Healthy eating

The concept of healthy eating is actually too broad, because different people have different interpretations of health, so it is better to say balanced diet than healthy. Every time this word is mentioned, there are more and more fresh vegetables, fruits and coarse grains in everyone’s mind. We always feel that this is called health, rationality and science… However, this is not the case. These can only be called plain and light. So for the public, what is a reasonable and balanced diet?

The answer is: “Eat well and eat normally!” To put it in detail, “Eat a little less, eat more in a variety of ways, don’t worry about eating.” It’s not so low: “Eat in moderation, diversify, and eat normally.” I hereby declare that this is not what I said, and I dare not say it. It originated from a nutritionist. But I forgot his name.

Judging from experience, friends who have heard me say this all feel that the wolf is perfunctory. But this matter itself is so simple. It is not that there is no careful dietary analysis, but it is not necessary for most people. Many so-called nutritional diet common sense actually plays a secondary role, and it is true that it adds countless unnecessary anxiety. No more nonsense, let’s start with the central content.

First: The dietary problem is a development problem brought about by development.

In short, when it is not easy to go back a few decades, everyone is wondering what to eat. Later, when they were full, everyone began to think about what to eat. Later, when life was better, there were problems with eating more choices, and then I began to worry about what to eat and what not to eat. Although it’s a little vulgar, I have to say that we live too much.

All this is like the fate of coarse grains. Whole wheat bread is the big brother of the bread industry. Not only that, but also for the sake of the fruit, people in the early years will not remove wheat bran, but also add some leaves and bark. Later, the grain production increased significantly, and everyone began to dislike the bad taste of whole wheat bread. That’s why there is refined bread. People are happy and eat hard. As a result, some people’s skin begins to have problems, and even some serious necrosis. It turned out that white bread lacked the necessary vitamins. Of course, people are a creature that is difficult to retreat. How can they give up when they have a better taste, so vitamin A and D-enhanced bread appeared. The specific method is to add large pieces of vitamins into powder when making noodles… Of course, now, whole wheat bread has become a favourite again. To be precise, coarse grain has become a favourite. Some friends who want to have a “healthy” diet eat oatmeal, but they don’t dare to add sugar and post on WeChat Moments that it’s too bad… Because I and many of my friends around me have experienced this, I can only say that it is nonsense.

Diet is not a problem. Development has turned it into a problem.

Second: Balanced diet? What is balance?

Everyone should have heard of the balanced meal pyramid. Uncooked friends can search the keywords on Baidu, which basically describes the proportion of grains, vegetables, fruits, meat, milk and eggs, etc. in all the content that a person eats in a day. Although this proportion has been constantly changing and modifying, there have been many admirers.

In fact, the purpose of releasing this at the beginning was to provide you with a “macro”, “macro” and “macro” diet guidance. That’s right, I emphasised the macro. In fact, the further explanation is the “eat in moderation, diversification, and normal eating” I mentioned at the beginning. We don’t need accurate calculation and quantisation, and we don’t need to ensure that we have to eat all these every day. Most of us still need to work, study and take care of our families. Life can’t be too comfortable. Sometimes I really don’t have the opportunity to have a balanced diet every day. Even my nutrition professor, the table is full of instant noodles, and I often come to class with fast food. It’s not that we don’t understand the truth, but we also need to consider the reality.

But we can totally eat a lot of staple foods today, such as oil spill noodles, beef patties and pancakes. Then tomorrow I will pay attention to eat more vegetables or two apples. If I am short of meat for two consecutive days, I will nourish the meat on the third day. As long as there is this kind of “balance” consciousness in a few days, it is actually quite good. Someone asked me if this was okay, and the answer was: only. Again, you can study science in the absolute space and the idealised space, but the implementation must consider reality. Otherwise, it will add to the burden and anxiety. In fact, it’s the same for fried chicken, hamburger, French fries and ice cream. What if you eat it once or twice a week? “Balance” is not an exterminance, but a kind of trade-off and compensatory thinking.

Of course, some friends are perfectionist, just like the little wolf used to be very sensitive to eating, so this is nothing. But whether scientific ideas can be applied to our lives depends on whether it is appropriate. Appropriateness is very important. There is a steady state inside the human body, and there is a balance towards the outside world. For different people and different individuals, the balance is different, and you have to explore by yourself.

For example: Shanxi, why is pasta developed? Because there were not many kinds of non-staple food in those years, it was destined to have high-carbon water in their diet structure. For example, in Inner Mongolia, there are not many staple foods, precious meat, and rare dishes, so their diet is destined to be high in protein and heavily dependent on dairy products. But we can’t say that they are unhealthy. Of course, we can’t apply the pyramidal ideas to them. Therefore, balance is not an absolute concept, nor is it a fixed concept.

Three: Talk less about nutrients and more about food…

This is a side effect of public nutrition publicity and commercial publicity.

Do you remember when we or the people around us began to talk about the nutrients in the food instead of the food itself? When we were young, we only knew how to eat hamburgers, steamed buns, and rice. However, now, many young people who love their figure go to the supermarket and will be entangled in front of the pork belly. Because they are worried about its fat, they finally reluctantly buy tenderloin. We will say, buy some of this dish, high vitamin content; more of this, high protein; this, high fibre content; fever and cold, I have to eat some vitamin C; sweat, I have to supplement some electrolytes; eat less of this thing, high calories; I have muscles, eat more protein; I lose weight, eat less carbon water. .。。

There is no enumeration of such examples. I don’t know much about these nutrients, but I say it so naturally. In fact, we can’t be blamed for this. First of all, we can’t ask everyone to study nutrition, and secondly, this is publicised by various channels now… Maybe someone will say, “Isn’t this also a good thing? Even if you are a little nervous, it’s good for your health.” No, a mouth full of nutrients does not mean a healthy diet, but increases the possibility of anxiety. Because once we can’t eat the nutrition we think we should eat, we will be anxious and worried. Because the understanding of food nutrition is too shallow, in most cases, we have eaten enough or even overdough for a long time, but we still feel that there is not enough. As a result, eating is very utilitarian. It is true that some friends are very interested in nutrients and efficacy when chatting with Xiaolang, and they also know it well. He said, “Oh, you can eat fried chicken burgers every weekend because you have to maintain the intake of fat to ensure the absorption of fat and vitamins and the level of maintaining hormones, right?” I said, “Actually, I just want to relieve my tony…”

So friends can self-diagnose and try to adjust if they have it. No, congratulations, prevention.

Four: Is the diet plan for fat loss and weight gain “healthy”?

(Although the problems discussed in this article have almost nothing to do with shaping and practising muscles, it is very appropriate to put it here.)

Many celebrities are emphasising that eating normally and eating normally are aimed at the daily diet. The purpose is to try to let everyone put aside unnecessary concerns. But if it is necessary to involve weight loss and weight gain, the premise will change. Diet is no longer a simple daily problem, but a behaviour with a clear goal. At this moment, the diet is not so pure and becomes utilitarian, so the criterion for judging is not healthy or unhealthy, but effective and ineffective. Ineffective may be “healthy” and may be balanced; effective may be due to excessive imbalance. It’s hard to put it in a word.

In fact, the reason why life can cope with various changes in the outside world is that there is a steady state inside, and various organs and nervous systems in the body help us maintain a steady state. The same is true of weight. We always think that we will gain weight after eating fried chicken a few times and lose weight after eating salad a few times. In fact, it is not necessarily true. Energy expenditure does dominate the person to be fat and thin, but the body itself is also trying to maintain a range of weight. We can’t feel it, but it exists. Although everyone is different, genes and development determine that each of us has a suitable weight range. In this range, it is not easy to increase or decrease, because the human body is maintaining this steady state. Therefore, the weight gain diet is to break this balance, this steady state. So these dietary plans themselves are an unbalanced existence.

Although I try my best to avoid this word, if it has to be related to health, I can only say that the more effective the plan, the faster the plan is not “healthy”, and the subsequent effect is usually not lasting. Relatively “healthy” because they are more in line with the concept of “balance”, the more difficult it is to break the steady state, the less effective it is. Although the little wolf itself avoids breaking the balance, just like weight, many things go astray unconsciously, so sometimes they really can’t be corrected. Not only to lose weight, there are many things that prevent us from balancing our diet. Unfortunately, sometimes we really have to be “unhealthy” and “unbalanced” for a period of time. However, life still has to be passed. In the long run, this imbalance is good. Therefore, when there is no way, don’t always think about things like “healthy or unhealthy”, which adds to anxiety. Don’t underestimate your body’s ability to adjust.

Five: Don’t mistake “adjusting dietary advice” as “balanced diet secrets”.

There are many misunderstandings because we mistakenly regard adjustment suggestions as the essentials of a balanced diet. Let me explain it in detail.

I made a big mistake at the beginning. Every time I mention “healthy diet”, there will be more fresh vegetables, fruits and coarse grains in everyone’s mind. This is not everyone’s fault, and we can’t even blame the publicity. Because there are too many people who are overnourished and overweight, there are “adjusting diet suggestions” for this phenomenon, that is, to eat more fruits and vegetables, which are relatively low in calories, cholesterol and fat. As I said before, the balance that has tilted to one side, of course, I want to add something to the other side, but it doesn’t mean that what I add is balance, that is, health. So it’s not that the more vegetarian it is, the thicker it is, the healthier it is.

There is another one, a low-oil diet. Nowadays, many friends who advocate a healthy diet regard it as a Bible. Low oil is health. But if you put it in the past, who is not a light meal? For ordinary people, how happy it would be to eat some fat, especially animal fat. Therefore, we should look at this problem this way, because there are too many people who consume too much fat and are overweight. Therefore, we advocate a low-oil diet. But it doesn’t mean that health is equal to low oil.

Although there are many examples, I think it’s clear enough. There is no secret or equation for a balanced diet. It’s still the three points of “eat in moderation, diversification, and normal eating.” As for that balance, it must be found by yourself.

Six: Summarise.

This topic is already very big, and it is not easy to discuss. In the future, the little wolf will take out the arguments inside and post them separately. The little wolf took a big detour in this regard. Looking back, he felt quite stupid. But it teaches me a truth. There is some balance, which can only be found by stumbling through some extremes. The same is true of a balanced diet. Everyone’s local habits, family habits, and personal habits are different, so I have always felt that it is not necessarily appropriate to give a fixed plan directly. This long article summarises the same sentence: “Eat in moderation, diversify, and eat normally.” How to call it appropriate? You really have to control it by yourself. Of course, if you have special needs and diseases, you have to listen to the doctor. Although this article has nothing to do with body shaping, many friends have been asking whether eating or practising is important for body shaping. I can only say this. If you are a little lazy, I will say that practising is important; if you are greedy, I will say that controlling eating is more important. Finally, there is another important conclusion: for non-professional athletes, whether in training or diet, some things do need to sprint for a while and pursue for a while. So maybe the corresponding diet and training should be extreme and hard. But in the long run, finding a balance is the most important. Many people give up, perhaps not only because of laziness, but also because they have not found a balance.


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