I was already depressed before I was depressed.

In daily life, we often hear the word depressing. Depressed is ju

In Huainanzi · Spiritual Training, it is also said that people are furious and break the yin, the great joy falls into the sun, the great worry collapses, and the great terror is crazy. It also shows that mental trauma can cause yin and yang qi and blood disorders in the body and change the constitution.

So what is a depressed constitution?

Qi depression physique is a physical state characterised by introverted instability, melancholy, fragility, sensitivity and suspicion due to long-term emotional depression and stagnation.

The definitions of the several physique types we mentioned earlier are mainly based on objective physiological morphological changes. The description of the depressed constitution is mainly based on the psychological state and personality characteristics. From this aspect, we can also see that the stagnation constitution is different from other physique types.

When it comes to bad emotions in the definition, it means that you are in a bad mood. How do you understand the stagnation of the air machine? Let’s talk about the air machine first. What is an air engine? Qiqi is a physiological term. Broadly speaking, it refers to functional activities, which are used to summarise the physiological or pathological activities of various organs, such as air disorders, air blockages, etc. When we talked about qi deficiency physique, we talked about what Qi is. Qi is a delicate substance with strong vitality that is constantly moving. It is popular in the organs, meridians and other tissues and organs of the whole body. It is everywhere and always promotes and stimulates various physiological activities of the human body.

Objects can move, and of course, air can also move. We call the movement of gas “air machine”. There are various forms of movement of Qi, mainly including four basic forms of movement: rising, falling, going out and entering. Our organs, meridians and other tissues and organs are all places where qi goes up and down.

The movement of qi up and down is the foundation of human life activities. Once the movement of qi stops, it means the end of life activities. Therefore, it is very important to unblock and adjust the air machine.

This kind of gas is coordinated and balanced between the rise and fall movement, and we say that the gas machine is smoothly adjusted. On the contrary, the rise and fall of the gas in and out of the balance is out of the imbalance, and we say that the gas is out of the out of balance. There are many forms of air loss. For example, for some reasons, the ups and down movement of the gas is hindered, which is called the air machine is not smooth; when the gas is blocked in some parts, it is called gas stagnation; the rise of the gas is too excessive or the fall is not timely, which is called the qi reverse; the rise of the gas is less than or When you can’t get together outside, it’s called a gas knot.

Air stagnation is the most common form. If the air is depressed and unsmoothed, the natural body will have a lot of performance, which will also bring many problems that affect our physical and mental health. After understanding the air machine and grasping the law of the air machine, we can eliminate the depression from the root.

What kind of physique is a depressed physique?

From the perspective of shape, people with depressed physique are generally thin and few fat people. We said that “the prime minister can hold a boat in his belly”, and fat people can also hold a boat in his belly. Have we found that fat people have a better temper than thin people? The most important characteristics of people with depressed constitution are psychological and personality. Generally speaking, this kind of person is introverted and unstable, and his mood is changeable. He may cry for a while and laugh again. And the melancholy is fragile, and everything is hesitant. One thing is thought over and over again, always wandering, and I can’t think of any results. Sensitive and suspicious, you will feel that he is nervous. A little thing will stimulate his sensitive nerves. He always likes to be suspicious and always has a sceptical attitude. He is the same for everyone.

We say that some people are always happy and unhappy. Similarly, the performance of people with depressed physique is also very prominent in their appearance. They always look melancholy, and their feelings are always bored, unhappy and melancholy. Do you usually feel chest tightness and discomfort when you are in a bad mood and depressed? People with the same depressed constitution will also have full chest, or the air is not smooth, the air is in a mess, and there is a running pain.

The air machine is not smooth, and I often like to sigh. I always feel very comfortable with a sigh. Some of the popular machines were sluggish, and the air was not smooth and reversed. There were hiccoughs, and there were several hiccoughs in a row. Some people always feel that something is blocked in their throats, and there is a sense of foreign body. If they can’t swallow it, they can’t spit it out. Some people mainly show breast swelling and pain, or they can’t sleep or wake up all the time. The appetite has also decreased.

Some people are panicked, keep beating, have poor memory, and are always forgetful. Some people also show that there is a lot of phlegm, dry stool, thin stool rarely occurs, and urination is generally normal. Let’s take a look at the tongue. The tongue is light red and the moss is thin white. As soon as the pulse feels, it is stringy and thin. In terms of adapting to the external environment, people with depressed constitution have a very prominent performance, which is a little stimulation and immediate emotional reaction. So I especially don’t like rainy weather.

Adjust the depression and make the “muffable” man “great”

Men with a depressed constitution are prone to impotence. Impotence is one of the biggest problems for men. Impotence men suffer unspeakably. While dealing with complicated work and interpersonal relationships, they have to face the cynicism of their wives, which will make men “unable to survive”. We often say that “infence caused by depression, depression caused by depression”, which is a vicious circle.

At the age of 40, the prevalence of impotence in men is about 5%, and it increases to 15% to 25% when they are over 65 years old. Among diabetics, the incidence of impotence is as high as 35% to 75%, the incidence of impotence in hypertensive patients is about 15%, and the incidence of complete impotence in heart disease patients is about 39%. Almost two-thirds of men over the age of 50 suffer from different degrees of impotence.

Qi depression is mainly manifested in liver qi stagnation, and the normal erection of the male penis is closely related to the excretion of liver qi. Therefore, under such a physical background, people with a depressed constitution are prone to erectile disfunction if they encounter factors that promote impotence. Many men, who were originally good, were depressed and impotent, making the sky seem to collapse.


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