Let go of the shackles in your heart

Only a healthy mind can relieve psychological fatigue in time. This requires us to take the necessary time in our life and work to reflect on ourselves, overcome the factors that affect our mental health, and remove the garbage that pollutes our hearts. Too much desire leads to the poverty of the soul. This is a very seductive society. This is an era of inflated desires. People’s hearts are always full of desires and extravagance. Modern people who pursue fame and fortune always want to wear high-end famous brands, eat mountains and sea delicacies, live in country houses, and BMW cars. Everything is dominated by desire. Rousseau, an outstanding French Enlightenment philosopher, once made an extremely appropriate evaluation of people with excessive material desire. He said, “At the age of ten, he was captured by lovers at the age of 20, happiness at the age of 30, ambition at the age of 40, and greed at the age of 50. When can people only pursue wisdom?” Indeed, people’s hearts can’t be pure, because there are too many desires, and the gully of desires will never be filled. People’s hearts will never be satisfied. If there is no family property, you want to be an official, you want to be an official, and if you are a senior official, you want to be an immortal… There will never be The great writer Tolstoy once told such a story: There was a man who wanted to get a piece of land, and the landlord said to him: In the early morning, run out of here and insert a flagpole. As long as you come back before the sun sets, the land with the flagpole belongs to you. The man ran desperately, and he was still not satisfied when the sun turned west. Before the sun set, he ran back, but he was exhausted and didn’t get up again after a fall. So someone dug a hole and buried him on the spot. When praying for this person, the priest said, “How much land does a person need? It’s so big.” Many of the depressions in life are because you can’t get what you want. In fact, we have worked hard to travel around, and in the end, isn’t the only place left to bury our bodies? Aesop said well: “Many people want to get more things, but they also lose what they have now.” This can be said to be the best interpretation of the loss.

In fact, everyone has the desire, wants to live a happy life, and wants to have enough food and clothing. This is human nature. However, if we turn this desire into an improper desire and endless greed, then we will invisibly become the slaves of desire. Under the domination of desire, we have to sharpen our heads for power, for status, and money. We often feel very tired, but we still feel dissatisfied, because in our opinion, many people are richer than their own lives, and many people have more power than themselves. So we have no other way out. We can only rush forward and overdraw our physical strength, energy and life in desperation. Ask yourself, can you not be tired of such a life? Can you not be exhausted by the heavy pressure of desire? Calm down and think about it. What goals do we really have to achieve, and what is worth exchanging with our precious life? Friends, let’s cut off too many desires, reduce and then reduce all desires, so that real desires can emerge. In this way, you will find that a real and ordinary life is the happiest. With this kind of detached state of mind, you can do things, not panic, not impatient, and orderly. In the face of various changes in the outside world, don’t be afraid, don’t be angry, don’t be irritable. And to seduce material things, the heart does not move, and the hands do not itch. There is no trouble brought by the small belly chicken intestine, and there is no drag of fame and fortune. Live a relaxed and comfortable life. I am content and happy during the day, sleep peacefully at night, and I feel down-to-earth when I walk. I suddenly look back and have no regrets.

The ancients said, “Da is not too expensive, and poverty is not enough to be sad.” In those years, Tao Yuanming planted his own hoe, and Uncle Kang Shu practised hard under the tree. The two of them were poor people, but they could not be profitable, not close to colour, not discouraged, and not arrogant. Such a life is also a very high level of life! Life is like a river, with its source, its process and its end. No matter how long the river of life is, it will eventually reach the end, flow into the ocean, and there will be an end to life. When you are alive, what’s wrong with less desire and more happiness? What’s wrong with putting down the shackles in your heart?


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