Effects of diet on the kidneys

In real life, there are many people with kidney deficiency, and people usually need to eat some kidney-nurishing food. This kind of food is aimed at the soreness of the waist and knees, impotence, spermatorrhea, abnormal urination and other diseases caused by kidney deficiency. It can be nourished and supported. The appropriate varieties and cooking methods can be selected according to personal dietary preferences.

Animal kidneys: Eating animal kidneys has the effect of tonifying the kidney and benefitting the essence, which is a concrete embodiment of the theory of “raising dirty with dirt” in traditional Chinese medicine. Because it is rich in protein, fat, multi-vitamin and some rare trace elements, it is both nourishing and strong.

Sea cucumber: It can nourish the kidney and essence, nourish yin and strengthen yang. It is rich in trace elements such as iodine and zinc. It can participate in regulating metabolism and reducing blood lipids. The sticky protein and other polysaccharides contained in it have the functions of reducing fat and anticoagulation, promoting haematopoietic function, delaying ageing, nourishing the skin, repairing tissues, etc.

Shrimp: skilful craftsmen can tonify the kidney, strengthen the yang, and detoxify the lactation. It is rich in protein, lipids, minerals and vitamins. It is especially rich in calcium and phosphorus. It is a good product for strengthening bones. The extract of shrimp meat also contains immune-enhancing substances.

It has the functions of tonifying the kidney and solidifying the essence, tonifying the spleen and dehumidifying. Contains starch, vitamins and minerals. You can cook porridge with goji berries.

In addition, animal meat, eggs, bone marrow, black sesame, cherry, mulberry, yam, etc. also have different degrees of kidney tonifying effect.

The knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine to tonify the kidney is actually very exquisite. Here are some basic common sense. For example, to test whether you are kidney yin deficiency or kidney yang deficiency, you can simply distinguish whether you are afraid of cold or heat to distinguish whether you are afraid of heat. Most of the yin deficiency are red and upset; those with yang deficiency are afraid of cold, cold limbs, and pale face. For another example, yang tonifying drugs are mostly hot drugs, such as aconite, cinnamon, deer antler, lewd sheep huo, sorghum, halberd, etc.; tonifying yin medicine is mostly sweet and cold medicine, mainly including dendrobium, jade bamboo, dogwood, wolfberry, The representative of tonifying yin Chinese patent medicine is Liuwei Dihuang Pill, and the representative of tonifying Chinese patent medicine is Jinkui Shenqi Pill. At the same time, because traditional Chinese medicine also pays attention to “the mutual root of yin and yang”, it is also necessary to achieve “those who are good at tonifying yin, seeking yin in yang; those who are good at tonifying yang, seeking yang in yin”. The food for tonifying kidney yang include dog meat, venison, shrimp, oxtail, leek; for tonifying kidney yin, there are black chicken, turtle armour, turtle plate, wolfberry, etc. More importantly, we should persevere in a regular life and feel comfortable, and we should also exercise more.

There are many foods that have the effect of tonifying the kidney, among which the simplest and most affordable is the sheep’s back bone soup.

Wash the mutton’s back bone and boil it for two hours, and add green onion and ginger seasoning as the soup.

If you are weak, weak, weak, and have low back pain, you can chop the mutton spine, add 30 grams of traditional Chinese medicine, 1-3 grams of silk (wrapped in cloth), add water and fry it. After 2-3 hours, take the juice and rice to make porridge, and eat it with seasoning.

Sheep kidney also has more therapeutic effects on low back pain caused by kidney deficiency, foot and knee weakness, spermatorrhea and impotence.

Do not eat or eat less: water scorpion, persimmon, raw radish, raw cucumber, raw melon, watermelon, melon, onion, chilli, mustard, clove, fennel, pepper, mint, radish, chrysanthemum, salt, sauce, liquor and cigarettes, etc.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the commonality of bean vegetables is that they have the effect of reducing dampness and nourishing the spleen, which is especially suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach. However, depending on the types, their therapeutic effects are also different.


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