People with a bad heart are purple in two parts of their body. If they don’t have any, it means that their heart is healthier.

The heart is the driving force of human life! In a person’s life, the heart beats non-stop, like a “pump”, pushing the blood to the whole body. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine says: the heart is the official of the monarch. If the Lord is unknown, the twelve officials are in danger! It means that the heart is like the ancient king, with high power and power, and is the core manager of the whole body.

Once the heart is damaged, the organs of the body will also decay. So, what are the physical manifestations of people with a bad heart?

People with a bad heart have purple in two parts of the body. If not, it means that the heart is relatively healthy.

1. Purple lips

If a person’s lip colour suddenly darkens and is blue-purple, excluding the purple from freezing, you should pay attention to your heart! Because this kind of purple lips is generally a precursor to heart disease. Usually due to poor blood circulation, it is prone to heart disease, anaemia, and a stroke.

2. Purple tongue

Traditional Chinese medicine says: the heart is enlightened by the tongue. Checking the state of the tongue can well judge whether the heart is healthy or not. If the tongue is red, has no tooth marks, and is soft and sensitive, it means that the heart is in a healthy state. If the tongue is purple, there are blood stasis, or the tongue moss turns white, it is a state of heart problems. Be vigilant.

If you have a bad heart, eat more Sanhong:

1. Cherry

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that cherries can nourish the heart and blood. Foreign nutritionists simply call it the aspirin of the heart. Cherry can not only make the blood flow smoothly, but also warm the heart. Aspirin can make people sweat. If you use it for a long time, it is easy to be yin deficiency. In addition, fruits generally do not contain much iron, but cherries contain a lot of iron. People with iron deficiency anaemia can eat cherries to supplement iron and blood.

2. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is rich in nutrition and contains a variety of nutrients needed by the human body. It contains potassium, but does not contain sodium. It can be called the best fruit to maintain cardiovascular! In addition, eating grapefruit often can nourish tissue cells, enhance liver function, enhance appetite, and improve obesity, oedema and lymphatic system diseases.

3. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in potassium, beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamin C and vitamin B6, all of which can help prevent cardiovascular diseases. Among them, potassium helps to balance human cell fluid and electrolyte, and maintains normal blood pressure and heart function.

If you want a healthier heart, remember the four one.

1. An acupuncture point

Jiquan point: located at the apex of the armpit, where the axillary artery beats.

Jiquan acupoint is the first acupoint of the heart meridian, the main blood and the main mind.

It has the functions of nourishing the mind and calming the mind, relieving qi and activating blood, treating chest tightness and shortness of breath, upset and so on. Massage this point can dredge the meridians, increase lymphatic metabolism, and prevent angina, coronary heart disease, palpitations, heartache, etc.

2. A cup of tea

Old berry tea: Old berry is characterised by anthocyanins, which is even higher than blueberries. Epidemiological data show that the intake of anthocyanins can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, including severe diseases such as myocardial infarction. And ageless berries have good antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, which can effectively protect the cardiovascular system and inhibit vascular oxidative stress and inflammation. Drinking ageless berry tea with water instead of tea can effectively prevent changes in the aorta and coronary atherosclerosis in the elderly, and thus reduce the risk of myocardial infarction.

3. A mood

Some patients with acute myocardial infarction are induced by intense emotional changes such as excitement, tension and anger. In daily life, we should learn to relax and be able to deal with everything calmly and not to get into trouble! You know, emotions are at the front and heart disease is at the back.

4. A kind of red

According to traditional Chinese medicine, red enters the heart, that is to say, the heart likes “red” food the most. This is because red food can provide the human body with rich high-quality protein, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. In addition, eating red food every day can also improve immunity, promote blood circulation, and enhance the function of the human heart and qi and blood.

Food sources: tomatoes, cherries, strawberries, grapefruit, red beans, etc.


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