Thirty years ago, there were few heart strokes. Why are there so many now?

Thirty or forty years ago, there were not so many people with coronary heart disease when I was in college! It’s great to encounter a myocardial infarction in three months during my internship in the hospital, and now I can encounter these diseases every day!

Why are there more and more myocardial infarction?

It is related to these 8 points…

1. There is too little exercise, and I’m getting lazy.

The rate of Chinese national exercise is very low, and several national surveys are basically more than 10%. And those who often exercise are retired, and middle-aged people have the lowest exercise rate among the crowd.

However, lack of exercise is the fourth leading cause of death in the world summarised by the World Health Organisation.

Is physical exercise necessary? Data is better than anything else. A Shanghai Men’s Health Study shows that people who exercise more than 4 hours of walking and 2 hours of exercise per week have a 21% less risk of total death and a 24% less risk of cardiovascular death.

2. I like to eat big fish and meat, and I eat too few fruits and vegetables.

The Chinese took the “gene of eating bran and swallowing vegetables” to eat big fish and big meat, but they ate sick.

Before the reform and opening up, it was a day of bran. People were worried about how to avoid malnutrition, where there was diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. But now, big fish and big meat have become the norm. Instead, obesity, heart disease and cerebral infarction are high.

Moreover, too many people don’t eat enough vegetables and half a catty of fruit every day. A study found that the daily intake of fruit in most people is far below the recommended standard of 200-350 grams per day, only 40.7 grams.

3. The family has exceeded the standard of oil

The National Health and Family Planning Commission has announced that 80% of households in China have exceeded the standard intake of oil! The dietary guidelines for Chinese residents recommend the intake of edible oil to be 25-30 grams per person per day, while the current level in China is about 42 grams per person per day!

Excessive intake of fat will not only cause obesity, but also lead to too many fatty acids in the blood, which is easy to cause arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

4. The belt is getting longer and longer.

Getting fat in middle age is not “fat”, but actually “disaster”. Getting fat will bring many problems, such as high blood pressure, hyperlipidaemia, etc.

High blood pressure and hyperlipidaemia, I didn’t feel much when I was young, but ten years later, my heart, liver, kidney and brain will be affected.

5. The taste is still so heavy.

Covered rice, spicy diced chicken, boiled meat… It’s delicious to eat out, but it’s high in fat and more seasonings. If you’re not careful, you’ll eat too much salt!

According to the survey data of the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, from 2002 to 2012, the daily salt consumption of urban residents in China decreased from 10.9 grams to 10.3 grams. However, it is still recommended to exceed the salt standard of 6 grams per person per day.

6. The blood pressure exceeds the standard a lot.

According to Gao Runlin, Academician of Fuwai Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, the National Cardiovascular Centre, a survey results of a sample of hypertension published in the American journal Circulation: the prevalence of hypertension in adults in China is 23.2%, and the number of patients is 245 million; the prevalence rate of hypertension in the early stage is 41.3%,

But too few people pay attention to their blood pressure!

7. I can’t quit smoking.

In the 30-40 age group, 60-70% of patients with myocardial infarction are directly related to smoking and unhealthy life, and smoking has become the most deadly cause of cardiovascular disease.

Smoking can produce changes in vascular active substances, reducing the favourable factors for vasodilation and expanding the favourable factors for contraction, leading to vasospasm and high incidence of cardiovascular diseases, such as thrombosis and myocardial infarction.

8. Stressful and late sleep

The study found that people with high mental stress, anxiety, depression and other adverse psychological states are more likely to suffer from heart disease. It may be related to increased mental stress that can cause arrhythmias and promote the development of atherosclerosis.

In addition, as long as you stay up late more than twice a week, it is clinically sleep deprivation. For some patients with chronic diseases, this may also induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and other problems.

Eight one, stay away from myocardial infarction

One serving of whole grains

We eat too much refined white rice, but too little whole grains!

Whole grains are rich in B vitamins and dietary fibre. When steaming rice, add some miscellaneous beans (red beans, mung beans, kidney beans, peas, etc.) and miscellaneous grains (brown rice, barley rice, minced corn, oats, etc.).

A handful of nuts

Researchers from the Imperial Institute of Technology and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology have found through a large number of analyses and studies that 20 grams (equivalent to a handful of nuts) of nuts per day can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by nearly 30%.

Nuts contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, high-quality plant proteins and minerals, which are good for human health.

A good mood

When patients with hypertension are angry, their blood pressure will rise very high, and when they are in a happy mood, their blood pressure will be relatively stable.

Set your mind down, adjust your mood, and be open-minded about everything!

Sit for an hour and move.

If you are sedentary and less active, your blood circulation will slow down, your blood viscosity will increase, and your qi and blood circulation will be blocked. Naturally, various diseases are also easy to appear. Get up and exercise for 5-10 minutes every 1 hour of sitting.

One catty of fruits and vegetables every day

The diet of one catty of vegetables and half a catty of fruit every day has been advocated for many years. Dark vegetables should account for 1/2, and juice cannot replace fresh fruits.

Go to bed before 11 p.m.

Traditional Chinese medicine says that Zishi is the beginning of the body’s recuperation and repair, and you should sleep. The person who fell asleep before the child had a clear brain and a ruddy complexion the next day.

Eat a catty of fish a week

The fat content of fish is relatively low, and it contains more unsaturated fatty acids. It is recommended to eat 280-525 grams of fish per week, that is, about half a catty to one catty.


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