Get out of the depression and let your chest have sunshine.

Specifically, the main reasons for the formation of qi depression are as follows.

On the one hand, it is emotional injury. With the acceleration of the pace of modern life, people’s sense of competition is getting stronger and stronger, and interpersonal relationships have become more and more complicated and indifferent. Objective mental pressure and the ensuing psychological blows such as namelessness, unemployment, lovelornness, job changes, family conflicts, divorce, loss of loved ones, financial losses, etc. will lead to people’s depression.

The emotional aspect is hurt, and the first thing that hurts our liver. If the feelings are not smooth, it can make the liver qi lose its ability to be smooth, which directly leads to depression. Some people even appear depressed and turn into fire. If the fire is inflamed, it will disturb our mind, and if the god is not safe, he will not be able to fall. This is why people with depressed constitution have insomnia in addition to changes in mental state.

At present, most mood depression is caused by psychological and social factors. Most people will have two experiences of depression in their lives. It is normal to be depressed. With the passage of time and self-adjustment, this mood soon disappears. However, if this low mood lingers for a long time and has hindered one’s psychological function (such as attention, memory, thinking, choice, etc.) or social function (such as school, work, housework, socialisation, etc.), it should be paid attention to. We say that the physique can be changed. Over time, it will inevitably lead to the stagnation physique type.

On the other hand, the cause of the formation of a depressed constitution is inseparable from the innate nature. Congenital heredity has laid the foundation for the formation of the constitution. This kind of inferiority, self-reproach, pessimism and other emotions are inseparable from nature. Pessimism and depression can be said to be accompanied by each other. Congenital pessimists like to treat everything with a negative mentality and always deal with problems with a negative way of thinking. The more problems, the more troubles, the more negative. Conversely, the more negative it is, the more pessimistic it is, and the more pessimistic it is, the more depressed it is.

There are many girls who are very introverted and not good at expression. There are many ideas in their hearts all day long, but don’t say anything. Thinking about it, I went to the extreme when I couldn’t think about it. Think every day, think at night, and it’s easy to be depressed after a long time.

The women described in many literary works are so touching. Behind this touching, there is more of a beautiful, desolate and weak “melancholy beauty”, which is a unique temperament of a person. The temperament is inseparable from the innate.

With such a temperament, you will have the potential for melancholy, and then in a specific environment, you will be stimulated. If you experience something, you will trigger this potential. If you are a very outgoing person, even if you play Lin Daiyu, you will not become a depressed person. Also, for example, everyone has a similar life experience, or a bumpy life, but why is some people so popular, while some people face it optimistically and pass this hurdle? This is the innate characteristic that plays a role. Therefore, we say that congenital heredity is an important reason for the formation of qi depression.

Another reason is that excessive worry will lead to air stagnation. If you can think about it from another perspective, you will find that a considerable part of the depressed people around us are perfectionists, and everything requires perfection. But can everything in the world be perfect? No way. The greatest characteristic of perfectionists is the pursuit of perfection, and this desire is based on the dissatisfaction and imperfection of everything, so they fall into a deep contradiction. You should know that there is nothing perfect in the world, but perfectionists have an innate impulse. They devote this energy to things that are closely related to their lives, and try to improve them, try to make them perfect, and enjoy it.

Generally speaking, it is to push yourself too hard. You are always in a hurry or force yourself to do something you don’t want. In the process, you will feel sad.

Sorrow is one of the seven emotions we talk about. If you are too sad, there will be a stagnation. I just want a high-horsepower sports car with low fuel consumption. Can there be no problem? On the other hand, these problems will affect the psychological balance. After a long time, the gas is not smooth. If it is blocked, there will be a problem. This is also an important reason for the formation of a depressed constitution.

The depressed constitution is also related to the blow of the bad life events that he experienced in his childhood. For example, his parents divorced, his father or mother died early, under the sternity of others, or when he was in primary and middle school, neither teacher liked it very much, and his self-confidence was hit, and so on. When people’s psychological development is not very mature, it is difficult to adjust due to some blows in life. If you don’t adjust well, you will be easily depressed.

How should so depressed people eat?

A person with a depressed constitution is a stagnate physique state. In the depressed constitution – the depressed school has said that the “liver” plays an important role in regulating emotions. Therefore, in terms of diet, it is advisable to eat more foods that have the effect of relieving the liver and qi. Eat more yellow cauliflower, kelp, hawthorn, roses and other foods that have the functions of qi, relieving depression, digestion and awakening. You can also eat more vegetables and nutritious fish, lean meat, milk, soy products, as well as lettuce, Buddha’s hand, orange, citrus peel, barley, fennel coriander, sorghum peel, etc. The effect of citrus in relieving qi and depression is obvious, and you can also eat more appropriately. Avoid spicy, coffee, strong tea and other stimulating products, and eat less fatty, sweet and delicious food.

Three delicacies suitable for stagnation

1. Orange peel porridge. 50g orange peel, grind finely for later use. 100 grams of japonica rice, wash it clean, add water and cook until the porridge is ready, add orange peel, and cook for another 10 minutes. This porridge regulates the qi and transports the spleen. It is used for people who are full of abdominal distension and do not want to eat. It is suitable for people with qi depression and body tend to be in the middle of qi and depression, and the liver and stomach are not in harmony.

2. Chrysanthemum chicken liver. 15 grams of tremella, soaked in water for later use; 10 grams of chrysanthemum, more than 24 warm water for jasmine; 100 grams of chicken liver washed and cut into thin slices for later use; boil the water, add cooking wine, ginger juice, salt, randomly add tremella and chicken liver, boil, remove foam, wait for Then add chrysanthemum and jasmine and bring to a boil. This soup is suitable for people who have a depressed constitution and prefer to stay in the scorching body.

3. Sweet wheat and jujube porridge. 50 grams of wheat, 10 dates, 10 grams of liquorice. First, fry liquorice, remove the dregs, then add wheat and dates, then add 200 grams of japonica rice, and cook porridge. This porridge is most suitable for people who are in a trance, abnormally sad and crying, unable to hold themselves, or people who often suffer from insomnia and night sweats.

Share the three health care points for those who regulate qi depression: Qihai, Yanglingquan and Yongquan.

1. Qihai Cave. Qihai acupoint is a yang qi. The yang qi is sufficient, full and rising, and has the effect of nourishing and clearing the orifice.

Regularly massage the Qihai acupoint, which has the effect of relaxing the air. Therefore, Qihai acupoint is especially suitable for people whose qi stagnation physique is biased towards qi stagnation.

2. Yangling Spring. Yanglingquan is a point on the gallbladder meridian, which has the effect of soothening the liver and gallbladder. It is most suitable for chest and rib pain with poor air.

With the gallbladder meridian and the Taichong and Ququan points of the liver meridian, the effect of soothening the liver and qi is better.

Yanglingquan is suitable for people with qi depression and qi depression.

3. Yongquan Cave. Yongquan acupoint is on the kidney meridian, which is the lowest part of the whole body, and is the first point of the kidney meridian. Massage Yongquan acupoint can alternating excitement and inhibition in the left and right hemispheres of the brain, effectively regulate the neuroendocrine system, promote the function of the cardiovascular system, improve blood circulation, enhance human physical strength and energy, and effectively relieve the stagnation of qi.

Yongquan acupoint is suitable for people with qi stagnation physique towards qi stagnation.


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