Liver actually likes to eat fruit

Speaking of the liver, everyone knows that this is the most powerful detoxifying organ in the human body, and it is also known as the “metabolism factory” because it serves as the body’s metabolism and detoxification work. For such an important organ, everyone should pay attention to strengthening the protection so that the liver will not be damaged by various factors, which will affect its function and is not conducive to health. If you eat more of the following three fruits, it will make your liver happier.

I. Oranges. Oranges contain a large amount of vitamins, which can protect liver cells, reduce the probability of liver cells being oxidised, and prevent liver diseases. If you suffer from liver disease, you can also improve the congestion of the liver by eating more oranges, helping patients protect liver cells and reduce their damage. However, eating a large amount of oranges at a time is easy to cause excessive internal heat and constipation. At the same time, it is also necessary to avoid eating oranges on an empty stomach, so as to cause intestinal discomfort after the stomach is stimulated.

II. Grapes. If the liver function is reduced, ascites or the lower limbs are swollen, you can eat some grapes in moderation, because grapes contain a lot of calcium, potassium, phosphorus and various vitamins, which increases the albumin concentration in the plasma and reduces the content of transaminase. The polyphenols in grapes can also play the role of removing free radicals and antioxidants in the body, adjusting liver cells while reducing the damage of free radicals to the liver, so as to achieve the purpose of nourishing and protecting the liver.

III. Bananas. Bananas contain a lot of potassium, protein, vitamins and dietary fibre. Regular eating bananas can not only strengthen the spleen and stomach, moisten the intestines and defecate, but also enhance the detoxification and regeneration functions of liver cells. In particular, people with liver disease can eat more bananas to protect the liver and restore liver function. If you have a liver disease patient who has undergone surgery, you can also eat some bananas in the later stage, which can not only reduce poor defaecation, but also make the liver disease recover as soon as possible.

IV. avocado. The study found that eating avocado in moderation in a balanced diet is related to weight loss and comprehensive improvement of liver function. Avocado contains a powerful liver protector, which can reduce liver damage. People who eat avocados are also more likely to have a lower body mass index (BMIs) and waist circumference. There are also higher levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL, “good” cholesterol). It is believed that some of the effects are related to the high fibre, healthy oil and water content of avocado.

V. Blueberries. They can reduce hepatocyte damage, inflammation and inflammatory cytokines, and improve antioxidant activity. In addition, the original anthropig colour from blueberry leaves inhibits the replication of hepatitis C virus.

6. Eat more papaya. Papaya is rich in frucic acid, which has the effect of protecting the liver and reducing fat. Papaya is also rich in vitamin C, which helps to remove oxygen free radicals and increase the resistance of liver cells.

7. Lemon. Lemons can curb the accumulation of fat in human liver cells and help liver detoxify.

VIII. Kiwi. Eating kiwi, which is rich in dietary fibre, can promote the peristalsis of the intestines and stomach. It can play a positive role in indigestion and loss of appetite. At the same time, it can expel toxic substances from the body and prevent constipation. Eating kiwi fruit often can have the effect of clearing away heat and reducing fire.

Nine, kumquat. Golden orange has a sweet and sour taste. It can enter the lung and stomach meridians. Regular consumption can moisten the lungs, strengthen the stomach and digestion, and stimulate fluid and quench thirst. There are many ways to eat golden oranges. In addition to eating them directly, they can also be made into golden orange cakes.

Dragon fruit. Dragon fruit has the effect of clear eyesight and reducing fire. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver is the main order. When the liver fire is strong, the eyes will also be red, swollen and bloody. Eating some dragon fruit often can reduce liver fire, expel toxins, nourish liver cells, and promote the proliferation of beneficial cells in the liver. It also has a certain anti- It helps to prevent the occurrence of inflammation and is suitable for daily health care.


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