A healthy diet is a healthy body.

At least 80% of the diseases can be avoided by making full use of the body. The remaining 10% comes from a healthy diet. If even this part is done, then we don’t have to worry too much about the last 10%.

I once heard a story that a patient went to see his doctor. He told the doctor that he not only had stomach pain and vomiting, but also nervousness. The doctor did a detailed examination for him, but could not find any cause of the disease. He even doubted his professionalism. So the doctor went to ask his boss for help. His boss replied, “Oh, I’m nervous and my stomach is uncomfortable, but I can’t find any reason, right?” The doctor replied in frustration, “Yes, I still can’t find any cause after a detailed examination. Is it because I’m not professional enough?” The doctor’s boss told him, “It’s very simple. You can ask him if he has played golf. If so, you can tell him to stop playing golf. If not, you can advise him to play golf. His illness will be cured.

Although this is just a little humour, obviously, health is like this, the body needs a balance; life is like this, needs a balance; everything is the same, need a balance! Many of my friends are very dedicated. They haven’t taken a good vacation for three months, half a year, or even a year. It’s normal to work overtime late, and it’s not surprising that there are no holidays on weekends.

I’m curious about how they persisted. Then one day, their bodies suddenly collapsed, feeling uncomfortable and uncomfortable everywhere, and then they had to ask for leave to be hospitalised. There were no substantial lesions in the hospital examination, but he was uncomfortable all over.

I don’t know when it has become a daily routine to work overtime, sun exposure, dedication and hard work. Behind the boring life, it is no problem for us to occasionally take some insignificant things as self-deprecating and ridicule, but the problem is that if the content is really our daily life, it is “ignorant”.

Cantonese people have a saying that “hanging your neck should be full of breath”. It means that even if you hang yourself, you have to take a breath first. Hanging neck for death, breathable survival, want to “hanging neck” but “breathing” to survive? Isn’t this contrary to each other! In fact, this sentence emphasises that no matter how stressful life is, there must be rest. To put it bluntly, we should pay attention to the combination of work and rest.

The so-called modern civilised life has made people unconsciously forget that they are human beings. Generations of people have completely deviated from the way of living in the context of the rapid development of material, high-tech and information.

If your imagination is rich enough, you can fully imagine that we are more like a set robot working and busy endlessly, but we have no idea what we are busy with and what we are busy for.

However, we are not robots. Excessive work will naturally hurt the body, and there will be problems if we can’t make full use of our bodies. How to balance the two has become something we need to think about.

If we are primitive humans, we will do much more on the physical level than we do now. As soon as we open our eyes, we have to think about our livelihood, make tools, track and pursue prey, hunt… I have to do so much work just to fill my stomach.

Nowadays, our physical activities are dozens of times, or even hundreds of times less than in the past. But if some people are always doing physical and high-intensity exercises, he needs a proper rest.

But now most people living in the city no longer use their bodies moderately, but keep using their minds. We no longer have to worry about what others say that we have “simple minds and developed limbs”. On the contrary, we have become people with developed minds and degraded limbs.

The body itself has all its own conditions to create health for itself. The more flexible the body is, the more it can be used for us, and the healthier we are. This is the easiest way to make you healthy.

The body needs to be used. Only by using it fully can we take good care of it. Otherwise, it will have problems.

When we say health, we mean physical health, don’t we? The more the body is used by us, the better it will become, just like we exercise our fingers. Whether you play the piano or do finger exercises, as long as you guarantee two hours a day, after three months, it will become very flexible, and the rest of the body will be the same. But this does not mean that as long as our bodies exercise enough every day, we must be healthy. However, if we do this, at least 80% of the diseases will disappear. The remaining 20%, 10% of which comes from the food we eat every day.

If we can change our eating habits, not for what we want to eat, but according to the needs of the body, the other 10% of the diseases will also disappear. This means that we only need to face 10% of the disease in the end. This 10% disease is based on many factors, including our genes, or karma, environmental factors, and other factors that can play a role in our system. And we all have a way to deal with these. If 90% of all patients can live a healthy life by making full use of their bodies and eating the right food, the remaining 10% will be easy to deal with. However, we are all more and more worried to see that the number of diseases is increasing day by day, and they are so huge. If you have ever bought medical insurance, you will know that there are a lot of types of cancer that we have heard and have not heard of.

Readers with intentions can trace back to when cancer began to become so rampant.

The first reason why I’m sick is that we don’t have the right diet, and the second reason is that I have no problem with the diet, but I don’t use my body properly. But in most cases, neither of us has done well enough.In addition, there are other factors in life, just like we train our fingers or muscles in a certain part. When we can also train ourselves to produce continuous energy, our bodies will also get better.

However, we can see that today, most people in the world have turned their lives into another model. We can’t go back to the era of our ancestors, but this does not mean that some people have high blood pressure at the age of 30, and some people will die suddenly before the age of 40. It absolutely does not mean that young people in their twenties are not as People in the past fifty or sixty years old had such physical strength and endurance.

I often think about whether human beings have progressed or degenerated. Intellectually speaking, human beings have indeed evolved, but it is precisely because of this that human beings have been degraded physically. We can no longer survive in a pure natural environment like our ancestors, let alone like them, we can’t even be as close to nature as other insects or animals.

However, that is the basis for providing all life. Don’t let the vision in front of us force us to forget the fact that we are just an advanced animal. If you deviate from the facts, you will deviate from the essence, deviate from the essence of life, and it is impossible to become a healthy life.






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