Tomorrow is the beginning of spring, often eat 2 porridge, adhere to 4 principles, be healthy and less sick in a year!

Shiyun: The east wind brings rain to the west wind, and the earth is sunny and warm. Everything woke up in the mountains and rivers, and the farmer’s family was ploughing again. With the Spring Festival order, the temperature, sunshine and rainfall begin to rise and increase, the sun and stingling, and everything is spring. The beginning of spring, which means the return of winter and the return of spring, represents spring and unfolds in its unique form.

As the saying goes: the plan of a year lies in spring, so how to maintain health at the beginning of spring?

The beginning of spring is coming, and I often eat 2 porridges.

1. Goji berry yam porridge

Ingredients: goji berries, yam, glutinous rice

Put the goji berries, yam and glutinous rice into the pot together, add an appropriate amount of water, turn on high heat, change to low heat and simmer slowly. After 30 minutes, when the rice is cooked, take it warm.

Efficacy: goji berries nourish yin and soften the kidney and liver, yam strengthen the spleen and kidney, glutinous rice and stomach, together to nourish yin and soften the liver, benefit the kidney and strengthen the spleen.

2. Milk japonica rice porridge

Ingredients: milk, japonica rice, white sugar

Wash the japonica rice and put it into the pot. Add water to boil the porridge. After the porridge is cooked, add milk and sugar, and mix it well.

Efficacy: Milk is the most suitable for the elderly to drink, which can nourish the blood vessels, benefit the heart, and grow muscles. It makes people healthy, moisturised skin, happy face, and ambition.

The japonica rice is rich in protein, which contains essential amino acids for the human body. It also contains a variety of nutrients such as fat, calcium and phosphorus, iron and B vitamins.

The beginning of spring is approaching. Adhere to the four principles and be healthy and less sick in a year!

Principle 1: Spring and autumn frost

The temperature has not yet warmed up at the beginning of spring. Don’t lose your winter clothes too early. This is because after wearing a cotton-padded coat for several months in winter, the body produces heat and heats heat is adjusted in a relatively balanced state with the ambient temperature in winter. From winter to early spring, it is suddenly warm and cold, and the temperature changes greatly. If you lose your winter clothes too early, it will be difficult to adapt, which will reduce the body’s resistance and germs will take advantage of the deficiency, causing various diseases.

Principle 2: Adhere to sports

Spring is the time when everything revives. If the body does not adapt to the “running” of the solar term, there will be physical abnormalities. When the weather is getting warmer, go outdoors for more exercise, and do some fitness exercises in an appropriate amount to help improve physiological functions, increase the body’s respiratory metabolic function, accelerate internal circulation, improve the oxygen supply of the brain, and relieve spring sleepiness.

Principle 3: Don’t be angry and don’t complain

Traditional Chinese medicine says that “spring belongs to wood” corresponds to the liver. The liver is physiologically vented, and the ambition is to be angry, happy and depressive. After the beginning of spring, in terms of spirit, we should abstain from impatience and anger, and avoid depression, be open-minded, optimistic, and maintain a good state of mind. It is necessary to make full use of and cherish the “aging” of nature in spring, take advantage of the rise of the yang qi, the emergence of everything, and the vigourous metabolism of the human body. Through proper adjustment, the qi of the spring yang can be proclaimed and the metabolic function can operate normally.

Principle 4: Light diet

“Spring life” is the season that leads to liver fire, which will make people’s spleen and soil relatively inhibit. After the beginning of spring, it is recommended to eat light food, eat less sour, spicy and other foods, and eat more sweet food to achieve the purpose of nourishing the spleen. The diet must be light and vegetarian, eat “vegetarian”, not big fish and meat; the dishes should be “fresh”, and it is best to choose seasonal dishes. Protein supplementation can be replaced by plant protein, such as tofu, soy milk and other soy products. In addition, during the “spring life”, eat less “faeous” foods, such as chicken, mutton and onions, etc.


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