How to exercise scientifically

Research shows that reasonable exercise can delay life expectancy, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, infectious diseases, tumours, etc., and can improve the metabolism and function of the human skeletal system, enhance bone density, and prevent and delay the occurrence of osteoporosis.

Don’t exercise too long.

During exercise, the body is under pressure and the muscles are tense. If the continuous question is too long or the frequency of exercise is too frequent, the tired muscles lack three rest or have time to rest, muscle soreness and other conditions will occur.

Don’t repeat the same action.

Most of the times the same action is repeated, and the load is too concentrated, which will cause excessive local burden on the body and cause sports damage. If the knee joint is too much, it is easy to cause bone damage;

Practising duck steps too much can cause damage to the medial collateral ligament and meniscus of the knee. Therefore, monotonous exercise methods should be avoided as much as possible in fitness training to prevent excessive local burden.

Pay attention to the vulnerable parts

During exercise, soft tissue injuries such as muscles, joint capsules and ligaments are more common. Strengthening the strength of the quadriceps can prevent knee joint injury; to prevent shoulder joint injury should strengthen the deltoid muscle and shoulder.

Exercise of the licemus, pectoris and biceps. Therefore, consciously strengthening the exercise of vulnerable areas also plays an important role in preventing injuries.

Warm up before exercise

Pre-exercise warm-up can improve the elasticity of muscles, improve the skills of motor organs, enhance the elasticity of ligaments, increase the synovial fluid in the joint cavity, and prevent muscle and joint damage. Without warm-up exercise, high-intensity exercise is done as soon as it comes up. Whether the internal organs can adapt to the requirements of muscle movement, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and even shock may occur.

Correct use of sports equipment

Good sports equipment is like a warrior’s armour, which can protect the body from injury when exercising.

For example, a good pair of sneakers can reduce sports injuries by 30%. But inappropriate sports equipment may in turn hurt the body. It is recommended to choose light and breathable clothes when choosing clothing, and shoes should be selected according to your own arch and exercise style.

Do not drink a lot of water during and after vigourous exercise.

During vigourous exercise, the salt in the body is excreted with a large amount of sweat. Drinking too much water will reduce the osmotic pressure of the blood, destroy the balance of water and salt metabolism in the body, affect the normal physiological function of the human body, and even muscle spasms. Because when exercising, it is necessary to increase the frequency of heartbeat and breathing to increase blood and oxygen to meet the needs of exercise. Drinking a large amount of water will make the stomach swell and fill, hinder diaphragmal movement, and affect breathing; the circulation of blood increases, which increases the burden on the heart, which is not only not conducive to exercise, but also hurts the heart.

It is not appropriate to exercise after meals

Because more blood needs to flow to the gastrointestinal tract after meals to help food digestion and nutrient absorption. If you participate in exercise at this time, it will cause blood to flow to the limbs and hinder the digestion of the gastrointestinal tract, which will lead to disease over time. The frail person’s blood pressure will also decrease after eating, which is called hypotension after eating, and it is easy to fall when going out. Long-term postprandial exercise is prone to cecumitis.

Don’t sit and rest.

This is a very common practice. If you feel tired after exercise, you can squat down or sit down and think that you can save effort and rest. In fact, this is a wrong practice. If you squat and sit down immediately after exercise, it will hinder the blood flow of the lower limbs, affect blood circulation, and deepen physical fatigue. In severe cases, gravity shock will occur.


1. Do not eat 2 hours before exercise. It is best to eat some beef or lean pork 3 hours before exercise, but it is not recommended to eat greasy puffed food;

2. Do not drink a lot of water before exercise. It is recommended to drink a small amount of physiological saline in a small mouthful;

3. Do not wear soft-soled shoes to participate in running, high jump, long jump and other sports, and the shoelaces should not be too long;

You should rest as early as possible the night before, check your sports equipment, and do something that usually makes you happy.


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