See whether the health status of the body is scientific from the hand

The hand is not only a person’s second face, but also contains many secrets about health. What kind of hands are qualified and healthy? The hands are soft, and the skin is like coagulation. The healthy fingers are vigourous and well-developed. The five fingers are plump, smooth, flexible and powerful, and the thumb and index finger are more powerful. The nails are pink, shiny, moderately thick, moderately soft and hard, not easy to break, and the surface is smooth. In addition, the half-moon-shaped white at the root of the nail.

1. Feel the temperature and humidity of your hands

A healthy hand should be warm and plump. As Jin Yong described Wang Yuyan’s hand, “a soft and soft palm” slipped into Duan Yu’s hand, which from then on, it aggravated Duan Yu’s infatuation with Wang Yuyan’s inability to stop. Many old drivers saw this paragraph and nodded and praised Jin Yong: “There is a special life”.

Many girls drag a pair of “ice palms” regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter, indicating spleen and kidney yang deficiency. Such girls are weak and afraid of cold, and have poor digestion and absorption ability;

If the hand is hot: it means that the heart and kidney are devoid, prone to irritability, excessive internal heat, insomnia, dreaminess, nervousness;

Hand tide, representing the deficiency of the heart and spleen, easy to be tired and tired;

 The palm of the hand is always sweating, mostly the spleen and stomach heat, the heart is full of fire, psychological pressure, and the spirit is easy to be nervous;

Hands are always dry. Generally, it is because of the deficiency of both spleen and lungs. Usually, I also feel that the skin is dry and it is easy to catch a cold;

People with sticky hands generally have endocrine disorders and may suffer from diabetes.

2. Open the palm and look at the colour of the palm.

Healthy hands should be pink and shiny. If the following colours appear, there will be corresponding problems.

The palm is pale.

Pale palm is a sign of anaemia. It is best to go to the hospital to check the blood routine to see if there is anaemia and the cause of anaemia. At the same time, anaemia may sometimes be an early sign of more dangerous blood diseases, such as leukaemia.

The palm of the hand is yellow

The palm skin is yellowish, which may be a sign of biliary and pancreatic lesions. Be careful of bile duct cancer and gallbladder cancer. In addition, the khaki colour of the palm may also be caused by chronic poisoning. If the palm is golden yellow, it is a sign of liver disease. The light yellow, hardening and loss of elasticity of the palm of the hand is a sign of palm keratinisation.

The palm of the hand is blue

Blue palms are often a sign of poor blood circulation. If you often feel chest tightness and shortness of breath, you should be alert to heart diseases.

Bright red palms

If there are dark red or bright red patches on the skin of the fish at the root of the thumb and little thumb, the plaque disappears when you press it with your hand, indicating that there is a “liver palm”, which is a sign of liver disease.

The palms are black.

Black palms may be a sign of poor blood circulation. Many diseases can cause problems in blood circulation, such as anaemia, hypertension, cervical spondylosis, and gastrointestinal diseases. It is best to analyse the recent condition of the body and go to the hospital for examination.

3. Hands are also an important battlefield for disease treatment and health care.

There are 6 meridians in the hand, which are closely related to the organs, tissues and organs of the whole body. This looks like a small square inch. In fact, it can help us solve many health problems.

1) Scrape the thumb

For: cough, chest tightness, sore throat

Scraping the thumb corresponds to the human lung meridians, the main qi of the lungs, and the respiratory department. If the lungs are not good, then cough, chest tightness, asthma, and sore throat will occur. Therefore, when there is cough, chest tightness, etc., you can use your hand to scrape the outside of your thumb and pull it out.

2) Scratch the index finger

Target: constipation, diarrhoea, indigestion

The scraping index finger corresponds to the human large intestine meridians, and the corresponding organs are the large intestine and stomach. Therefore, people who often have constipation, diarrhoea and indigestion should scrape their index fingers.

3) Scratch the middle finger

Target: Panic, heartache, insomnia

The middle finger of the middle finger corresponds to the human pericardidian. If there is a problem with the heart, there will be panic and heartache, and you can scrape the middle finger. In addition, people who are mentally sedial and don’t sleep well are also a problem of the pericardial menstrual, and they can also do this action often.

4) Scratch the ring finger

Target: migraine, neck and shoulder pain

Scratching the ring finger ring finger corresponds to the three-focal meridian of the human body, so people who often have migraines and shoulder and neck pains indicate that the qi and blood do not run well and can scrape the ring finger. In addition, the “Yellow Emperor’s Inner Sutra” says: “Sanjiao Sutra is the spirit of the Lord”. All diseases arise from anger. From another point of view, the Sanjiao Jing is a vent. When the evil qi of people is vented from the San Jiao Jing, people will not get sick. I’m afraid that this vents will be blocked, and all the problems will come. Therefore, wearing a ring on the ring finger often stimulates this meridians, which is also good for health. ( Single dogs don’t have to go around. You can bring a bamboo or jade without a wedding ring.)

5) Scrape the little finger

Target: Physical deficiency, easy to catch a cold

The little finger corresponds to the small intestinal meridian of the human body. If the small intestinal meridian is not smooth, it will affect the absorption of nutrition, long-term accumulation, prone to malnutrition, hair loss in mild cases, thin body, low immunity, and easy to catch a cold. Therefore, often dredge the small intestine meridian, which can help absorb nutrition, make the most effective use of tonic food, improve immunity, nourish hair, and strengthen the body. ( Especially suitable for post-90s with hair loss)

6) Clap your back

Target: low back and leg pain, lumbar disc protrusion

The holographic theory of clapping the back doctor believes that the reflective area of various organs in the body is covered in the hand part, such as the back of the hand corresponds to the waist of the human body, so people who often have low back pain and backache should clap their back more. The specific method is: pat the back of the other hand with one palm, pat it alternately, and clap each hand 50-100 times. It can dredge the meridians, qi and blood of the waist, so as to achieve the purpose of treatment.

7) clapping hands

For: conditioning of the internal organs

There are also many acupuncture points on the palm of the hand, and there are many meridians and internal organs with reflective areas in the palm of the hand. Therefore, if you want to be healthy, clap your hands more. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know the corresponding effect of acupuncture points. You only need to clap your hands 100 times a day to help you fully dredge the meridians, promote the body’s blood circulation, and achieve the purpose of strengthening the internal organs and strengthening the body!

In a word, it’s also very simple to be healthy. Just pat your hands when you have nothing to do every day. For the little masters who pursue a little, it is also excellent to carry a scraping board with them and scratch every finger! You need to buy the kind of scraping board with a small groove, which is specially used for scraping fingers.


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