Sports health care methods

Many people don’t know what the sports health care methods are, but it is necessary to know something about it. So what are the sports health care methods? The following food bar summarises and lists some sports health care methods and key points of practice for you.

What are the types of sports?

1. Endurance training program

It is suitable for fitness, improving the metabolic function of the heart, lungs and the body, and restoring physical fitness. For example, medical walking, fitness running, cycling, swimming, boating, mountaineering, rope skipping, running platform, up and down stairs, etc. are periodic and rhythmic and repetitive sports and ball sports.

2. Strength training program

It is suitable for enhancing muscle strength, improving joint function and eliminating locally accumulated fat. All kinds of special muscle training equipment can be selected.

3. Relaxation training program

It is suitable for relaxing the mind and body to eliminate fatigue and prevent a variety of physical and mental diseases. You can choose walking, Taijiquan, relaxation gymnastics, health exercises, qigong and massage, etc.

4. Corrective and therapeutic items

It is suitable for treating patients with certain diseases and disabilities, with targeted medical gymnastics and massage. For example, respiratory gymnastics is used to treat asthma and emphysema. Gymnastics to exercise abdominal muscles is used to treat visceral sagging. Spinal gymnastics is used for the correction of scoliosis.

5. Training programs to improve joint mobility and flexibility

It is suitable for joint disfunction and chronic joint pain and maintaining joint flexibility. Such as joint stretching gymnastics, joint loosening, various joint movement trainer training, etc.

What are the commonly used sports health care methods?

1. Face wall squatting wall

Squatting on the wall has the effect of loosening the waist and regulating qi. Long-term exercise helps to loosen the waist and loosen the joints of the whole body, dredge the meridians, qi and blood of the whole body, and correct the disordered qi machine in the body. It is a good way to adjust qi and blood.

The posture requires facing the wall, with two feet together, the whole body is upright, the hands are naturally drooping, the whole body is relaxed, and the heart is happy (the distance between the two toes and the wall can be determined according to my specific situation, gradually leaning against the root of the wall). When squatting, the body is hard, the shoulders are Slowly, after straightening up, put your hands on your waist, press your thumbs on the “Jingmen Point” (the twelfth soft rib end) on your back, press the other four fingers on your crotch, take a deep breath once, and then squat again according to the requirements of your posture. To gradually reach a continuous squat for 30 .

2. Walking and running

In ancient times, I was more in favour of walking, strengthening my muscles and limbs. After eating, I walked hundreds of steps slowly. When I dissipated my breath and food, I rubbed my stomach and it was easy to decay. I took a leisurely walk to refresh my mind. I walked before going to bed to find calm, which helped me sleep.

Modern people mostly recommend running. Running is a normal physiological stimulant for the human body and a good way to prevent and treat diseases. As for the most appropriate speed for running and how to control the speed, the researchers believe that running to improve the body’s function should be carried out according to the situation. After running for 3 to 4 minutes, the number of pulses when it is quiet should not be less than half of the running.

Walking and running are the simplest and easiest ways to exercise, but whether it is walking or running, it is expensive to stick to it in moderation, which can achieve health effects.

3. Self-massage

Self-massage refers to a method of massaging a certain part of the body or acupuncture point with a certain massage technique, which is suitable for people at all levels to prevent and treat diseases. It can eliminate fatigue and invigorate the spirit. Enhance muscle strength, smooth joints, promote qi and blood flow, regulate spleen and stomach function, etc.

Before the operation, prepare to sit quietly for 3 minutes, eliminate distractions, calm down your mind, relax your whole body, and then combine it with the movement for natural massage.

1 Press the ear hole with the two flat palms of the ear, and then suddenly let it go. After doing it more than a dozen times in a row, use the thumb and forefinger to massage the auricle from top to bottom 20 times (the thumb is behind the auricle and the index finger is in front). Massage the earlobe 30 times to the degree of fever in the ear. Once in the morning and once in the evening, it can strengthen the body to get rid of diseases and prolong life. It is better if this method can be combined with the “Minging Drum” movement. That is: Press the two ear holes tightly with the palms of both hands, put the five fingers behind the head, and then gently tap the back of the brain more than a dozen times with the three fingers in the middle of the two hands, or press the index fingers of both hands on the middle finger, and slide down the back of the head ten times with the index finger. When singing the drum, you should close your eyes and refresh your mind from beginning to end. The technique is from light to heavy. If you stick to it, you can receive strong vitality, awaken your brain strength, and prevent and treat ear diseases.

2 Rub your hands hot on the bath surface first, then massage your palms from the nose wing Yingxiang acupoint to the open point of your eyes, and then wipe it up to the Yintang point, two forehead temples, and wipe back to the nose wings before and down the two ears. Such a up and down massage has the effect of refreshing the brain.

3 Rub the sun with both thumbs or forefinger to absorb the temples on both sides, and make a small circular rotation, so that the force part drives the subcutaneous tissue there, and makes repeated and rhythmic gentle and gentle swirling. It has the effect of awakening the brain and can treat colds and eye diseases.

4 Abdominal massage is a single palm or folded palm to massage the abdomen, with the middle abdomen as the centre, and makes the stroke of the clock ring rhythm, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach.


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