Matters related to sports before and after

The best brain-building exercise.Generally speaking, exercise can strengthen the brain. At the same time, exercise can also improve heart function, speed up blood circulation, and make the brain get more oxygen and nutrients.All aerobic exercises have brain-building effects, especially bouncing exercises, such as rope skipping and shuttlecock kicking can provide sufficient energy to the brain.

The best way to improve vision.When playing table tennis, both eyes aim at the ball and constantly adjust the movement up and down, which can improve the tension of the ciliary muscle, relax and contract; the extraocular muscle can also continue to move, promote the blood circulation of the eye tissue, improve eye sensitivity, eliminate eye fatigue, and thus improve vision.Table tennis is very popular in China and is China’s “national ball”. Playing table tennis can not only exercise the body, but also treat eye fatigue.

The best anti-ageing campaign.There are many reasons for human ageing, but recent studies have shown that a harmful substance called oxygen free radical plays an important role in the accumulation of oxygen in the body.The first anti-ageing fitness method is running. The test proves that as long as you persevere in running fitness, you can mobilise the enthusiasm of antioxidant enzymes in the body, so as to receive the effect of anti-ageing.

The best weight loss exercise.All aerobic exercises have a weight loss effect, but the best effect is to use both hands and feet, such as swimming, skiing, etc.In his prime, he can choose boxing, weightlifting, mountain climbing, etc.

The best anti-hypertension exercise.The exercise options for patients with hypertension include walking, cycling, swimming, etc.

The best time to exercise.For young people and the general population, morning exercise is a good choice, but for the elderly, especially patients with respiratory diseases, high blood pressure and heart disease, morning exercise is not the best time.Because in the morning, people’s blood pressure and heart rate tend to gradually rise and accelerate, the viscosity of blood is also high, and the probability of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is high.

In the evening, it is the best exercise time of the day.

II. Common sense of exercise health

1. Go to a regular gym to exercise

Choose a professional and experienced coach.

Before starting a planned exercise, the corresponding physical test and physical fitness test should be carried out.

Let the coach customise the training plan according to the personal situation.

According to the relevant requirements of the gym, regular exercise according to the suggestions of the coach is the most direct and best way to prevent sports injuries.

2. Make a perfect and regular plan

Take fat loss as an example: Generally speaking, strength equipment training should be arranged twice a week to improve the oxygen binding ability of fat;

Secondly, two intensive cardiopulmonary function exercises are arranged twice a week to increase the health factor. For more than 30 minutes of exercise, the heart rate is controlled at a maximum heart rate of about 70%-80%, which can consume more fat.

The maximum heart rate is obtained by subtracting your age by 220. For example, the maximum heart rate of a 20-year-old is 220-20=200, and his heartbeat per minute when he exercises should be about 200*70%=140 or 200*80%=160, which can consume more fat.

Of course, simple cardiopulmonary exercises twice a week, such as physical fitness classes, will make your fitness process more fun.

Finally, it is also recommended that you do half an hour of exercise, just for walking or cycling.

3. Regarding the diet before and after exercise, it should be based on personal circumstances.

Generally speaking, after eating, the body should take part of the time to organise digestion. It is not appropriate to exercise immediately, at least to start after half an hour.

After fitness, the body is eager to replenish energy within 20 minutes, which is also the best time to absorb. If you are an athlete, you will overeat and recover within 20 minutes after fitness;

But if you want to lose weight, you must eat 30 minutes after the end of the exercise.

4. We strongly appeal that we must drink water when jumping.

The generally more scientific method is to replenish 250 ml of water after 15 minutes of practice. You can use urination to detect whether your body’s water intake is sufficient.

If you are colourless when urinating, it means you are not short of water.

In the exercise within 1 hour, water is the best energy supplement, but after more than 1 hour of exercise, you should not only drink water, but also supplement some sports drinks in an appropriate amount while replenishing water.

III. The best time to exercise

The study found that high-intensity exercise can be carried out two hours after meals; moderate exercise should be arranged one hour after meals; light exercise can be carried out half an hour after meals.

Best time for exercise: 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. is the best time for exercise.

For example, in the morning: when the human body exercises vigourously, it can promote the sympathetic nerve to be excited. This rapid change can cause a series of changes in the body and affect the mental state throughout the day, which is harmful to health.

In addition, blood sugar is at a low level during this period. Exercise will consume a lot of blood sugar, which can easily lead to symptoms of hypoglycaemia.

While exercising in the morning and afternoon, it is also affected by objective factors such as work, work and housework.

In daily life, some people like to get up early and exercise, some like to exercise at night, and some people are used to practising for a while at work.

In fact, exercise also has its own “time schedule”. If you can choose the best time period, the effect of exercise will be twice the result with half the effort.

Generally speaking, the air is fresh in the morning. At this time, exercise can not only improve lung capacity and enhance chest muscle strength, but also be very beneficial to regulating the function of the respiratory system.

It is recommended that people with respiratory diseases choose to exercise in the early morning; in the afternoon

It is a good time to strengthen physical strength, especially at dusk. The endurance of human muscles is higher than other times, and the feeling of vision and hearing is the most sensitive, and the heart rate and blood pressure value are also low and stable, which can well adapt to the accelerated heartbeat and blood pressure caused by exercise.

For middle-aged and elderly people whose cardiovascular and nerve regulatory functions are relatively weakened, exercise at dusk is relatively safe and effective.

Generally, after exercising at night, slight physical fatigue helps to sleep, but it must be done 3 to 4 hours before going to bed. The intensity of exercise should not be high, otherwise excessive excitement of the nervous system will easily lead to insomnia.

It should be noted that exercise is not available at any time, and there are several periods when it is not appropriate to exercise:

After the meal

After eating, more blood needs to flow to the gastrointestinal tract to help digest food and absorb nutrients.

If you exercise at this time, the blood will flow to the limbs, affecting the digestion of the human body.

In the long run, gastrointestinal function is impaired and prone to gastrointestinal diseases; the elderly and the infirm are prone to low blood pressure after meals after meals, the blood supply to the brain is relatively reduced, and it is easy to fall when going out; people with liver and gallbladder diseases exercise after meals, which affects the liver secretion of bile, which may make the disease

Therefore, it is better to rest for 30 to 45 minutes after the meal before outdoor activities.

After drinking

If you exercise at this time, it will not only affect the speed of the liver to break down alcohol, but also accelerate the blood circulation into the brain, liver and other organs, which will have a negative impact on its function.

Poor mood


Because human emotions directly affect the physiological function of the body, intense exercise will affect the function of organs.

However, you can participate in some low-intensity, non-competitive and non-physically confrontational aerobic exercises, such as jogging, swimming, badminton, etc.

It is said that plants exhale a large amount of carbon dioxide after a night of metabolism, so the concentration of carbon dioxide in the woods in the morning is relatively high, and some dust also floats in the air, which is not good for human health.

In addition, people’s blood pressure is relatively high in the morning, which is prone to problems.

In fact, whether to exercise in the morning mainly depends on the purpose of the exercise.

If it is to lose weight and to increase the memory of athletic skills, the morning is very good.

When people wake up in the morning, they have almost consumed the energy they ate last night. At this time, if they don’t eat and exercise, it will lead to a result – “burning” fat. Because there is no energy in the morning, there is still some glycogen in the liver. When the concentration of these glycogens is reduced to a certain extent, fat “burning” will become the dominant way of energy supply, which makes weight loss possible.

Therefore, morning exercise has special benefits for weight loss and the prevention and treatment of fatty liver.

In addition, it is easier for people to learn aerobics, ballroom dance, Taijiquan in the morning than at other times.

Therefore, the health benefits achieved by exercising in the morning are more in a sense.

The ancients paid attention to “smelling.


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