Adolescence is the peak stage of psychological development.

Establishing a correct outlook on life and values is an important topic for the early self-development of young people.

A correct and positive outlook on life and values will guide and dominate the aspirations and actions of young people, which is of great significance to their growth, success and adulthood. Correct and positive outlook on life and values should include:

• Learn to look at problems objectively and seek truth from facts.

• Learn to analyse problems in two parts.

• Be upright, kind, sincere and diligent.

• Learn to take responsibility and be caring.

• Establish lofty ideals and lofty spiritual pursuits.

Mental health standards for teenagers:

Mental health refers to people’s ability to adapt to the objective environment efficiently and happily. Young people with mental health should maintain a stable and coordinated mood, normal intelligence, and have the behaviour of adapting to the social environment. The specific measures of mental health are as follows:

• Normal intelligence: observation, attention, memory, imagination, thinking ability, and expression ability are all normal.

• Emotional stability: often maintain a sense of pleasure, cheerfulness, self-confidence and satisfaction, emotional coordination, broad-mindedness, and good hands to find fun in life.

• Sound will: In wilful behaviour, there is curiosity, diligence, self-consciousness, decisiveness and firmness.

• Behaviour coordination: consciousness and behaviour are consistent, words and deeds are consistent, thinking and action are unified and coordinated, and the response is appropriate.


• Adapt to the environment: be able to adjust yourself according to the objective situation and maintain a dynamic balance with the environment.

• Love life: have a strong sense of survival reality, have the courage to try, and can see success from failure.

• Good interpersonal relationship: willing to socialise with others, in socialising

Maintain an independent personality and be able to evaluate others objectively.

• Moderate response: It can respond to all kinds of stimuli, neither overreacting nor being slow.

•3. Mental health care for primary and secondary school students

Under the guidance of scientific psychological theory and technology, mental health care can help teenagers understand themselves, have empathy for others, maintain a good adaptation to social life, and solve psychological problems in life in a timely manner. The health care content of primary and secondary school students includes the following aspects:

•Improve psychological quality: enhance students’ emotional adjustment and adaptability, and learn to regulate emotions and withstand setbacks

•Cultivate positive qualities: develop students’ psychological potential, cultivate a sound personality and good psychological qualities.

• Enhance psychological ability: improve students’ autonomy and self-education ability, and help students understand themselves correctly.

• Promote physical and mental development: promote the harmonious and sustainable development of students’ physical and mental health, so that students can better cope with learning and life.

4. Scientific use of brain and learning ability

Developing the habit of lifelong learning, scientific brain use and purposeful relaxation can help teenagers find the fun of learning, stimulate the thirst for knowledge, constantly explore, and become confident lifelong learners. Scientific use of brain advice:

• Regularly empty the brain, common efficient learning methods.

• Timely sleep supplementation is conducive to brain cleaning and memory.

• Actively exercise the body and promote the growth of new neurons in the brain.

Peership has a unique role in the psychological development of teenagers that cannot be replaced by other interpersonal relationships. The development process of adolescent self-awareness is actually the process of continuous socialisation of individuals, and the youth peer group is one of the important ways to develop self-awareness. Pay attention to the following points in the process of companions:

• Pay attention to personality growth and objective self-evaluation: peer groups indirectly affect young people to understand themselves and perceive themselves, so as to help them pay attention to their own personality growth and form objective self-evaluation.

• Self-esteem and self-confidence: the care and help of friends can provide positive emotional support for teenagers and help them

Cultivate self-confidence, and friends also provide reference to social behaviour.

Set an example to improve the self-esteem level of teenagers.

• Sense of morality and justice: The impact of real good friends on teenagers is positive. It will not encourage obedience and suppress individual uniqueness, but bad groups may make teenagers form a wrong sense of morality and a wrong sense of justice, and even deviate from society and family.

6. Correct guidance of sexual psychology

Adolescence is the peak period of sexual physiology and sexual psychological development. Sexual psychological problems are one of the common causes of psychological distress and even psychological disorders in adolescents. Schools and families should actively carry out sex education for teenagers. Guide teenagers:

• Talk about the problem frankly and openly.

• Acquiring sexual knowledge from the right way.

• Grasp the scale of heterosexual intercourse.

• Learn self-esteem and self-love self-protection.

7. Turning “psychological crisis” into “growth opportunity”,Psychological crisis refers to a person’s cognition or experience of events and situations, believing that the difficulties he faces cannot be dealt with and solved in the way he dealt with the problems before.

The current problem is the resulting temporary psychological imbalance. To judge whether there is a psychological crisis among teenagers

Three standards:

• Whether the event or situation has a significant psychological impact.

• Whether it causes acute emotional, cognitive and behavioural changes (but does not meet the diagnostic criteria for mental illness).

• Whether the previous way cannot solve the current problem.Parents should face and look at their children’s psychological crisis with a correct attitude to prevent the emergence of two phenomena:

• Too afraid of the crisis. In fact, the crisis itself is both a danger and an opportunity to grow.

• It is believed that the psychological crisis is far away from the child, even if the child has some signs and does not take it seriously.

The occurrence of some extreme events is not accidental, but probably due to the accumulation of long-term negative emotions and the superposition of pressure in all aspects.

8. Cleverly deal with academic pressure

Students face pressure in their study career. In this special period, parents can give their children appropriate and full support. The following points should be done in response to children’s learning:

• Rationally pay attention to grades and actively pay attention to growth: parents should treat their academic performance correctly, but score theory is not advisable.

• Help children establish reasonable learning goals: reasonable goal positioning is conducive to children’s normal or even extraordinary performance.

• Assist children to develop healthy work and rest habits: having a reasonable diet and adequate sleep can ensure that the body copes with high-intensity learning.

• Guide children to actively deal with exam anxiety: properly vent anxiety. You can take relaxation training and positive self-suggestion to deal with exam anxiety, face up to psychological problems, and seek professional help.

9. Build a positive and interactive parent-child relationship

The physiological and psychological development of teenagers is rapid. Generate a strong sense of independence. Too much care and care by parents will become the “rope” that binds teenagers. Parents should deal with the relationship between “point” and “combined” of parent-child questions, but

Pay attention to the following aspects:

• Accept the independent needs of young people and not blindly suppress them.

• While encouraging children to be independent, pay attention to active guidance.

• Guide teenagers to realise independence and avoid going astray.

• Respect the independent behaviour of teenagers, criticise less and criticise less.

• Pay attention to guidance at the right time in daily study and life.

10. “Heart parents” who will do psychological education

Young people’s self-awareness is becoming more and more mature, their self-concept is becoming more and more stable, with strong self-esteem and moral awareness is highly developed. And puberty is a stage where individual physiological development is significantly accelerated, but psychological development is far away.

It can’t keep up with the development of physiology, so there are many contradictions in physical and mental development, and psychological contradictions and conflicts are fierce. Head of a household.

You can learn the following psychological education tips:

• Keep calm: Teenagers are easy to argue. When parents and children have differences, they should keep calm, grasp principles, express opinions, and guide them reasonably.

• Reduce blame: Teenagers are very sensitive to public criticism, and parents should avoid criticising teenagers for their shortcomings in front of others.

• Recognise personality: Teenagers often adhere to their individual uniqueness. Parents should recognise the uniqueness of teenagers and encourage them to form a more peaceful and long-term perspective.

• Develop autonomy: Parents should avoid making too many decisions for their children, but they can give advice on how to learn from failure, so as to promote their children’s independent development.


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