Cultivate good living habits

Walking is a very good way to exercise. Everything is a degree, eating is a degree, sleeping is a degree, and exercise is also a degree. If you don’t exercise well, excessive exercise will also reduce your immune function. Exercise for half an hour to an hour every day. The exercise content can take the simplest way. Walk for half an hour and just walk. This is the simplest, most economical and most effective way.

But walking is also fastidious. Young people should walk fast, step by step, to what extent, 130 steps a minute, and 120 heartbeats a minute to achieve the purpose of exercising the heart. Reaching 130 steps and 120 heartbeats, of course, it can’t be completed at once. There must be a step-by-step adaptation process. If you stick to it for half a year, your cardiopulmonary function can be greatly improved by 30% to 50%.

A person must start from youth and maintain your standard weight. I have been in this shape for 30 years, and I have a military body shape. Once you gain weight, it’s not easy to talk about it if you want to bring it down. In fact, it’s not easy. What’s the key? Control your mouth and move your legs more. People are “dead on your mouth and lazy on your legs”.

Drinking liquor once is equal to having acute hepatitis. The world has proposed six of the most unhealthy lifestyles: the first is smoking, and the second is alcoholism and excessive drinking. Drinking a small amount is also good, such as drinking one or two liquor a day, drinking wine, especially two or two red wine, and half a catty to one beer. After too much, it hurts the body, hurts the liver, hurts the brain, hurts, hurts all organs.

Getting drunk once in liquor is equivalent to getting acute hepatitis once. Remember, drinking is not only harmful to the liver. Why do people who drink more have poor memory and cognitive ability? Because a large number of brain cells die. One or two liquor a day, which is called a safe amount.

If the family is not harmonious, people will get sick. Some experts believe that 70% of people’s diseases come from the family, and 50% of people’s cancer comes from the family. Do you think family is important? This shows the importance of family.At home, don’t “small quarrels every day, big quarrels every day”, and don’t become a stagnarded family, don’t quarrel, don’t talk, don’t talk for half a month, then you can’t suffocate.

I have also seen a report that the life expectancy of divorced and widowed people is short, which has a scientific basis. Loneliness is more terrible than poverty. The long life of the couple’s love, the long life of the husband and wife, the lonely is easy to have problems, and the short life is easy, which is a universal rule. But how to make the family harmonious is a knowledge.

Four problems must be solved: first, respect the elderly; second, educate children; third, deal with the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law; fourth, this is particularly important. Husband and wife should love each other, which is the core.

How can husband and wife love each other? We should achieve the eight mutual principles. Mutual respect, mutual love, mutual trust, mutual help, mutual comfort, mutual encouragement, mutual concession, mutual understanding. Everyone has a personality and a problem. Always remind yourself: Forget it, let her (he), as long as she (he) is happy.

So I want to say again, remember to your lover that you should not only love her (he) when you are young, but also her (he) when you are old; not only love her (he) when you are healthy, but also love her (he) when you are sick; not only the advantages of him or her, but also the shortcomings of him or her. Use your brain to eat to keep healthy. There are seven aspects to live a healthy life every day. First, you must eat three meals well. Second, you must sleep well for eight hours. Third, you should keep exercising for half an hour every day. Fourth, you should laugh for 30 minutes every day. You must be physically and mentally healthy. Fifth, you must defaecate People only care about this one end, no matter which one, it is natural. If you can’t pull it out, you can’t pull it. Sixth, you must have a good relationship with your lover and say three words to your lover every day that he or she likes to listen to. If your wife doesn’t have a good relationship, you can’t do anything. Of course, women should also have a good relationship with their husbands; seventh, don’t smoke, don’t drink too much, and walk together every day.

Health should start from every day. If you are healthy every day, you will be healthy for a lifetime. Be sure to remember those words of me: “It’s unhealthy to eat and drink. It’s healthy to eat and drink. You will suffer if you eat and drink nonsense.” Eat with your stomach for food and clothing, eat with your mouth for enjoyment, and eat with your brain to protect your health. Do it: “The emperor’s breakfast, the minister’s Chinese food, and the flower’s dinner.”

Sweet potatoes are the best food in the world. Please remember one principle. Eating plant-based things must account for 70%-80%, and animal-based things can only account for 20%-30%.We are the opposite now, so many diseases have come, obesity, diabetes, and gout. You can’t eat vegetables and fruits. Nowadays, especially children don’t eat vegetables. Many people don’t have the habit of eating fruits. Remember, two to four fruits a day, three to five vegetables, comprehensive anti-cancer and heart protection. This is a new nutrition strategy in the 21st century.

Sweet potatoes (sweet potatoes) are the best food in the world. Japan used to be the country with the most cancers. In order to reduce cancer, the Japanese thought of many ways, but it didn’t work. Finally, they slowly found it. They screened all the vegetables and selected 20 kinds of anti-cancer vegetables. Cooked sweet potatoes and raw sweet potatoes are the first Vegetables, anti-cancer, heart protection, blood vessel softening, and constipation are all inseparable from these two.

Cherish life! Develop good habits from now on!


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