People who are often angry will hurt the three organs of the body. I hope you don’t get angry.

I often hear people say, “I’m going to be pissed off”! In fact, people will really be pissed to death. This is because the arrhythmia caused by anger is more chaotic and unstable than the general arrhythmia, so it is the most deadly.

The study also found that all patients with arrhythmia caused by arrhythmia due to anger began with early ventricular contraction. It is this form of heart contraction that will increase the probability of sudden heart failure.

I. Lung injury

When you are angry, you usually have shortness of breath, especially for female friends, and there will be excessive ventilation. The alveoli are constantly expanding, there is no time to contract, and there is no proper relaxation, which endangers the health of the lungs.

How to nourish the lungs?

1. Eat: Mushrooms

Tremella: It enters the lungs, stomach and kidneys, and has the effect of generating fluid and moisturising the lungs, nourishing yin and nourishing the stomach. There is a lot of cough and phlegm, and it is not suitable for those who are afraid of cold.

Mushroom: It is warm in nature and sweet in taste. It has the effect of nourishing the lungs and moisturising the lungs, dispelering wind and cold, and relaxing muscles and activating collaterals. It can be used to treat waist and leg pain, numbness of hands and feet, muscle and collaterals and other diseases, and increase the body’s immunity.

2. Drink: Changbai Mountain Perilla Leaf

It is recorded in China’s ancient book Compendium: Changbai Mountain perilla leaves are broad in qi, eliminate phlegm and benefit the lungs, blood, warm, relieve pain, calm asthma, and calm the foetus. Modern exploration has found that it enters the pulmonary meridians, which has the effect of promoting the lungs and preventing respiratory diseases. Daily soaking it in water and drinking it instead of tea can take good care of the health of the lungs.

3. Press: Lung Yu Acupoint

Location: The back of the human body, when the third thoracic spine is under the spine, the left and right sides open two fingers wide. This acupuncture point mainly treats pulmonary meridian and respiratory diseases, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, etc. Gently tapping the lung Yu acupoint can relieve the qi in the chest, help the turbidity of phlegm in the body, and help the lung health.

4. Far: polluted gas

The lungs are dirty, and harmful gases such as haze, air pollution, and decoration formaldehyde will hurt it. As a result, the phlegm in the alveoli is stagnant, the upper and lower qi does not circulate, and the blood cannot circulate normally, which is harmful to the health of the lungs! Therefore, when the air quality is not good, try to wear a mask; decorate the room and ventilate it in time.

II. Injury to the stomach

Anger will cause sympathetic excitement, directly affect the heart and blood vessels, reduce gastrointestinal blood flow, slow down peristalsis, and cause gastric ulcers in severe cases.

How to nourish the stomach?

1. Eat: Monkey Head Mushroom

In ancient times, there was a saying that “the head of a monkey in the mountain, the bird’s nest with seafood”. Monkey head, shark fin, bear paw and bird’s nest are also known as the four famous dishes. Monkey head mushrooms are rich in protein and minerals, and have high edible value. The main effect is to strengthen the stomach and spleen, effectively repair the gastric mucosa, reduce gastritis, the accumulation of toxins in the stomach, increase metabolism, and promote blood circulation.

2. Drink: Changbai Mountain Rose

It is a kind of wild small rose, which can be used for both medicine and food. It has a good effect of activating blood circulation, removing blood stasis, warming the stomach and digestion. It is very gentle to drink Changbai Mountain with thorns and tea instead of water. It has no irritation to the stomach. It can relieve the nerves of the intestines and stomach, and relieve qi and depression, which is very good for the health of the stomach.

3. Press: Middle acupuncture point

Zhongqi is the acupoint of the stomach, which can mobilise the vitality of the stomach meridian. For the health problems of the six stomach, they are generally the first choice for the corresponding acupoint treatment. Location: The midpoint of the lower end of the sternum and the navel connection line is this point. You can use your thumb to press and knead this acupuncture point vigourously, and slowly breathe vigourously for 3-5 minutes.

4. Far: hot vegetables

The stomach is a delicate digestive organ. The gastric mucosa has very strict requirements on the temperature of food and can only tolerate 50-60 degrees Celsius. If this temperature is exceeded, the mucosa is easily scalded. Therefore, for those freshly cooked dishes, dumplings, and freshly boiled hot water, you should put them in and eat them again. Don’t eat them while they are “hot”.

III. Injury to the liver

People often say, “I’m so angry that my liver hurts”. In fact, when people are angry, catecholamines are secreted in the body, which acts on the central nervous system, which increases blood sugar, strengthens fatty acid decomposition, and increases toxins in blood and liver cells.


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