Heart disease is often sudden, paroxysmal, and has no obvious cause or warning. The most terrible thing about heart disease is sudden heart attack and sudden death.
Many heart diseases are asymptomatic in a static or resting state, but they only have heart disease after activity or stimulation, so it is not easy to detect heart disease in general health examination, so heart disease needs to be examined and treated by a cardiologist. I. Symptoms of heart disease
1. Chest pain
Common heart disease symptoms. Heart disease factors include: ischaemic heart disease, pericarditis, aortic dissection, pulmonary embolism, etc.; non-cardiac factors include gastrointestinal disease, pneumonia, trauma, myalgia, etc.
2. Difficulty in breathing
Common heart disease symptoms. Dyspnoea caused by heart disease often occurs after activity or exercise.
Heart disease factors include: ischaemic heart disease, heart valve disease, heart failure, lung heart disease, etc.;
Non-cardiac factors include: pneumothorax, chronic lung disease, pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, anaemia, anxiety, etc.
Dyspnoea caused by heart failure is characterised by sedentary breathing and paroxysmal evening asthma.
3. Heart palpitations
Heart disease factors include: arrhythmia, s尖瓣 prolapse, ischaemic heart disease, heart valve disease, etc.;
Non-cardiac factors include: exercise or excessive mood, thyroid disease, anaemia, chronic lung disease, etc.
4. Tired
Common heart disease symptoms. Causes include low cardiac output, heart failure, etc.
5. Oedema of limbs
Common heart disease symptoms. Heart disease leads to reduced blood circulation -> reduce kidney blood flow -> reduce water and salt excretion from the kidneys -> limb oedema.
In addition, non-heart disease such as kidney disease, endocrine disorders, etc. can also cause limb oedema.
6. Dizziness/coniculs
Common heart disease symptoms. Due to heart disease such as ischaemic heart disease, heart valve disease, lung heart disease or arrhythmia > reduced blood circulation > reduced brain blood flow > dizziness / fainting.
In addition, non-heart disease such as hypoglycaemia, cerebral nerve disease, anaemia, etc. can also cause dizziness/convulsions.
II. Types of heart disease
1. Hypertension and heart disease
Long-term hypertension can cause ischaemic heart disease, heart hypertrophy, abnormal heart function, heart failure, etc.
Hypertensive heart disease can be divided into primary hypertensive heart disease (unknown cause) and secondary hypertensive heart disease (cause is renal artery stenosis, aortic stenosis, hormonal disease, etc.).
Most patients with hypertensive heart disease have no obvious symptoms. Sometimes they have headaches, dizziness, face redness, night sweats, chest discomfort, poor breathing, etc.
2. Ischaemic heart disease
The heart is mainly composed of heart muscles. The heart is a left and right coronary artery branched out of the aorta to supply blood (oxygen and nutrients).
When the heart blood vessels (coronary artery) sclerosis and stenosis is blocked, or due to hypertensive heart disease, heart valve disease, myocardial hypertrophy, anaemia, excessive activity or exercise, smoking and other factors, it will cause myocardial oxygen and insufficient nutrient supply (myocardium hypoxia).
When myocardial hypoxia is severe, it can cause chest pain, inhibit heart contraction, and damage the heart conduction system such as arrhythmia, which is called ischaemic heart disease or coronary heart disease.
When there is ischaemic heart disease, there is generally a sense of pressure or discomfort in the front chest, and it can also occur in the chin, left shoulder, left arm, upper abdomen and other parts. It is usually short (about a few minutes), especially after excessive activity, emotional tension, weather changes, smoking, etc.
The symptoms will be relieved after rest or oral sublingual nitroglycerine tablets, which is called stable angina pectoris.
If the intensity and frequency of angina pectoris increases, it will also occur during small activities or breaks, which is called unstable angina pectoris.
If it lasts for more than half an hour with severe chest pain, dyspnoea, cold sweat, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, weakness, pale face, etc., it is called myocardial infarction.
Patients with unstable angina or myocardial infarction need to be treated immediately, otherwise they may worsen their heart disease and die from shock in a short time.
3. Cardiac valve disease
Heart valve lesions (stenosis or insufficiency) and abnormal heart function caused by infection with rheumatic heart disease, congenital heart disease or acquired heart disease, such as hypertensive heart disease, ischaemic heart disease, lung heart disease, etc.
Symptoms of heart valve disease include asthma, palpitations, dizziness, chest pain, fatigue, decreased activity, coughing up blood, hoarseness, lower limb oedema, heart failure, etc.
4. Heart failure
Due to infection with rheumatic heart disease, congenital heart disease or acquired heart disease, such as hypertensive heart disease, ischaemic heart disease, lung heart disease, etc., causing long-term heart load, damage to the heart, heart expansion, heart hypertrophy, abnormal heart function (end-stage heart disease).
Non-cardiac factors such as lung disease, thyroid disease, anaemia, alcohol, poisons, drugs, etc. can also cause heart failure. Symptoms of heart failure include asthma, sitting breathing, paroxysmal evening asthma, chest tightness, heart palpitations, lower limb oedema, fatigue and weakness, etc.
5. Arrhythmia
When the heart beat is generated or the conduction is abnormal, or the heart conduction system is blocked, resulting in an irregular heartbeat. There are many causes and types of irregular heart rhythm.
Cardiac factors such as: ischaemic heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, heart valve disease, rheumatic heart disease, cardiomyopathy, etc.;
Non-cardiac factors such as thyroid disease, metabolic drugs, poisons, electrolyte imbalance, infection, lung disease, etc. Symptoms can range from mild palpitations, dizziness, chest pain, asthma, fatigue, to fatal heart failure, shock, stroke, coma and sudden death.
6. Lung heart disease
Pulmonary hypertension, right ventricular hypertrophy and heart failure caused by chronic lung disease or pulmonary vascular disease.
Symptoms of pulmonary heart disease include dizziness, dyspnoea, fatigue, oedema, abdominal pain, chest pain, heart failure, clot, etc.
7. Cardiomyopathy
Cardiac muscle damage lesions and abnormal heart function caused by cytotoxicity, metabolism, immunity, heredity, infection and other machine changes.
It can be classified as dilated cardiomyopathy, restrictive cardiomyopathy and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Symptoms include: asthma, chest tightness, dizziness, palpitations, fatigue, oedema, heart failure, etc.
8. Heart inflammation
Periculitis, myocarditis, endocarditis or valvitis and lesions caused by infection. It can also be caused by drugs, chemicals, radiation, immune response, etc.
Symptoms of heart inflammation include: chest pain, muscle pain, joint pain, abdominal pain, fever, fatigue, palpitations, dizziness, heart failure, sudden death, etc.
9. Rheumatic heart disease
The cause of rheumatic heart disease is heart damage caused by acute rheumatic fever infection.
Acute rheumatic fever is an immune response caused by upper respiratory streptococcal infection, which mainly invades the heart, joints, skin and brain tissue.
Rheumatic heart disease often causes heart inflammation (cardial pericarditis, myocarditis, endocarditis) and heart valve lesions such as mitral valve, aortic valve stenosis or atresia.
10. Congenital heart disease
Congenital heart disease is a congenital malformation caused by obstruction of heart formation and development, usually formed at 4 to 8 weeks of pregnancy.
There are many causes of congenital heart disease, such as genetic factors, uterine infection, radiation, drugs, etc.
The most common sign of congenital heart disease is heart murmur. Other symptoms such as dyspnoea, growth retardation, limb oedema, cirrhosis (lip and/or limb nails black), palpitations, heart failure, etc.
Congenital heart disease can be divided into cyanosis congenital heart disease and non-purple cyanosis congenital heart disease. Congenital heart disease is not an incurable disease, which requires early diagnosis and treatment.
III. Risk factors for heart disease
The following risk factors of heart disease can cause heart disease/hazardous heart disease: hypertension, diabetes, smoking, obesity, hyperlipidaemia, heredity, family history, alcoholism, old age, menopause women, stressful life, emotional excitement, lack of appropriate leisure activities, overwork, lack of rest and sleep, eating habits (too much Salt, calories, fatty foods, etc.), infections, other systemic diseases, environmental toxins (such as lead, exhaust gases, radiation, microwaves, etc.), contraceptives, hormones, drug abuse, etc.
IV. Prevention of heart disease
1. First of all, avoid the above risk factors for heart disease.
2. The following methods can also reduce/prevent heart disease:
1) Low-salt diet, low-calorie diet, low-fat diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, and limit water.
2) Proper exercise, weight control, balanced diet, healthy lifestyle, balanced sleep, but day and night reverse the nightlife, go to bed early and get up early.
3) Regular health check-ups, heart disease rehabilitation plan, take medicine on time, cooperate with the examination, and follow the doctor’s advice.
4) No smoking, no alcoholism.
5) Control hypertension, diabetes, infection, and other systemic diseases.
6) Avoid irritating foods such as coffee and strong tea.
7) Keep a happy life, avoid overwork and emotional tension, maintain a happy mentality, interpersonal relationships, and balance psychology.
8) Keep defaecation unobstructed.
9) Maintain a peaceful environment, maintain an appropriate temperature, and keep warm in winter.
10) Good living natural environment, good hygiene habits, good social environment, etc.
V. Diet for heart disease
1. Eating 3 walnuts a day can reduce the incidence of heart disease.
2. Whole wheat, oats, brown rice, lentils, onions, garlic, mushrooms and eggplant are also good foods for the heart.
3. Apples are rich in fibre, which can supplement enough fibre to the human body, reduce the incidence of heart disease, and can also lose weight.
4. Bananas are high in potassium, which is very good for human heart and muscle function.
5. Cherry can help protect the heart health of blackberries. The content of fibre in BlackBerrys of the same weight is more than 3 times that of other fruits, which is helpful for heart health.
6. The chemical structure of goose and duck is very close to olive oil, which is good for the heart, especially for the elderly.
7. Soybean and soy products such as tofu are good for heart health.
8. Drinking red wine in moderation is good for the heart. Note that only red wine, white wine and strong liquor are not counted.
9. Animal hearts also nourish the heart. You can eat chicken heart, pig heart, etc. in moderation.
10. Prevent heart disease, try to eat as much calories as possible for breakfast, and try to touch greasy food for dinner. Dinner should be as light as possible, and the calorie intake should not exceed 30% of the whole day.
11. Peanut butter containing unsaturated fat, peanut oil, peanut fruit, olive oil, etc. are good for the heart.
12.Fried food is harmful to the heart. Foods containing a lot of saturated fat are not good for the heart: butter, animal food, whole milk, etc.