People with high blood pressure have 5 symptoms, which may be stroke. Be vigilant!

According to statistics, there are many complications of hypertension, among which stroke is the most common. There are 4 to 7 times more stroke patients with high blood pressure than those without high blood pressure. Hypertension will increase the tension of blood vessels, that is, “tighten” the blood vessels. Over time, the elastic fibres of the blood vessel wall will break, causing damage to the blood vessel wall. On the basis of cerebral artery lesions, when the patient’s blood pressure suddenly rises, there is a possibility of cerebral haemorrhage.

If the patient’s blood pressure suddenly drops, cerebral thrombosis will occur. If high blood pressure is not treated, or treated intermittently, resulting in poor blood pressure being well controlled, it is easy to cause stroke. Although high blood pressure does not directly lead to stroke, it is one of the biggest causes of stroke.

Although the onset of stroke is sudden, many patients have some early signs before the onset of the disease. At this time, if they can be recognised as soon as possible and actively treated, the patient can be put to safety.

If these five symptoms appear, be careful of stroke, be vigilant!

Symptom 1: Frequent headache

Although high blood pressure is also prone to headaches, the headache of high blood pressure is somewhat different from the upcoming headache of stroke. If a stroke is coming, there will be a very sudden and severe headache, which will become more and more serious. If hypertensive patients have frequent headaches recently and are accompanied by dizziness, they should be especially careful.

Symptom 2: yawning

Hawning is a situation that many people will have, especially for middle-aged and elderly people with insufficient cerebrovascular blood supply and low oxygen content in the body, which makes it easier to yawn. Before the stroke comes, you will inevitably experience a period of narrower and narrower cerebral blood vessels, during which you are likely to yawn frequently.

According to an investigation, about a week before the onset of stroke, more than 80% of patients have frequent yawning symptoms.

Symptom 3: One side of the hands and feet are unfavourable

This is the most obvious symptom before a stroke. The occurrence of a stroke usually leads to lateral limb movement disorders, such as facial anaesthesia on one side, hand anaesthesia on one side, leg anaesthesia on one side, etc. Many stroke patients may have temporary numbness before the onset of the disease. For example, I suddenly can’t hold my chopsticks, I suddenly can’t walk when I walk, or my tongue is numb and I can’t speak well, etc. If patients with hypertension have these conditions, they must see a doctor as soon as possible.

Symptom 4: nosebleeds

If high blood pressure fluctuates violently, it is easy to cause nosebleeds. This is because when the blood pressure fluctuates seriously, it will lead to the rupture of fragile capillaries, and the capillaries in the nasal cavity are richer. If the capillaries in the nasal cavity rupture, it will cause nosebleeds. Once you have high blood pressure and nosebleeds, you must see a doctor in time.

Symptom 5: Memory loss

Many patients with hypertension should have obvious symptoms of memory loss over time. This is because the disease continues to worsen, and the blood pressure in the body compresses the nerves, which also affects the attention of patients with hypertension, resulting in inability to concentrate. Similarly, memory loss is generally a very important reason for hypertensive patients to come to the hospital.

If you also have hyperlipidaemia, you should be more careful whether a stroke is coming.

Controlling and stabilising blood pressure is the most critical step to prevent stroke. I will teach you a few tips to help you stabilise your blood pressure!

The first trick: food therapy

1 Yoghurt perilla drink – reduce blood lipids, regulate critical blood pressure, and prevent diabetes

How to eat: Use 200ml sugar-free yoghurt + 5ml perilla oil, stir evenly, and eat it half an hour after meals. You can also add some diced fruits according to your personal preference!

Perilla oil contains about 65% of omega-3 fatty acids, which is the food with the highest content of omega-3 fatty acids. It can clean up blood garbage, lower blood pressure and fat, prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, adjust critical hypertension, prevent diabetes, and be very beneficial to intelligence and vision. It can help the elderly prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

2 Eggplant celery lean meat soup – effective for primary, pregnancy and menopausal hypertension

Celery contains acidic antihypertensive ingredients, which has a significant antihypertensive effect on rabbit and dog intravenous injection. Clinically, it is effective for primary, gestational and menopausal hypertension.

Eggplant is also rich in nutrition, containing protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients. Especially the content of vitamin P is very high. Every 100 grams contains 750 milligrams of vitamin P, which is unparallelled by many vegetables and fruits.

Eggplant is cold in nature, cold in the spleen and stomach, and people with asthma should not eat more. In addition, the taste of eggplant is bitter after autumn, and it is not appropriate for people to eat too much. Try not to eat eggplant before surgery, otherwise the anaesthetic may not be normally decomposed, which will delay the patient’s awakening time and affect the patient’s recovery speed.

3 kelp egg soup – lower blood pressure, diuretic, reduce swelling

A layer of white frost-like white powder, mannitol, is often attached to the kelp, which is a valuable medicinal substance. Modern scientific research has proved that mannitol has the effect of lowering blood pressure, diuresis and swelling.

The kombucin contained in kelp is a special amino acid, which has the effect of lowering blood pressure and preventing hypertension and cerebral haemorrhage.

The second trick: aerobic exercise pressure control

For hypertensive patients to do physical exercise, don’t lower your head and bend your waist too much, change your body position too much, and hold your breath vigourously. High blood pressure is not suitable for winter swimming.

Three kinds of aerobic exercises are recommended for patients with hypertension:

Taijiquan: The survey shows that the average blood pressure of people aged 50-89 who have practised Taijiquan for a long time is significantly lower than that of ordinary people.

Walking: If you walk outdoors for a long time in a place with fresh air, the diastolic pressure can be significantly reduced.

Yoga: The study found that if you participate in 90 minutes of yoga fitness every day, you will rarely have chest tightness and shortness of breath.

The third trick: remember “two three”

1 “three and a half minutes”

When you get up at night, wake up, open your eyes, and continue to lie flat for half a minute.

Sit in bed for another half a minute.

Then the legs drooped the bedside for half a minute, and finally moved on the ground.

Clinically, it is found that cerebral thrombosis, cerebral haemorrhage, sudden cardiac death, etc. often occur at night.

When getting up and going to the toilet, due to the sudden change of position, the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular blood supply is insufficient, especially the elderly’s nerve regulation is slow, which is more dangerous. Even ordinary people should pay attention to avoid fainting caused by sudden changes in body position.

2 “Three and a half hours”

Half an hour of walking in the morning;

Sleep for half an hour at noon;

Take a half-hour walk at night.

Walking can be done in the morning, dusk or before going to bed, and the speed can be determined according to each person’s physical condition. Going for a walk in a place with fresh outdoor air is a simple and easy way to prevent and treat high blood pressure.

Life is about sports! Many people do not put exercise as important as diet and sleep. The World Health Organisation has also emphasised the benefits of taking a nap at the International Sleep Conference, but the nap time should not exceed half an hour.

Drinking problems in patients with high blood pressure

Relevant organisations put forward the slogan “The less you drink, the better” to warn patients with hypertension. Research shows that drinking is related to high blood pressure. If the amount of alcohol is increased, blood pressure will also rise; the stroke mortality rate of heavy drinkers is 3 times higher than that of infrequent drinkers.

Therefore, excessive drinking is extremely unfavourable to patients with hypertension. In addition, regular drinking can affect the effect of patients with hypertension taking antihypertensive drugs. Generally speaking, the amount of alcohol consumed by patients with hypertension should be limited to less than 25 ml per day. Of course, it is best to abstain from alcohol.

Last reminder:

One of the keys to controlling blood pressure is to relax. Mental stress and overwork are common causes of elevated blood pressure. Having a normal heart is more important than any panacea.


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