Is it harmful to the human body if you eat too much bacon?

Speaking of bacon, many people like this delicacy. Steam rice with bacon and stir-fry some bacon when you have nothing to do. It makes people drool when you think about it. Mr. Zhang, 40 years old, is an iron powder of bacon. Three months ago, Mr. Zhang, who loves bacon, made his own bacon sausage. Since then, he has to make some rice every day. For three months in a row, he has almost every meal with bacon.

A few days ago, Mr. Zhang felt pain in his upper abdomen and went to the hospital for medical treatment. The doctor said that he would take a blood test, but he could not draw blood from Mr. Zhang’s blood vessels at all. Instead, he pulled out something milky white. At that time, he scared Mr. Zhang. The reason why Mr. Zhang’s blood has changed so much is that he loves meat too much. In addition to bacon with very high fat, Mr. Zhang has a special preference for all kinds of meat, which makes the triglycerides in Mr. Zhang’s blood 15 times higher than the normal value, which makes the blood milky white.

Medically, Mr. Zhang’s blood is called “milk blood”. That is, “blood with oil slick” or “blood containing too many fat particles”. Obviously, this is a pathological manifestation, which is mostly related to improper eating habits or genetic diseases. The reason for Mr. Zhang’s abdominal pain is also that he ate too much bacon, resulting in too many fat particles in his blood, causing severe pancreatitis.

Eating too much meat hurts the “heart” and “brain”. Scientific research has found that early humans only ate fruits and vegetables instead of meat. It was not until the post-ice period that the fruits, nuts and vegetables needed by human beings did not meet their needs. In order to survive, they began to eat the meat of dead animals as a supplement. However, after the ice age, there was enough vegetarian food, and the habit of eating meat continued. In real life, there are many “carnivores” around us, such as hamburgers, barbeque, roast duck, and braised pork – every meal is “no meat”.

According to the data of the National Nutrition Survey in 2002, the daily consumption of animal food consumption of urban and rural residents in China is 248 grams and 126 grams respectively, while the standard given by the Chinese Nutrition Society is only 50-75 grams per day. In fact, in ancient China, meat eating was quite controversial. In Lv’s Spring and Autumn · Chongji, it is pointed out that people who are good at health preservation are “not delicious”, because “the food of food is filled by the stomach, the stomach is full of stuffy, and the stuffy is not good”.

“Zhongzhen” mainly refers to animal food such as swimming fish, birds and animals. The ancients believed that eating too much of this kind of food would make the digestive function of the spleen and stomach sluggish, and also affect the smoothness of qi and blood function.

Now more and more experiments have proved that eating too much meat is very harmful to the human body: at least 1 million new heart patients are added in the United States every year, and nearly 600,000 people lose their lives. According to the research report of the American Cardiology Research Council, most of these heart disease patients are due to eating too much meat, eating vegetables and exercising too little. In addition, eating more meat is also closely related to metabolic diseases such as hyperlipidaemia and obesity. Recently, the British Daily Mail wrote that even seemingly unrelated diseases such as arthritis, gallstones, Alzheimer’s disease and osteoporosis are also related to eating meat. When human beings are transformed into “carnivores”, they will not only cause damage to the body, but also make the human brain dopamine secretion vigourously, acetylcholine activity is abnormal, causing emotional irritability, strong desire, and affect intelligence.

The World Health Organisation has also put forward five suggestions for preventing cancer through reasonable living and eating habits: 1. Limit animal fat; 2. Increase coarse fibres; 3. Reduce meat; 4. Add fresh fruits and vegetables; 5. Avoid obesity.

If you have eaten too much meat and formed hyperlipidaemia, what do you need to do?

I. Diet, exercise therapy

The purpose is to reduce plasma cholesterol and maintain balanced nutrition. In addition to lowering cholesterol, exercise and weight loss can also reduce triglycerides and hypertension and increase HDL cholesterol.

II. Drug treatment

1. Cholic acid binding resin

For example, chlorhexamine cholestyramine, take 4-5g orally each time, 3 times/d, colestipol, 4-5g each time, 3 times/d. It is advisable to have regular blood routine, liver function and blood electrolyte examination during medication.

2. Niacin

It is used to treat the simultaneous existence of high cholesterol and hypertriglyceridaemia, starting from 0.1g, 3 times/d, and then increased to 1 to 2g, 3 times/d according to the change of blood lipid and tolerance, with skin flushing, itching, stomach discomfort, indigestion, elevated blood sugar, elevated blood uric acid, , long-term application should pay attention to checking liver function. Asimox acipimox, take 250-500mg before going to bed every night. If you need it, you can take 250mg at breakfast.

3. Phenoxyaromic acid

Clobrate clofibrate, 0.5g orally, 3 times/d.

III. Traditional Chinese medicine for hyperlipidaemia

1. Soak mulberry leaves in water

Mulberry leaves have a relatively obvious effect of reducing blood lipids. Mulberry leaves contain phytosterols, flavonoids and isoflavones. It can inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine, and flavonoids can also reduce blood viscosity, strengthen capillaries, and improve heart and liver function.

2. Cassia kelp soup

20g of grass cassia and 30g of kelp. Water decoction filter medicine to remove slag, eat kelp and drink soup once a day, one course of treatment in a month, generally taking 1 to 3 courses, this prescription has the effect of removing fat and lowering blood pressure, and is suitable for patients with hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, coronary heart disease or obesity.

Cao Juming is Cassiazi, which tastes bitter, sweet, salty, slightly cold, enters the liver, kidney, and large intestine; moistens the intestine and relieves constipation, reduces fat and eyesight, treats constipation, hyperlipidaemia, and high blood pressure. It clears the liver and eyes, facilitates water and defecation, has the effect of slowing diarrhea, lowering blood pressure and lowering blood lipids.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that kelp is salty, cold, non-toxic, and has the effects of soft and firm dispersing knots, eliminating phlegm and asthma, diuretic, reducing fat and lowering blood pressure. There are also a large number of unsaturated fatty acids in kelp, which can remove too much cholesterol attached to the walls of blood vessels. The food fibre alginic acid in kelp can smooth the intestines and stomach, promote the excretion of cholesterol, and control the absorption of cholesterol.

3. Barley green juice

The therapeutic value of barley seedlings is recorded in the Compendium of Materia Medica, which has the effects of “spicy, cold and non-toxic; it can sober up and treat poisonous sores; taking it after pounding and filtering can relieve poison; taking it after boiling can eliminate boredom, treat seasonal epidemics, and is conducive to intestinal health. Barley seedlings are rich in dietary fibre, which can soften faeces, stimulate the intestinal wall, speed up intestinal peristalsis, absorb harmful substances, and excrete them from the body.


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