Matters related to sports and health

Exercise health can enhance the body’s resistance. As the saying goes, “Autumn is tired and sleepy in spring”. In autumn, the climate is pleasant, and the sun exposure time becomes shorter. Deep sleep in autumn can not only restore the strength of the body, but also improve the resistance of the organism. In autumn, we should follow the running discipline of the living material clock of At this time, coupled with orderly and scientific exercise and health maintenance, the body will get better and better.

According to the opinion of traditional Chinese medicine, autumn is also the stage of convergence and internal nourishment of the human body, so exercise should also comply with this principle, that is, the amount of exercise should not be too large, and do not sweat heavily to prevent excessive sweating from causing yang qi depletion. Exercise should be carried out step by step in a relaxed and low amount of exercise. When the body is slightly hot and has not sweated, it can be stopped, so that the essence is restrained and the yang qi will not be consumed.

Autumn health care: Exercise should be “four Defence”. The autumn climate is pleasant, which is most suitable for health maintenance, which is also very good for health.

Of course, “autumn jelly” varies from person to person, from time to time, and should be moderate. “Autumn jelly” is a very active and effective fitness method, that is, consciously “frozen” the body to meet the health needs of yin essence and yang qi in autumn. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the cooling in autumn is a gradual process. People can gradually add clothes to adapt to the external environment. Wearing heavy clothes too early and not allowing the body to receive moderate cold stimulation will make the body more “delicate and expensive”, which is not conducive to health.

Adhering to appropriate physical exercise in autumn can not only nourish the lungs and improve the function of the lungs, but also enhance the immune function of various tissues and organs and the body’s ability to resist external cold stimuli. However, due to the large temperature difference between morning and evening in autumn and the dry climate, if you want to receive a good fitness effect, you must pay attention to the following “four Defences”.

To prevent colds, the temperature is low in the early autumn morning. You should not wear single clothes for outdoor activities. You should increase or decrease clothes according to the changes in outdoor temperature. You should not take off too much during exercise. You should wait for your body to heat before taking off too many clothes. After exercise, you should not wear sweaty clothes to stay in the cold wind

To prevent sports damage, in a low temperature environment, the extension of muscles is significantly reduced, the physiological activity of joints is reduced, and the ability of the nervous system to regulate motor organs is reduced, so it is very easy to cause motor damage to muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. Therefore, you must pay attention to adequate preparation activities before each exercise.

To prevent excessive exercise, autumn is a good season to exercise the body, but at this time, the human body’s yin essence and yang qi are in the stage of convergence and internal nourishment, so exercise should also conform to this principle, that is, the amount of exercise should not be too large, to prevent excessive sweating and yang qi depletion,

To prevent autumn dryness, the climate is dry in autumn. For athletes, they should eat more foods that nourish yin, moisten the lungs, replenish fluid, and produce fluid after each exercise, such as pears, sesame seeds, honey, tremella, etc. If you sweat a lot, you can supplement some light salt water in moderation. When supplementing, you should

Autumn is a favourite season for many people. Autumn can be said to be the best season for women’s health care. However, women who maintain health in autumn must know more about autumn health care, so as to make autumn health care more handy.


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