is also conducive to eliminating dampness and evil in the body. However, people with deficiency and cold spleen and stomach and sedentary people should not eat too much “bitter”.

Bitter gourd, which dispels summer heat and enhances appetite, is rich in vitamin C, and is also a high-potassium vegetable.

2. Food reduces fire

Winter melon: It has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, nourishing the stomach, removing heart fire and skin fire.

Tomatoes: It also has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification. It is good for preventing gum bleeding caused by excessive internal heat and oral ulcers.

Mung bean: It is rich in nutrients. If you often eat mung bean porridge, you can get rid of stomach fire, but don’t eat too much if your body is cold.

Sydney: Pears are the best way to extinguish lung fires! In addition to eating pears raw, people with a bad stomach can also make various desserts, such as honey steamed pear water.

3. Acupoints reduce fire

Taichong acupoint is the most important acupoint on the liver meridian. Frequent massage can make the water and humidity of the liver meridian rush up, which can play a role in removing liver fire.

Location: You can find the junction of the metatarsal bones of the first and second toes, and gently move up the cracks of the thumb and secondary toes with your fingers. When you touch the beating pulse, this is the Taichong point.

Massage: Before massage, soak your feet in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes, rub the right Taichong acupuncture point with the abdomen of the left thumb for 3 minutes, then change the right thumb to rub the left Taichong acupuncture point for 3 minutes, and repeat 2 to 3 times.

It is appropriate to press the kneading force to produce acid, swelling and pain. It is best to do it once a day in the morning, middle and evening.

Disease 2: Spleen and stomach problems

The stool hair is hard due to the lack of normal fluid in the body, which makes the stool dry, indicating that the tissue and organs are caused by insufficient nutrition, and the spleen and stomach are the foundation of the acquired, and the water valley is nutritious.

Moreover, there is water accumulation in the human body, which cannot be metabolised and becomes wet, so the stool is soft and rotten, which is caused by spleen deficiency in the human body.

The latter is caused by the deficiency and coldness of the spleen, which is not warm, and the water valley is turned into the large intestine, resulting in a thin stool.

Therefore, when defaecation, “the front is dry and hard, and the back is soft and sticky”, which is directly related to the health of the spleen and stomach.

Preventive measures:

1. Pay attention to food hygiene

Unhygienic diet, partial diet, hunger loss or cold diet can lead to gastrointestinal digestive disfunction.

The stomach is an organ that strictly abides by the “time schedule”. If you eat at the wrong time, it will disrupt the secretion habits of gastric juice and cause damage to the gastric mucosa.

Therefore, we should pay attention to the hygiene of diet in daily life. It is fundamental to protect the health of the stomach by timing and rationing three meals a day.

2. Eat seven points full

The ancients said: Eat seven minutes full, and live until old age without illness.

Because this diet can reduce the burden on the body, reduce the burden on the spleen and stomach, and is conducive to digestion;

It is more conducive to controlling the stability of blood pressure, blood lipids and blood sugar in the body, and is a dietary habit to protect the health of the stomach.

Disease 3: Kidney problems

The main stool of the kidney, whether it is constipation or hard stool, it is a kidney.

For example, if the kidney does not grow water, it will lead to constipation. The stool is dry and hard.

Preventive measures:

1. Sleep well

Sleeping is actually a simple thing. Although it is healthy, it is very important!

A high-quality sleep can give the kidneys a full rest, and can also expel the kidney toxins, so that the kidneys can maintain a good working state.

Once you stay up late for a long time, you don’t get enough sleep, which consumes a lot of kidneys. Fine.

Therefore, men with good kidneys usually don’t stay up late often, and they get enough sleep!

2. Good mentality

Nowadays, young people are under great pressure in life and work, and they often hear them complaining about life and fate.

In fact, these adverse emotional reactions can damage the kidneys. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that people will have irritability because of too much anger in the body. If they are angry for a long time, they will eventually hurt their kidneys.

Therefore, we need to maintain an optimistic mood and relax our posture to have the effect of nourishing the kidney.

3. Less salt intake

“The kidney is watery”, which regulates the electrolyte balance in the body.

If you eat too much salt and too salty, it will increase the excretion burden of the kidneys, cause partial oedema, and even lead to elevated blood pressure. When the renal blood flow cannot maintain normal flow, it is easy to induce kidney disease.


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