Traditional Chinese medicine talks about lung healthy

Traditional Chinese medicine talks about lung healthy

In the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Sutra, the liver is compared to a “general’s official”. The liver, as the general organ of the human body, is not too much, because the liver is very important to the human body.

As the saying goes, “A good man will not fall.” The liver is responsible for the digestion and absorption of the three major nutrients: body fat, protein and sugar. Once there is a problem, there will be hidden dangers to human health. Therefore, it is important to detect the signals of liver lesions in time!

1. Three places “blackened”

The face turns dark; people with bad liver will have no blood colour and sallow and dark faces. This is due to insufficient liver blood, and the face is not nourished with enough qi and blood, so there is no blood colour on the face; while liver qi stagnation will reduce the detoxification function of the liver and lead to the accumulation of toxins. The reaction is that the skin colour is dark, waxy yellow, and the face is long. In addition, one of the causes of acne is liver hormone imbalance, endocrine disorders, and acne. The main reason for these problems is the increase of luteal hormones in the body, damage to the liver, and the imbalance of hormones cannot be adjusted.

The eyes turn dark; the eyes turn black, sometimes it is a manifestation of some liver diseases. The eyes are often dry, itchy and afraid of light, which means that there is insufficient liver blood, and there is not enough liver yin to nourish the eyes. If the liver is too angry, it will cause the eyes to be red and even inflamed. In addition, poor liver can also affect sleep, leading to insomnia and dreaminess, which is easy to wake up; and poor sleep can also lead to darken eye circles.

Nails turn black; traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver is the main tendon, and the nail is part of the tendon. If there is a problem with the liver, there will generally be an obvious signal on the nails: the surface of the nails is smooth, the colour is ruddy and shiny, indicating that the liver is healthy; black vertical stripes appear on the nails, or the edges are black and white, concave and convex, indicating that there is a problem with the liver. At this time .

2. The second place will “dead”

The body stinks; the liver is the largest detoxification organ in the human body. Like a computer, it will “heat” when it is overloaded, resulting in slow operation. Due to changes in people’s diet and lifestyle, the pressure on the liver is also increasing. When it is overloaded and unable to decompose toxins, the harmful substances of the body will be excreted through the pores of the skin, resulting in an odour. So when there is body odour, it is enough to show that the liver has been seriously damaged. Don’t ignore it.

Bad breath aggravates; bad breath is not only a problem of digestive function, but also a problem of the liver. In the case of impaired liver function, the body’s toxins cannot be excreted. At this time, the content of ammonia and urea nitrogen in the blood will increase, and ammonia is a gas with a strong pungent odour. They are excreted from the mouth and nose of the human body through breathing, so there is a problem of bad breath, which is also . If patients with liver disease have obvious bad breath and body odour, at this time, it shows that the liver is deeply poisonous, and it is necessary to improve liver function in time and strengthen liver metabolism!

If the liver is not good, it cannot be ignored blindly, otherwise it may eventually develop into fatty liver, cirrhosis, or even liver cancer, causing irreparable losses.

So in life, how should we protect the health of the liver?

3. Four small ways to protect liver health

Get up early and urinate in time; many people will stay in bed in the morning. Even if they want to pee, they are too lazy to get up. When they can’t help it, they won’t get up and go to the bathroom. But Dr. Daniel Parady, an expert at the European Liver Research Association, said that urination is also a way to detoxify the body. By urinating as soon as possible after getting up in the morning, you can expel the toxins accumulated all night out of the body in time to avoid the retention of toxins in the body, leading to liver “poisoning”.

Go to bed early and don’t stay up late; we all know that “sleeping at night nourishes the liver”. While the human body rests at night, it is also the time for the liver to self-repair. Therefore, if you often stay up late and your liver doesn’t get a good rest, it will inevitably cause great damage. Moreover, staying up late often will not only lead to lack of sleep and decreased body resistance; it will also affect the self-repair of the liver at night; and for people who have been infected with hepatitis B virus, damaged liver cells will be difficult to repair and may worsen. Therefore, before going to bed at night, try not to play with your mobile phone, close your eyes and refresh yourself, so as to fall asleep as soon as possible.

A cup of liver-protecting tea between the two meals; prepare 30g of dandelion root, 30g of chrysanthemum root, 20g of rose, and 15g of osmanthus. All of them are crushed and sealed in a storage tank. Take one-tenth of the water each time. Dandelion root can protect the liver and prevent liver damage. It is most commonly used in patients with liver disease, which can enhance the ability of liver regeneration and help the human body expel more metabolites! Orchid chrysanthemum root has a good liver protection effect, which can help cells speed up the repair speed and have an obvious protective effect on liver cells. Roses can calm the liver and nourish the stomach, promote blood circulation, warm the heart, liver and blood vessels, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and remove the garbage accumulated in the body, which is conducive to diluting melasma. Osmanthus has the effect of excreting metabolites in the body, nourishing the liver and moisturising the lungs. It can improve bad breath, stomach cold and stomach pain, and can also remove bad breath and moisturise the skin. The combination of the four is very beneficial to protect the health of the liver by making tea substitutes between two meals!

Press more liver protection point – liver Yu point; liver Yu point is located on the back, under the 9th thoracic spine process, 1.5 inches next to it. It is a “water pool” formed by the vitality of the liver on the back of the body. Liver Yu is an indispensable health care point for nourishing the liver. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that regular massage of this acupuncture point can not only relieve the liver and qi, reduce fire and reduce fever, but also benefit the liver and eyesight, and perform qi to relieve pain.


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