Men are superstitious that food can aphrodisiac, among which the most well-known is the three whips.

What are the three whips? The answers are different.

Some say deer whip, dog whip, cow whip, some say tiger whip, sheep whip, donkey whip, the method is full of cooking, wine, barbeque, soup. Remember to go to drink three-whip soup with your friends and see the advertising slogan at the door from afar: “Men’s gas station.” Suddenly, I felt that my blood was open. After drinking two bowls, someone exclaimed, “The heat in my stomach is steaming, and my forehead is sweating. It’s really not in the name of three whips.” The next day, he showed off his results and said that three whips of soup were in his stomach. Sure enough, he was more brave in bed than in the past.

Experts believe that it is unscientific to say that food aphrodisiacs. If it is really more “lively” after drinking three whip soup, it is completely a psychological hint. There is an idiom that three people become tigers, and a lie is repeated a hundred times to become the truth. Everyone thinks that three whips can strengthen the yang. In fact, if you believe it, you will have it, but if you don’t believe it, you won’t have it.

From a scientific point of view, cow whip and sheep whip are the reproductive organs of animals. When they grow on the body, they must contain certain male hormones, but when the animal is killed, the whip is cut off, the cells die early, and the male hormones in the cells are invalid, and after heating and cooking, the male hormones have long been gone.

Therefore, eating bull whips and sheep whips, like eating other animal organs, is to obtain protein and other nutrients. Some researchers specially collected hundreds of aphrodisiacs and fed them to mice. Through comparative observation, they did not find that the number of mating had increased. “Battle whips and sheep whips did not get it”.

Chinese yam and leeks

The legendary aphrodisiac food also includes yam, leeks and so on. Chinese yam is used for both medicine and food. The Compendium of Materia Medica says that it can “benefit kidney qi” and nourish yin and tonify the kidney. There is yam in its formula. According to modern medical research, there are substances similar to male hormones in traditional Chinese medicine for tonifying the kidney. In this sense, yam is really good for male sexual function, but if you want to treat impotence by taking yam, it may not be so effective. Why? Because the content of “androgen” substances in yam is too small, it is estimated that you have to take hundreds of catties of yam at a time to cure the disease.

Leek, also known as Qiyangcao and Zhuangyangcao, is said to be used for auxiliary food therapy for kidney deficiency and impotence, but it is also limited to “auxiliary”. If the “impotent buddies” play a handful of “night rain cutting spring leeks” while using medicine normally, of course, it is beneficial and harmless, but


It is also rumoured that raw eggs can strengthen the yang. I remember that in a previous Hong Kong and Taiwan movie, the hero was a patient. He was hit by his wife every time. He occasionally got a secret recipe. Before going to bed, he beat two raw eggs and drank them all at once. As expected, it turned upside down. I was so unhappy. This is the plot performed in the movie, but many men are particularly effective.

In fact, eggs are a good thing. They are rich in high-quality protein and are similar to human protein. The nutrients in eggs can be converted into arginine in the human body, improving male sperm quality and enhancing sperm vitality. Scientifically, there is no obvious difference in the nutrition of raw and cooked eggs. Why can raw eggs aphrodisiac, but cooked eggs not? Besides, after drinking raw eggs, you will have sex immediately. The eggs have not been digested. Why can it produce aphrodisiac effect? To put it bluntly, it is still a psychological hint.


Oysters are called aphrodisiacs in the West. According to a survey, 25% of Europeans and Americans believe that oysters have an aphrodisiac effect. Oyster is a kind of seafood shellfish. Modern scientific research has found that it is rich in zinc, which is one of the essential components of sperm and male hormone synthesis.

In the Tang Dynasty, there was a pharmaceutical work called “Sea Medicine Herbs”, which said: Oysters can cure men’s spermatorrhea, fatigue, and tonify kidneys, which is in line with modern research, but this is not enough to support the claim that oysters are aphrodisiacs, because most of seafood is rich in zinc. Why

Modern tests have confirmed that oysters do not have any substances that make people “excited”. Foreign experts believe that oysters are called aphrodisiacs only because their appearance is similar to female genitals, which is a visual stimulus to men. It seems that the imaginative Europeans and Americans have also made a mistake.

In a word, fast food is just a subjective imagination of people, but it is just a legend.


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