Three ways to cultivate a good mentality

People’s mentality is changing dynamically with the changes of internal physiological conditions and external environment. The peaceful and positive mentality we hope to have also needs to be cultivated and maintained. In a word, the mentality needs to be cultivated, adjusted and controlled with subjective efforts. The method can be started from two aspects, that is, to create appropriate physical and psychological conditions internally and a favourable external environment. Here are three methods suitable for cultivating and maintaining a good mentality for middle-aged and elderly people:

I. Fourth Generation Law: Promote the “transformation of psychological behaviour” of the elderly

Young people have a fast pace of life, quick action, quick reaction, and often in stressful study and work. In middle age, the wheel of life slows down slightly, but many rich and powerful middle-aged people can still be fast and vigourous. However, after entering old age, the elderly need a peaceful, leisurely and stable mentality. To maintain physical health and prolong life, this requires an active “psychological behaviour transformation”.

According to my personal practical experience and team experience, I advocate the use of a “four-generation” method to promote the “psychological behaviour transformation” of the elderly, that is, slowness (relaxation point), relaxation instead of tension (loose point), quietness (calmness point), and stability instead of excitement (stabilisation point).

1. Use slowness instead of urgency

Replace the rapid reaction with a relatively slow rhythm, and there is no need to hurry. The old man warned that when taking the bus, “don’t chase when you see the car”, don’t be in a hurry when crossing the road, and “don’t compete with the car”, all of which reflect the urgency. Slowness is a kind of psychological behaviour, which helps the elderly to cultivate and maintain a calm and calm mentality.

2. Use relaxation instead of tension

Arrange daily life and handle affairs in a more relaxed way, and you don’t have to tighten the strings of life and work as when you were young. The ancients said: The way of literature and martial arts is one by one. It is said that tension and relaxation are useful and should be combined with each other, but for the elderly to maintain health, the mentality should be more relaxation and less relaxation, and even many times should be used instead of tension, which can make people relaxed and help cultivate leisure.

3. Use tranquillity instead of impatience

A calm mentality and a calm style can enable the elderly to avoid irritable emotions and irritable reactions. Irritableness can disrupt the physical and psychological balance in the body, and it is easy to cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disfunction; “Irritableness” can also make the brain’s thinking and judgement function confused and at a loss. Especially in the face of unexpected and urgent events, it is more necessary to replace impatience with calmness. It is easier for people to develop a peaceful mentality with tranquillity instead of impatience.

4. To stabilise the generation

Replacing radical, allergic and sudden behaviours and reactions with gradual and stable behaviours and reactions is an important way for the elderly to maintain their health. To deal with the shock and stimulation of sudden noise or crisis, try to maintain a stable response. After analysing the causes of 150 stroke patients, foreign scholars found that 22% of them had sudden movements and reactions before the stroke, including sudden movements and other excited reactions caused by sudden and rapid doorbells, phone calls. There is a teacher who suffers from high blood pressure and is over half a hundred years old. One day, when he came home from work and opened the door, he suddenly saw that the clothes boxes and cabinets were all over the place, and the house had been stolen by thieves. Seeing this scene, the teacher reacted very excitedly. He fainted on the spot and was hospitalised for first aid. He was diagnosed with a stroke (stroke). It can be seen how important it is to stabilise and stimulate the psychological reactions and behaviours of the elderly.

II. Decompression Method: Controlling Mental Stress

“Mental stress” leads to nervousness, fatigue, poor sleep, and bad mood and physical health. To restore psychological balance and maintain mental health, we must try to reduce or control “mental stress” (referred to as “decompression”)

1 Try to prevent or avoid the “pressure source” (the cause or source of mental stress);

2 Environmental decompression: quiet working environment, no noise or less noise, good ventilation, good air quality, neat and clean office, all of which are conducive to decompression;

3 Collaborative decompression: In case of complex situations, you need to win the support of family, colleagues, friends and supervisors to help reduce mental stress;

4 Taking vitamin B complex tablets can help reduce boredom and mental stress.

III. Adjustment method: restoring psychological balance

The expression and catharsis of emotions should be restrained. What health caretists call “happy but not happy”, “excellent but not worried” and “only 30% happy when happy” is to ask everyone to adjust their emotions so that they will not have extreme performance, thus causing extreme imbalance in their mentality.

When negative emotions and mentality cause trouble and destroy a peaceful and positive mentality, it is necessary to adjust in time. For example, when you are frightened, you should try to calm down and divert the environment; when you are anxious, you should listen to music of relief, or ask for psychological assistance with others; when you are angry, you should control your anger and try to control your When you want to relieve your worries, when you are sad, you should be sad. Both need to shift the environment and shift the focus of attention (i.e. things that cause sadness or sadness).


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