Be the master of emotions – emotional management

The calm sea water slapped the coast desperately at night, and the tide kept hitting the rocks on the sand bank… Time travelled minute by, stretching along the coast, and the waves gradually hid in the wind. Emotions are like the sea, buried deep and can’t detect any changes; they become fast and swallow everything in an instant. It seems that everything we do is closely related to our current emotions. Some things are done for no reason, but there is always a voice in our hearts that constantly pushes us in a certain direction. This is emotion.

Psychologist’s definition of emotion: emotion is a general term for a series of subjective cognitive experiences, and is a combination of psychological and physiological states of multiple feelings, thoughts and behaviours. The most common and popular emotions include joy, anger, sadness, panic, fear, love, hate, etc., as well as some delicate and subtle emotions such as jealousy, shame, shame, pride, etc. Emotions often interact with mood, personality, temper, purpose and other factors, and are also affected by hormones and neurotransmitters. Whether it is positive or negative emotions, it will trigger people’s motivation to act. Although some emotional-induced behaviours seem unthinking, in fact, consciousness is an important part of emotional generation. It can be seen that emotions are closely related to each of us, and each of us is affected by emotions. Emotions are contained in every corner of our lives. They are always affecting us. However, emotions are changing rapidly, and most of the various personnel we face will not change. Emotional instability seriously affects our next move. Like a time bomb, there is a crisis at all times. People who can’t control their emotions can’t control their lives. Therefore, managing emotions is the top priority of our contemporary college students, and learning to be an emotional director is also a top priority.

Next, I will share with you some tips on emotional management.

First of all, I want to tell you that a good mood can make our life longer and make us more confident. Excessive joy and sadness are not the embodiment of good emotions. At the same time, compassion and desirelessness are not a good expression of good emotions. Let’s not force ourselves to imitate some of the methods of regulating emotions that we think are right on the Internet. It is often counterproductive. Remember, “It’s best to suit you.” The most serious cognitive mistake is to think that if there is no emotion, you will not be influenced by emotions, but you are being bound by emotions at this time. If a person has no emotions, it means that he is seriously suppressing himself, or he has some physiological obstacles.

Secondly, we need to know the reasons for our emotions, which will make us more proficient in solving emotional problems. Why do I have a pessimistic mood? What is the cause of this? Will this kind of mood have a bad impact? ( Note: Good emotions can also bring bad results) Finally, I have to find a way to solve it. How to solve it? Listening to music, emptying yourself, writing a diary or talking to others can make you feel relaxed, then it is your weapon against emotions.

Then, adjust our cognition of ourselves, and we should realise what kind of emotions are beneficial to us under what circumstances. There should be a degree of emotional management. Don’t indulge your emotions too much, and don’t suppress your emotions too much. We should find a small corner that suits our emotions and give them a rest station, not an endless treadmill. For example, if you are facing a tense exam at the end of the semester, you will feel very anxious, and even reach the point where you can’t sleep, then you will be surrounded by excessive anxiety. Proper tension will give you the motivation to move forward, and excessive tension will increase your anxiety for a long time.

In the end, we should learn to control our expectations. Expectation is the expectation of something or someone. For example, in this exam, my expectation is to reach 90 points. But my strength is far from the ability to get 90 points. At this time, the huge psychological gap made us even more depressed and depressed.

Therefore, proper expectations can make you more confident in facing the challenges of the future. At the same time, we should also constantly motivate ourselves in our hearts and increase our self-confidence. In addition, don’t let things that don’t belong be imposed on you, which is called improper attribution – we will mistakenly attribute some things to some reasons, although there may be no causal relationship between these reasons and results. For example, why is he so bad to me? Is it because he doesn’t like me? Serious mental exhaustion is a manifestation of emotional breakdown. When this happens, we should give ourselves positive psychological hints and remove this shadow.

Being the master of emotions is a compulsory course for our current college students. How to control our emotions is what we need to learn in our life. You don’t have to empathise with what others have control our emotions is what we need to learn in our life. You don’t have to empathise with what others have experienced. Choosing constant tolerance is the best way to comfort a person. What you have experienced does not have to be heartfelt. It is more valuable to learn to grow up in difficulties.


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