When sleeping, there are 4 manifestations, indicating that the blood sugar has exceeded the standard.

What is blood sugar? You can simply understand it as the sugar in your blood.

Everyone has eaten sfilthed sweet potatoes, right? The wire pulling is made by adding a lot of sugar to the water. Similarly, if there is too much sugar in the blood, it will become sticky and easy to form blood clots, which is very harmful to blood vessels. This is the terrible thing about hyperglycaemia and the reason why diabetics have many complications. Is there any sugar in the water? Let’s take a sip and taste whether it is sweet or not. But is the sugar in the blood vessels excessive? How can we know?

When sleeping, there are 4 manifestations, indicating that the blood sugar has exceeded the standard.

1. Feel hungry

Generally speaking, people with high blood sugar are prone to feel hungry even when they eat at night and sleep. And when you are hungry, it will also be accompanied by physical weakness and poor mental state. This is mostly related to abnormal blood sugar metabolism. Once this situation lasts for a long time, you should pay more attention and check it when necessary.

2. Itchy skin

Generally speaking, when blood sugar rises, the glucose under the skin will also rise; if the sugar cannot be metabolised, skin itching will appear, especially when sleeping, the symptoms of itching will be aggravated! There are many causes of itching in the skin, but don’t ignore the blood sugar value. Once itching occurs, the blood sugar should be detected in time, just in case.

3. Frequent nighttime

Research shows that most diabetics will have sleep disorders, such as insomnia and frequent night.

This is because excessive blood sugar will increase the osmotic pressure of the blood, and people will become prone to thirst, irritability, drinking more and urinating. This leads to the phenomenon of frequent nighttime when sleeping. Clinically, obese patients with type 2 diabetes are also prone to obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome, which is easy to wake up when sleeping, which then affects sleep quality.

4. Panickled hands shaking

People with high blood sugar will not sleep well and sweat when they sleep at night.

Especially when the weather is cold, in order to keep warm, the body needs to consume more blood sugar to meet the demand, and when sleeping at night, the demand for blood sugar is much more than usual. At this time, there is a large difference in blood sugar, which will also cause a rapid decline in blood sugar. At this time, there will be poor sleep, cold sweat, panic, hand shaking and other phenomena.

The blood sugar exceeds the standard. Don’t do three more things!

1. Eat and drink indiscriminately

Blood sugar has a lot to do with diet. If you eat and drink indiscriminately every day, your blood sugar is naturally not well controlled.

In life, not only candies have high sugar content, but there are also many “hidden sugars”. Bottled drinks, all kinds of milk tea, juices, etc. are all high-sugar drinks. High-sugar intake will cause rapid rise in blood sugar, which is very detrimental to the control of blood sugar. People with high blood sugar and diabetics, drinking is a taboo! Because drinking alcohol will cause the islet to slowly oxidise and cause damage, resulting in the slow death of islet cells, resulting in damage to the islet function. As a result, a series of diabetes symptoms appear, and serious complications will be induced.

2. Stay up late and stay up late

According to Scientific Translational Medicine, compared with people who have enough sleep, people who sleep less than 6 hours a night are 4.5 times more likely to develop insulin resistance. Therefore, lack of sleep is also one of the causes of diabetes. Remember! Therefore, whether you are a hyperglycaemic patient or not, you should ensure adequate sleep every day, reduce the bad habit of staying up late, ensure 7-8 hours of sleep every day, and fall asleep on time before 11 o’clock every night.

3. Sedentary

Some studies have found that a sedentary lifestyle can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes by 112%. For patients who already have diabetes, being sedentary is equivalent to chronic suicide. Sitting for a long time will slow down the blood circulation and reduce the heart workload. Over time, the heart function will decline, causing middle-aged and elderly people to develop atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension and other diseases in advance. Diabetics, as a high-risk group of heart disease, should use rest and free time to do more exercise. If you have the opportunity to stand, don’t sit. For example, don’t take the elevator to go up and down the stairs, but climb the stairs instead.

In life, what foods can help reduce sugar?

1. Seaweed

Seaweed is rich in seaweed polysaccharides, protein, fat, carotene, vitamins, etc. Among them, seaweed polysaccharides can significantly reduce blood sugar. Diabetics can eat seaweed before meals to reduce hypoglycaemia.

2. konjac

Konjac is a low-energy, high-fibre food. Because of its large molecular weight and high viscosity, slow excretion in the intestine can delay the absorption of glucose and effectively reduce the rise of blood sugar after meals.

At the same time, konjac contains grape mannasan, which has a good effect on lowering the blood sugar of diabetics.

3. Master ginseng root

The ginseng root has three effects of lowering blood sugar, lowering blood lipids and lowering uric acid, which is very suitable for diabetics to drink in water. Studies have shown that more than 50% of the diabetic population has blood lipid disorders, and hyperuricaemia was found in 22.5% of patients with type 1 diabetes and 29.5% of patients with type 2 diabetes. Drinking water often with ginseng root can comprehensively regulate blood sugar, blood lipids and uric acid, which is very helpful for diabetics to regulate metabolism and prevent complications.

4. Bitter gourd

Eating bitter gourd can stabilise blood sugar, which is the experience of many diabetics. Bitter gourd contains natural “plant insulin”, which can improve pancreatic function, promote glucose decomposition in the blood, convert excess sugar into calories, and balance body fat and calories. In addition, the active ingredient of bitter gour can also repair human B cells and keep blood sugar stable.

5. No ageing berry tea

It is rich in flavonoids and phenolic acids, has strong antioxidant activity and free radical removal ability, and has good effects in anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycaemic and other aspects. Old-fashioned berry tea can significantly reduce fasting blood glucose in people with type 2 diabetes, which has been confirmed by clinical application studies. Relevant experiments show that three months after using ageless berries, diabetics with type 2 not only lower fasting blood sugar, but also lower the levels of glycated haemoglobin, lipids and total cholesterol in plasma.


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