How to protect kidney health

The kidney is an important organ of the human body. The basic function of the kidney is to generate urine to help the body understand the waste and some toxic substances produced by metabolism in the body, while retaining some useful substances, such as proteins, amino acids, sodium bicarbonate, etc., to regulate and balance the acid-base environment in the body. The kidneys also have the functions of generating renin and erythropoietin.

I. How to protect your kidneys

1. Don’t take drugs yourself. At present, drugs are the main cause of kidney problems. In particular, some antibiotics and Chinese patent medicines must be taken under the guidance of a doctor.

2. To avoid infection, some kidney diseases are caused by infection, such as acute pyelonephritis. Patients should keep warm at ordinary times and pay attention to the cleaning of the perineum to avoid urinary tract infection.

3. Drink more water and urinate frequently. Some kidney diseases are also related to people’s drinking water.

1. Good living habits. Usually, we should pay attention to drinking more water, urinating frequently, reducing sodium and salt intake, quit alcohol restriction, reducing nephrotoxic drugs, diet, maintaining good work and rest habits, etc., which can help protect the kidneys.

2. You should have regular physical examinations and timely treatment. The routine examination of the kidney includes renal function blood biochemical examination, renal ultrasound examination and urine routine examination. If any abnormality is found, further examination can be done, and it should be treated in time after a clear diagnosis. Patients with kidney disease may need kidney puncture and other tests.

3. Prevent and treat chronic diseases. Chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes can cause certain damage to the kidneys, so controlling blood pressure and blood sugar within a certain range can help protect the kidneys.

4. Patients with kidney disease should also go to relevant departments for regular examination, such as kidney disease, and drug treatment under the guidance of a doctor. Protecting kidney health, improving the quality of life, and prolonging life expectancy are important measures for patients with end-stage kidney disease.

5. Don’t take those traditional Chinese medicine that hurts your kidneys. You can’t abuse Western medicine and painkillers, such as painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc. Also, don’t hold your urine often. Some people are too busy with work and will hold their urine for a long time. Don’t drink too little water. Some people will not drink water for a long time, but if they don’t drink water for a long time, the amount of urine will be reduced, and the concentration of waste and toxins in the urine will also increase. Don’t eat too much, let alone drink too much.

II. The harm of bad kidneys

1. Bad kidneys will lead to the inability to excrete forehead waste in the body, resulting in uraemia. There will be further damage such as vomiting, nausea, and cardiovascular diseases.

2. Electrolyte disorders may occur, which will cause hypocalcaemia, hyperphosphatemia, etc. If it exceeds a certain limit, cardiac arrest may occur.

3. Hypoproteinaemia, poor kidneys, protein in the body leaks through the kidneys and is excreted in the form of urine. At this time, it may cause oedema in the human body. In severe cases, there may be abdominal distension, malnutrition, severe wasting and other symptoms.

In terms of diet, it is recommended to supplement sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn contains betaine, polysaccharides, crude fat, crude protein, carotene, various vitamins and trace elements and other nutrients, which can repair liver cells, soften the liver, and promote liver fat consumption. Regular consumption of sea buckthorn can reduce the burden on the liver and improve the ability of liver detoxification. It has a good conditioning and improvement effect on liver problems such as severe bad breath, poor liver function and liver damage caused by frequent staying up late. At the same time, it can accelerate the repair of damaged liver cells, improve liver function, and nourish the liver and protect the liver. In particular, I would like to remind you not to eat dried sea buckthorn, because there is a wax layer on the surface of the dry sea buckthorn we usually drink in water, so that the nutrients in sea buckthorn cannot be precipitated and absorbed. The total flavonoids, vitamin A, betaine and other nutrients contained in sea Only a small amount of nutrients can be absorbed by the human body. Even if you make a cup every day and even eat the residue, the nutrients that can be absorbed are limited, and it is easy to cause excessive internal heat. Therefore, the nutrient content of dried sea buckthorn is extremely low in the human body absorption. It is best to choose authentic sea buckthorn raw pulp. The pure natural sea buckthorn fresh fruit is To solve all kinds of liver problems.


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