Relevant knowledge about kidney health

Kidney is innate. The theory of traditional Chinese medicine believes that “kidney qi is sufficient, all diseases are eliminated”, while kidney deficiency weakens vitality, and various diseases will come one after another. So, what are the functions of the kidneys? Why is it so important to the human body?

Where is the kidney?

The human body has two kidneys, one on the left and right, shaped like a broad bean. It is located behind the peritoneum and on both sides of the spine. It is about the position of the second thoracic vertebrae to the third lumbar vertebrae, and the right kidney is half to one vertebrae lower than the left kidney position. The outer edge of the kidney is bulging, the middle of the inner edge is concave, and the centre of the depression is the renal portal, which is the place where the renal blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, ureter and nerves enter and exit the kidney. The kidneys have important functions, including the filtration function of the glomerulus, and the renal tubules have reabsorption and excretion functions. In addition, the kidneys also have endocrine functions, which can regulate blood pressure, red blood cell production and bone growth.

What are the functions of the kidney?

1. Produce urine, detoxify and excrete. The kidneys have the function of generating human urine and excreting metabolites in the body. The vast majority of human metabolism products of waste are metabolised to the body through the kidney organs with urine, and the useful ingredients will be reabsorbed back into the body through the renal tubules. In addition, the kidney can also expel some toxic substances entering the body. Because the kidney has the function of retaining nutrients and expelling toxins, it is also called “blood sieve”.

2. Adjust the electrolyte and acid-base balance of the human body. The balance of human body fluids and the maintenance of acid-base balance in the body require the participation of kidney organs. The kidney regulates sodium and potassium to exist in the body in a certain proportion and concentration to maintain the electrolyte balance of the human body. At the same time, it regulates the acid-base balance of the human body by expelling acidic substances, recovering alkaline substances and controlling the proportion of acidic and alkaline substances, thus playing a role in maintaining human life activities.

3. The kidney is an important endocrine organ. The kidneys can secrete erythropoietin, thus promoting the differentiation and maturity of primitive red blood cells, enhancing the intake of iron by human bone marrow; generating active vitamin D to participate in bone metabolism; secreting renin, kinin, prostaglandins to regulate human blood pressure, etc. In a state of hunger, the kidneys can also convert non-sugar substances into sugar and complete “sugar heterogeneity” to ensure the energy supply of the human body.

At present, the incidence of chronic kidney disease is rising globally, and the public generally lacks knowledge of the prevention and treatment of the disease. Although we have two kidneys, many people’s point of view is that one is broken and the other is wrong. This view is very wrong. The kidneys are very fragile and unhealthy, which can easily lead to the occurrence of chronic kidney disease.

How much do you know about kidneys?

First, the earliest state of chronic kidney disease is urinary protein positive. At this stage, the patient has no other special discomfort and is easier to ignore. Urine protein is positive and invisible to the naked eye. It is often found through routine urine examination that protein is a very important nutrient. Urine protein is positive, indicating abnormal reabsorption function of the kidney.

Second, with the continuous progress of the disease, chronic kidney disease will not only be positive for urinary protein, but also have a progressive increase in creatinine. The abnormality of creatinine indicates that the damage to kidney function is irreversible. If the creatinine is found to be more than 707umol/L when blood is drawn, it indicates that the kidney Period (uraemia period).

Third, vomiting, diarrhoea, gastrointestinal bleeding and other gastrointestinal symptoms may be important hints of kidney disease. Kidney function is abnormal, resulting in the inability to expel toxins in the body. The accumulation of a large amount of toxins can easily cause gastrointestinal mucosal oedema. At this time, the patient will have a series of digestive symptoms, so when the stomach is not good, the kidneys should also be checked.

Fourth, acid-base imbalance and electrolyte disorders. Patients with uraemia often have metabolic acidosis and hyperkalaemia, which are very dangerous and can be life-threatening in severe cases.

Fifth, for people with bad kidneys, the heart is often not particularly good. This is because the kidneys cannot excrete toxins, and a large amount of sodium and water retention, which causes cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular diseases include heart failure, arrhythmia, pericarditis, angina pectoris and myocardial infarction, etc., which is mainly related to the accumulation of plaques on the artery walls of patients with kidney disease, resulting in cardiovascular adverse events and atherosclerosis in patients with uraemia 15-20 times higher than the general population.

Many patients with kidney disease eventually die not from uraemia, but from heart disease. Therefore, for patients with kidney disease, in addition to focussing on important indicators such as urinary protein and blood creatinine, it is also necessary to protect the heart and blood vessels.


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